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Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
[QUOTE]Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's

He/She is very vocal ..........puts a lot of faith in dogs and all that but refuses to answer one simple question.

Beats me TBH. seems he/she believes what he/she wants to believe and refuses to listen to another POV or at least give an answer to it.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

I did too until I read about lots of leads that hadn't been followed all honesty we'd like to believe that the Portuguese Police were on a par with ours ........simple truth is - they really are not. you may find that insulting - but's true. Perhaps they simply dont have the depth of experience of our Police because they don't have to deal with sh**te like ours on a daily basis. That's good.

it maybe insulting to say they messed up ,...........................but it's true.

Crime, unfortunately, is a universally shared experience ... and different jurisdictions have different ways of dealing with it ... that's not to say that one has a better 'depth of experience' than the other ... There are a lot of aspects to the disappearance of Maddy that have never been satisfactorily dealt with or answered ... but I don't think the Portugese authorities are at fault for that ...
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

I did too until I read about lots of leads that hadn't been followed all honesty we'd like to believe that the Portuguese Police were on a par with ours ........simple truth is - they really are not. you may find that insulting - but's true. Perhaps they simply dont have the depth of experience of our Police because they don't have to deal with sh**te like ours on a daily basis. That's good.

it maybe insulting to say they messed up ,...........................but it's true.

Crime, unfortunately, is a universally shared experience ... and different jurisdictions have different ways of dealing with it ... that's not to say that one has a better 'depth of experience' than the other ... There are a lot of aspects to the disappearance of Maddy that have never been satisfactorily dealt with or answered ... but I don't think the Portugese authorities are at fault for that ...

Well we'll agree to dissagree on that .........personally think it was appallingly handled and feel the British Police would have handled it better ..........we'll never know.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent

How would that explain the cadaver scent ?

Animals have instincts that most humans don't, how do we know if they differentiate between the death of one species or another. In a nutshell I still don't see why some believe the McCann's are involved

The well-trained cadaver dog is an outstanding tool for crime scene investigation displaying excellent sensitivity (75-100), specificity (91-100), and having a positive predictive value (90-100), negative predictive value (90-100) as well as accuracy (92-100).

Cadaver dogs–a study on detection of contaminated carpet squares.
Oesterhelweg L, KrÃķber S, Rottmann K, WillhÃķft J, Braun C, Thies N, PÞschel K, Silkenath J, Gehl A.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany

The McCanns tried one judge in their favour:
The Eugene Zapata Case

In this case there was no blood though. Additionally Eddie indicated at several places.

The judge agreed with an analysis of the three dogs’ track record by Zapata’s defence team that found they were incorrect 78 per cent, 71 per cent and 62 per cent of the time.

Since Eddie indicated SEVERAL times 6 as far as I know, even by the worst number 78% he would have had a chance of roughly 22% to be wrong 6 times.

If you take the worst case numbers in the research paper scenario around 10% wrong, the chances of him detecting 6 times wrong would be 0.0001%.

Additional to that you have the handlers opinion..



Thank you for your carefully considered and measured response.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

It may come across as insulting to some but the reality is it's a fact when you weigh up the difference between crime in some European countries as opposed to countries like the UK. On one level it's good, if you live in such countries, but if as a foreigner you find yourself caught up in a totally different judicial system than one you're used to it can be scary
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.[/QUOTE]

They do seem to protesteth a little too much......Do you remember Suzie Lamplugh's mum and her TV appearances with her bright coloured hats? Always thought that was a bit 'odd' too???
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

They do seem to protesteth a little too much......Do you remember Suzie Lamplugh's mum and her TV appearances with her bright coloured hats? Always thought that was a bit 'odd' too???[/QUOTE]

In both those cases can you protest too much????????????????????? If your child is missing surely to God you'll go to any lengths to find them - wouldn't you?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.

Here's an article about the devastated father..

No need to pity my lack of naivety.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

It may come across as insulting to some but the reality is it's a fact when you weigh up the difference between crime in some European countries as opposed to countries like the UK. On one level it's good, if you live in such countries, but if as a foreigner you find yourself caught up in a totally different judicial system than one you're used to it can be scary

Being caught up in any judicial system is scary ... and I still don't think it's fair to assume that the Portugese authorities are any less adept at solving crime than the British ...
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.

Awww come on Soozy, I don't know the truth of the matter, but I do know that I've seen plenty of apparently 'broken hearted'/'devastated' folk who turn out to be the guilty party....and I'm certainly not a spring chicken or short of life experiences
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

I'll give you credit for one thing. When I entered this thread there were quite a few here who like you believed thew McCann's were involved in their child's dissapearance.

