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Reference Demantoid Today at 12:58:
I think the 2women complained more" remark is total cobblers. I've never yet met a bloke who doesn't act as if he's dying at the first sign of a cold.
I can assure you I don't. As someone who's considered "at high risk" from flu, the tendency to refer to bad colds as "flu" really, really annoys me. I'm pretty certain that most of those who do this have never had proper flu.

I recently had the "vomiting bug": not life-threatening, but unpleasant and damn irritating (in more ways than one). I couldn't leave the house for three days. I was therefore not happy when a couple of female friends dismissed my absense as being down to "man flu".
Eugene's Lair
I turned the whole "man flu" phenomenon back round on them recently.   I had a cold, and hubby asked how I was feeling, I replied "ah not too bad... its not that bad.. its only man flu"...

He became extremely alarmed ... saying "there is no only about man flu bird, you sit down.. I'll do dinner" 

I did laugh... and to his credit.. he did do a bit of housework, cook the dinner & did the schoolrun the next day!

I felt like a fraud dossing on the sofa!
I turned the whole "man flu" phenomenon back round on them recently. I had a cold, and hubby asked how I was feeling, I replied "ah not too bad... its not that bad.. its only man flu"... He became extremely alarmed ... saying "there is no only about man flu bird, you sit down.. I'll do dinner" I did laugh... and to his credit.. he did do a bit of housework, cook the dinner & did the schoolrun the next day! I felt like a fraud dossing on the sofa!
..Since starting to call my colds man flu mr stonks stopped complaining for a while, did'nt last though..

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