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The Independent ROB WILLIAMS Author Biography FRIDAY 26 APRIL 2013 

Omar Borkan Al Gala: Is this the man who is too handsome for Saudi Arabia?

He gazes directly into the camera: all dreamy brown eyes, smouldering good looks and chiselled features. 

A camel dominates the background.

It's certainly a striking image, but is Omar Borkan Al Gala, poet, actor, and internet sensation, the man who was too sexy for Saudi Arabia?

Earlier this week three men were forcibly removed from a culture festival in Saudi Arabia after religious police deemed the men "too handsome."

According to Arabic language newspaper Elaph a festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and there were concerns that female visitors could fall for them.

Until now the identities of the three illegally handsome men has been unknown, but web speculation now suggests that one of them at least could be Omar Borkan Al Gala.

Though far from being confirmation a post on Facebook has prompted widespread speculation.

On his page Al Gala posted a link to an article about the deportation with the comment: "This is what written in newspapers in over the world "

Elsewhere, in a typical post the handsome poet writes: "The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."

If Al Gala is not the handsome man mentioned he has done nothing to dampen the rumours that he is - instead choosing to continue to post his smouldering photographs.

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