They've dropped by the wayside since then but you've continued with your belief despite pro McCann's like me airing their views. The only time I'll agree with you is when the McCann's say, or it's proved without any shadow of doubt, that they were involved, atm though I just can't see that happening as I truly can't believe they were involved
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Soozy woo

In both those cases can you protest too much????????????????????? If your child is missing surely to God you'll go to any lengths to find them - wouldn't you?

Yes of course I would Soozy, but all I'm saying is that sometimes people who are guilty do exactly - 'cos that's what is expected of them in the circumstances
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.

Here's an article about the devastated father..

No need to pity my lack of naivety.

We are all different .........if it was me I know I'd crumple into a heap and want to die ................i know my husband would be fired up/angry and full of aggression ...............I suspect he'd play tennis/squash or a round of golf to use up some of it.

Are you saying that the man is guilty of murdering his daughter because he played a game of tennis? Do you not accept that we all have different ways of dealing with things?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

I'll give you credit for one thing. When I entered this thread there were quite a few here who like you believed thew McCann's were involved in their child's dissapearance.

They've dropped by the wayside since then but you've continued with your belief despite pro McCann's like me airing their views. The only time I'll agree with you is when the McCann's say, or it's proved without any shadow of doubt, that they were involved, atm though I just can't see that happening as I truly can't believe they were involved

Well, I have felt inclined to just let it go but I honestly believe that justice has not been(nor probably ever will be) served in this case and I believe Madeline deserves better.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.

Here's an article about the devastated father..

No need to pity my lack of naivety.

We are all different .........if it was me I know I'd crumple into a heap and want to die ................i know my husband would be fired up/angry and full of aggression ...............I suspect he'd play tennis/squash or a round of golf to use up some of it.

Are you saying that the man is guilty of murdering his daughter because he played a game of tennis? Do you not accept that we all have different ways of dealing with things?

here i am again .......quoting my own post.

Just to say ....some years ago when my Dad died we immediately drove stright down to be with my mum. We stayed in the spare bedroom and my husband looked up at the ceiling and said 'Oh My god when was that last painted'. The next day he went off to B&Q - bought paint and painted the ceiling .......jut his way of dealing with it. There were some in our family who thought it very odd and disrespectful husband loved my dad dearly - it was just his way of dealing with it.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

It may come across as insulting to some but the reality is it's a fact when you weigh up the difference between crime in some European countries as opposed to countries like the UK. On one level it's good, if you live in such countries, but if as a foreigner you find yourself caught up in a totally different judicial system than one you're used to it can be scary

Being caught up in any judicial system is scary ... and I still don't think it's fair to assume that the Portugese authorities are any less adept at solving crime than the British ...

I won't go into the reasons here as to why but I have personal reasons and experience to understand why countries like Portugal have a completely different - in comparison to the UK certainly - a system on many levels that is way behind what the UK has to offer.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

It may come across as insulting to some but the reality is it's a fact when you weigh up the difference between crime in some European countries as opposed to countries like the UK. On one level it's good, if you live in such countries, but if as a foreigner you find yourself caught up in a totally different judicial system than one you're used to it can be scary

Being caught up in any judicial system is scary ... and I still don't think it's fair to assume that the Portugese authorities are any less adept at solving crime than the British ...

I won't go into the reasons here as to why but I have personal reasons and experience to understand why countries like Portugal have a completely different - in comparison to the UK certainly - a system on many levels that is way behind what the UK has to offer.

Fair enough ... my opinion is also based on experience ...
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all makes perfect sense now Nod

You're not being serious are you Frowner

I dont know what sort of world you live in ......nor how old you are and life experiences etc> but if you can't see a broken/heart broken/ devestated family simply trying to find their lost little girl ........................I feel sorry for you TBH.

Here's an article about the devastated father..

No need to pity my lack of naivety.

We are all different .........if it was me I know I'd crumple into a heap and want to die ................i know my husband would be fired up/angry and full of aggression ...............I suspect he'd play tennis/squash or a round of golf to use up some of it.

Are you saying that the man is guilty of murdering his daughter because he played a game of tennis? Do you not accept that we all have different ways of dealing with things?

here i am again .......quoting my own post.

Just to say ....some years ago when my Dad died we immediately drove stright down to be with my mum. We stayed in the spare bedroom and my husband looked up at the ceiling and said 'Oh My god when was that last painted'. The next day he went off to B&Q - bought paint and painted the ceiling .......jut his way of dealing with it. There were some in our family who thought it very odd and disrespectful husband loved my dad dearly - it was just his way of dealing with it.

Your husbands reaction is quite common when grieving a death.

