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Reference Leccy Endellion Today at 00:04:
I'm afraid I'm with Victor on this one, I should think Mugabe is giving them much bigger things to worry about.
Haven't been watching LF, and am looking forward to seeing Victor and Makosi interacting. Victor seems to have got her well sussed, e.g. picking up on her lie that she was responsible for African BB...
Eugene's Lair
Haven't been watching LF, and am looking forward to seeing Victor and Makosi interacting. Victor seems to have got her well sussed, e.g. picking up on her lie that she was responsible for African BB...
He's picking Chantelle's brains about Coolio on LF now but he and Nick had an interesting convo in the garden earlier regarding what Victor had seen in the bedsit. Which cliques were forming, the viewers entertainment etc...that was where the Makosi thing cropped up. Victor seemed a bit tickled
i can see it now..............we interupt this programme to bring you dramatic news from zimbabwe........over to our reporter dave.....what's going on dave? yes sadly i can report there has been outrage in zimbabwe today.......this is because an oompa lumpa from consett has gone back into the big brother house and makosi isn't pleased.....
He was amused because there are only 1.5 million viewers watching the show
Ive been out all day No fights yet then?
Not yet but he's right back in Jungle Cat mode with Nick.

He's been really nice to/about Michelle and may have mellowed.  Though he was heavily trying to influence Nicks noms "Ulrika hates it in here, how awful for her, she just wants to go...she wants to be nommed...I feel dead sorry for her" typa shtick.
Oh God yes Makocksi's fake pregnancy! *belly larfs again* What a stupid bitch
  Only woman ever who knew she was pregant 2 days after NOT having sex...(we'll leave Mary outta this )
I stll quite Makosi..'cause she is a mentalist! She thinks she's an African Princess etc.I would like to know her origins,not that it matters too much.
That series, folk were slating Makosi on the forums for stuff that she HAD to do, when she was on her secret task.  I loved her, she was very entertaining and never overtly nasty like some HMs....she was fantastic value...utterly bonkers but not in an uncomfortable or low self esteem way (like Sree or Shabaz)...She let me down with the pregnancy thing.  Silly girl.

I find her massive ego and all that fascinating viewing...I'm chuffed she's in   She's a loon.
Makosi whinges that people should stop talking about the Anfonee incident - but she's brought it up herself at least three times that I've seen, just on HLs. Then she says a 'certain person' (Anfonee?) needs to move on from it - yes, love, YOU!

She's really getting irritating now, especially the way she constantly refers to herself in the third person. 'Mardier' was right about that.
She claims she's a 'different Makosi' to the one in BB5. Yep, that one was a melodramatic schemer, this one's a navel-gazing bore...

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