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Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Has the Catholic Church apologised for all the nuns hellbent on making the women's life a misery?

an apology from a nun are you kidding?  There is something really fishy going on with this one and I don't know what it is.  The child abuse scandal people were screaming from the roof tops for apologies and compensation etc and the church were (slowly) starting to hold their hands up and apologise.


But for some reason the attitude is completely different on this one.  For some reason there is a quiet calm about it, like there's something bigger lurking underneath.  It's not just that women were kept as slaves...but the children that were born there were sold to Americans or sent to work in Australia  and records were destroyed.  There is no exact number of how many women were kept in the institutions, how many died, how many children were born and what happened to those children because there are no records.


Any of the women who are alive now, they can't claim a pension because their work in the institutions didn't count.  The Redress Board set up to deal with institutional abuse excluded the Magdelene Laundries so they didn't get anything on that either


There is something really weird going on about it.


The terms of reference of the investigation were limited in that they couldn't recommend compensation or a state apology because in reality the state can't afford it, we have no money as it is.  But to be honest, it's the nuns who should be out there apologising and its not as if they didn't profit hugely from all the land they sold (conveniently) during the boom.  I don't know why they're not apologising and why there's no pressure on them either


For those on phones and gadgets....


UN Torture Committee asks for inquiry into Magdalene laundries

Thousands of young women abused in horrific homes for girls


Magdalene Laundry - girls at work
Magdalene Laundry - girls at work
Photo by Google Images

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The UN Committee Against Torture (UNCAT) has recommended that an independent inquiry be carried out into the abuse of women in Magdalene laundries in Ireland. 
Tens of thousands of women were involuntarily committed to Magdalene laundries, many because they got pregnant out of marriage between 1922 and 1996. The institutions were run by nuns.
Thousands were abused, raped, beaten, had babies taken off them and were given dreadful treatment. Many of the babies were adopted to America. A 2002 Hollywood movie ‘The Magdalene Sisters’ focused on their plight
The UN Committees said that it is “gravely concerned at the failure of the State to protect girls and women who were involuntarily confined between 1922 and 1996 in the Magdalene Laundries”.
They stated  that “prompt, independent and thorough” investigations were needed and those institutions who caused the suffering should be held accountable. It also called for restitution for the victims.
The Justice for Magdalene’s leader is one such woman, Mari T. Steed  is the daughter of a Magdalene survivor, adopted to the U.S. from Ireland and mother to a daughter relinquished to adoption in the U.S. 
She was reunited with her mother and extended family. Mari co-founded Justice for Magdalenes in 2003. She resides outside Philadelphia,
James Smith an Associate Professor at Boston College is a member of JFM’s advisory committee.
He told Ireland’s that the group “hopes that (justice minister) Mr. Shatter will deliver on his self-appointed deadline of this week to announce the government’s response to the Magdalene Laundries”.
“Today is not about the Justice for Magdalenes group, it’s about the women who experiences this abuse. They are ageing and elderly and don’t have time on their sides.” Smith said.
The Irish  Department of Justice had opposed the call for an investigation. They told the UN that, as far as it was aware, the vast majority of women entered the Laundries “voluntarily” or with parental consent.
The Justice for Magdalenes campaign is now looking for  an apology and immediate action on the recommendations. 

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Originally Posted by Temps:

I'm starting to wonder whether the state are trying to pawn them off.  There can't be too many survivors at this stage?  So maybe they're holding out till they all pop their clogs?

Probably but they can't wait for the babies that were stolen from their mothers to pop off and I'm sure they have a case....


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