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Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Are the kids at risk? Or is punishment by humiliation as the last bit implies? We're quite short of social workers now, more so after the witchhunt of the Baby P case, so it might not be a very good use of scarce resources and it might put other children more at risk.

you are now just taking piss - something needs to be SEEN to be done about their gross neglect - and it hasnt

I'm not. I think those are very valid points actually. What my questions show is the level of vindictiveness around this case. True justice isn't about vindictiveness. It seems to me that there's some sort of displacement going on here. The disappearance was so heavily covered at the time and there has been no resolution. I think it's probable that the disgust at the unknown perp is being displaced on to the parents, and especially Kate McCann.

but who IS the unknown perp??? Who says its NOT either of the McCanns??? There could well be an outside influence - its just the utter 'aghastment' that either of the McCanns should be in the frame (wowzers).

The fact of the matter IS - it was either one or both of the McC's OR an abductor - no-one knows for sure. I am simply seeing both sides.

Facts ARE - the McC's neglected their children very seriously
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
What really REALLY gets me is that they having been asking Joe Public to fund their plight to 'find' Madeleine. They wouldnt be bloody looking for her if they hadnt of left her and her YOUNGER twins.

But we're all where we are now, not where we all were before the kid went missing. What are you suggesting, that everyone just forget about it and leave them to search for her on their own as punishment for cocking up?

yes - they left her (and the twins) WIDE open for anything to happen to them - an accident/fire/abduction - whatever

lots and LOTS of people have had their children go missing and even in MOST cases the parents are NOT in the wrong - they dont go begging people to give them money FFS
Originally posted by Syd:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Syd:

I think for the 'Media' it does.

In 'Real Life' no it does'nt.....but it does make 'ME' question the McCanns intelligence.

Not only the media Syd. I have seen loads of people going on about them being middle class and using that against them. Class doesn't come into it, you just don't leave your children alone no matter what class you are.

Are you saying that because they are middle class they should be more intelligent than working class people?

No of course not LL, just that as a family doctor and a Mum I would have expected more of an 'insight' from maddies Mum.

Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Facts ARE - the McC's neglected their children very seriously

And you want them punished for that. Possibly by having slung mud stick.

why not??? anyone else would be punished for it

I could pretty much say for FACT that if I went to the pub at the top of my road for an hour and left my daughter in the LOCKED house and someone grassed me up - I'd be straight before the courts for sure
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
lots and LOTS of people have had their children go missing and even in MOST cases the parents are NOT in the wrong - they dont go begging people to give them money FFS

I recall at the time that loads of people wanted to help and donating money was the simplest thing for them to do. It's the same with things like earthquake disasters. If people want or don't want to give now then that's up to them. The kid is missing and, taking it at face value, the parents are trying to find her. If that's actually the case then are you suggesting they should not appeal for money to help search for her because they cocked up and made her disappearance possible? It seems to me that you care more for their punishment than finding the lost kid.
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Facts ARE - the McC's neglected their children very seriously

And you want them punished for that. Possibly by having slung mud stick.

why not??? anyone else would be punished for it

They're getting special treatment, you think. They were visited on their return to the UK and no charges were brought. Prosecutions have an element of being in the public interest, and some are not brought because it's thought that it isn't in the public interest. What's the public interest here? What would a prosecution achieve? Bear in mind that the kid is missing rather than their just having put their kids at risk.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
lots and LOTS of people have had their children go missing and even in MOST cases the parents are NOT in the wrong - they dont go begging people to give them money FFS

I recall at the time that loads of people wanted to help and donating money was the simplest thing for them to do. It's the same with things like earthquake disasters. If people want or don't want to give now then that's up to them. The kid is missing and, taking it at face value, the parents are trying to find her. If that's actually the case then are you suggesting they should not appeal for money to help search for her because they cocked up and made her disappearance possible? It seems to me that you care more for their punishment than finding the lost kid.

no - I just care that Joe public dont get their purses/wallets out for THEIR devastating failures as parents. If they want to find her - then pay for it ur bloody selves
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's the public interest here? What would a prosecution achieve? Bear in mind that the kid is missing rather than their just having put their kids at risk.

it would obviously give Barmie Brummie a great deal of satisfaction regardless of the FACTS!

awwwwwww wassup??? u a bit pissed off that ur anti-me thread got pulled?????


start another one - should be a good larf
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's the public interest here? What would a prosecution achieve? Bear in mind that the kid is missing rather than their just having put their kids at risk.

it would obviously give Barmie Brummie a great deal of satisfaction regardless of the FACTS!

awwwwwww wassup??? u a bit pissed off that ur anti-me thread got pulled?????


start another one - should be a good larf

Was it anti you? If you'd checked the times you'd have seen. Are you the only one with 'copyright' on this.

Can't see why it was deleted ....wouldn't have anything to do with you - would it?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's the public interest here? What would a prosecution achieve? Bear in mind that the kid is missing rather than their just having put their kids at risk.

it would obviously give Barmie Brummie a great deal of satisfaction regardless of the FACTS!

awwwwwww wassup??? u a bit pissed off that ur anti-me thread got pulled?????


start another one - should be a good larf

Was it anti you? If you'd checked the times you'd have seen. Are you the only one with 'copyright' on this.

Can't see why it was deleted ....wouldn't have anything to do with you - would it?

errrr nope nothing to do with me - I was quite enjoying it - even tried to post - only to find the thread was gone. Deffo NOT me - I'm not that vindictive - believe it or not.

I appreciate the 'other side of the coin' - I'm not that blinkered. I have my views - u have urs - simple as
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Maybe we should just stick to the thread topic, even if we do it robustly.

I think you're right. Back on topic as we speak ..............even though I said I wasn't gonna post on this anymore.

My thoughts ..................My heart goes out to the McCanns ......I know it's a fantasy almost but heart tells me that one day something will be un covered. I pray for a happy ending but ...................can't really see it.
Soozy Woo
I was only in the OTHER thread for about 2 mins - then it got pulled so I have no idea what went on really.

All I will say on THIS thread IS that - anything could have happened - she could have had an accident whilst in her parents care (which has already been suggested). I'm not ruling ANYTHING out (I'm not on the case) - she COULD have been abducted - same as she COULD have come to harm at the hands of her parents - simple as that!!! They have hardly shown much regret from day one - which is why I have the assumptions that I have - they should be totally in PIECES considering that she was apparently 'abducted' whilst they were 'giving it large over the way

thats all I'm saying - they should be totally TOTALLY devastated if thats the case (and YES they should have faced prosecution - if only to prove that class is NOTHING when it comes to child welfare)
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
My thoughts ..................My heart goes out to the McCanns ......I know it's a fantasy almost but heart tells me that one day something will be un covered. I pray for a happy ending but ...................can't really see it.

I think they'll find a body eventually. Possibly down a hole nearby.
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
I was only in the OTHER thread for about 2 mins - then it got pulled so I have no idea what went on really.

All I will say on THIS thread IS that - anything could have happened - she could have had an accident whilst in her parents care (which has already been suggested). I'm not ruling ANYTHING out (I'm not on the case) - she COULD have been abducted - same as she COULD have come to harm at the hands of her parents - simple as that!!! They have hardly shown much regret from day one - which is why I have the assumptions that I have - they should be totally in PIECES considering that she was apparently 'abducted' whilst they were 'giving it large over the way

thats all I'm saying - they should be totally TOTALLY devastated if thats the case (and YES they should have faced prosecution - if only to prove that class is NOTHING when it comes to child welfare)

Personally I've never understood why anyone would think her parents had anything to do with this. As for them feeling devastated I do believe that's what they felt/feel and it must be a continuing nightmare for them not knowing what happened to their child, all parents would feel that.

Any criticism by people of them having a meal with their friends while leaving their children in the appt cannot be any worse than the regret/guilt they feel that they did that. Their friends who did the same thing that night must feel eternally grateful it wasn't their child that was taken that night.

I watched the docu tonight and now we've learnt that a few people saw a man looking at their appt before she disappeared I wondered why those people didn't report it to the Hotel staff as it was obviously suspicious even if they thought he was a potential burglar and not a child kidnapper.

I really hope the McCann's find an answer as to what happened even if it's the worst news possible, at least they'll know. There are also other families who have waited for years to find out the fate of a missing loved one of whatever age, not everyone gets an answer even though everyone deserves an answer, life's very cruel at times.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:

Personally I've never understood why anyone would think her parents had anything to do with this. As for them feeling devastated I do believe that's what they felt/feel and it must be a continuing nightmare for them not knowing what happened to their child, all parents would feel that.

Any criticism by people of them having a meal with their friends while leaving their children in the appt cannot be any worse than the regret/guilt they feel that they did that. Their friends who did the same thing that night must feel eternally grateful it wasn't their child that was taken that night.

I watched the docu tonight and now we've learnt that a few people saw a man looking at their appt before she disappeared I wondered why those people didn't report it to the Hotel staff as it was obviously suspicious even if they thought he was a potential burglar and not a child kidnapper.

I really hope the McCann's find an answer as to what happened even if it's the worst news possible, at least they'll know. There are also other families who have waited for years to find out the fate of a missing loved one of whatever age, not everyone gets an answer even though everyone deserves an answer, life's very cruel at times.

Good post Thumbs Up

I agree that I don't think they had anything to do with Maddie's disappearance, apart from the fact that they left her alone. That they have to accept responsibility for, which they did not do at the very beginning of this horrendous incident. I have no doubt that they are suffering, but I expect that Madeleine has suffered or is suffering alot more. As much as alot of us put the blame onto their shoulders, that is not going to bring her back. I hope they continue with their quest to find her and I hope they find her soon. God bless her.
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
oh ok - my mistake.... so they set up that Maddie website - not asking for donations.... silly me....

Correctamundo, and do you know they were selling 'missing' posters. Yes, that's right, selling them. That took my breath away when I saw that Eeker

I never saw them selling posters, where was that, on the website?
Cup Chick
I think her parents made a awful lot of bad judgments on that holiday ...and wether it was because that is what they were doing every night (leaving the kids ) ...or wether it was a one of it was a really poor choice to make...they are paying the ultimate price ....

there are far to many if's and but's and unanswered questions...personally i do not belive she is alive anymore ...and i also think that there are hundreds of children that go missing world wide as well as this country id like to know why we dont see there faces and info for everyone to watch out for them....
i've just watched a very interesting portugese documentary about it all, it was headed by the guy who was in charge of the investigation over there (before they dismissed him for some reason?) - anyways he thinks she's dead - he provides some interesting facts actually esp the 2 dogs who have never ever been wrong in sensing a 'cadaver' (dead body) and went mental in the apartment - to be precise in the parents Wardrobe and behind the sofa... not to mention the car they hired...
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
i've just watched a very interesting portugese documentary about it all, it was headed by the guy who was in charge of the investigation over there (before they dismissed him for some reason?) - anyways he thinks she's dead - he provides some interesting facts actually esp the 2 dogs who have never ever been wrong in sensing a 'cadaver' (dead body) and went mental in the apartment - to be precise in the parents Wardrobe and behind the sofa... not to mention the car they hired...

That sounds interesting.

I've yet to see any balanced reporting, it would be good to have a documentary perhaps set out chronologically where all involved had their say.

If I'm to be honest I have always been suspicious of the M<cCanns, from the beginning they seemed very media savvy and almost 'rehearsed' to me. They just didn't look like people who had just had something so precious taken from them.

Then there's their story of gross neglect expressed as if it were the most natural thing in the world, which just seemed to me like a badly constructed alibi.

Well.. Perhaps we'll never know.


Originally posted by Syd:
Angel Maddie, and all missing children Angel

I think that's something we can all agree with.
Comrade Ogilvy
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