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world

To take control and obfuscate, release counter "evidence", spin, constantly create the picture of an alive girl while she might be dead. I am not saying this is true, but it as valid an unproven statement as your version.

I'll give you credit for one thing. When I entered this thread there were quite a few here who like you believed thew McCann's were involved in their child's dissapearance.

They've dropped by the wayside since then but you've continued with your belief despite pro McCann's like me airing their views. The only time I'll agree with you is when the McCann's say, or it's proved without any shadow of doubt, that they were involved, atm though I just can't see that happening as I truly can't believe they were involved

Well, I have felt inclined to just let it go but I honestly believe that justice has not been(nor probably ever will be) served in this case and I believe Madeline deserves better.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that Madeleine deserves truth and justice to be revealed. She was a beautiful and innocent child but so sadly someone with a dark agenda had their own evil agenda, we just disagree with who was responsible.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Your husbands reaction is quite common when grieving a death.

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not pop down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Do you not think his anger/frustration and adrenalin were racing? Not everyone would want to be sedated .......that's obviously how you'd cope ........we are not all the same. I actually think a vigorous work out is quite normal ......certainly not an indication of some sort of guilt.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

That could have got in the way of meeting with the pope though.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

i think by that time they'd looked- looked and looked again .........along with hundreds of others. There are only so many places you can look I said before - we really are not all the same - we cannot judge others by what 'we would do in a situation like that' I know for a fact my husband would be out running, playing tennis or punching a boxing bag ................he has to work out his anger and frustreation ............i would just wail and cry .............we're not all the same. To condemn someone for a game of tenniss is just plain ridiculous IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Your husbands reaction is quite common when grieving a death.

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not pop down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Do you not think his anger/frustration and adrenalin were racing? Not everyone would want to be sedated .......that's obviously how you'd cope ........we are not all the same. I actually think a vigorous work out is quite normal ......certainly not an indication of some sort of guilt.

I think a work out would be the last thing on a parents mind when their offspring is missing.

As I said though, that sort of self imposed distraction would be quite common if grieving, where there is nothing that can possibly be done.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

That could have got in the way of meeting with the pope though.

Now I know I'm just not gonna bother.....................FGS - they found comfort in that and you just read too many tabloids and are ...................................quite ridiculous.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Your husbands reaction is quite common when grieving a death.

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not pop down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Do you not think his anger/frustration and adrenalin were racing? Not everyone would want to be sedated .......that's obviously how you'd cope ........we are not all the same. I actually think a vigorous work out is quite normal ......certainly not an indication of some sort of guilt.

I think a work out would be the last thing on a parents mind when their offspring is missing.

As I said though, that sort of self imposed distraction would be quite common if grieving, where there is nothing that can possibly be done.

what could he have done? Do you not accept that everyone has a different way of handling things?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

That could have got in the way of meeting with the pope though.

Now I know I'm just not gonna bother.....................FGS - they found comfort in that and you just read too many tabloids and are ...................................quite ridiculous.

No need for personal insults.

And I won't even mention how ironic your post was re: tabloids.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

That could have got in the way of meeting with the pope though.

Now I know I'm just not gonna bother.....................FGS - they found comfort in that and you just read too many tabloids and are ...................................quite ridiculous.

No need for personal insults.

And I won't even mention how ironic your post was re: tabloids.

I have to agree with this .. resorting to personal insults just proves you are losing the argument ...
I know this isn't really relevant but .................comrade Ogilvy - three questions

a. How old are you?
b.Do you have any children?
c. What paper do you read?

i'm finding it hard to understand your complete lack of empathy/understanding and your tendency to reel off old tabloid stories that are in many cases disproved or simply irrelevant.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Your husbands reaction is quite common when grieving a death.

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not pop down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Do you not think his anger/frustration and adrenalin were racing? Not everyone would want to be sedated .......that's obviously how you'd cope ........we are not all the same. I actually think a vigorous work out is quite normal ......certainly not an indication of some sort of guilt.

I think a work out would be the last thing on a parents mind when their offspring is missing.

As I said though, that sort of self imposed distraction would be quite common if grieving, where there is nothing that can possibly be done.

Ogilvy I'm worried about a person like you and your state of mind. You've been on this forum for hours pushing your poison towards the McCanns.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy

A "missing" child though is another matter, the finality is not there, in that position I'd expect someone to be heavilly sedated, unshaven perhaps, sitting by the phone hoping it'll ring and bring hope, not popping down to the court for a spot of tennis.

Or looking for her??????

That could have got in the way of meeting with the pope though.

Now I know I'm just not gonna bother.....................FGS - they found comfort in that and you just read too many tabloids and are ...................................quite ridiculous.

No need for personal insults.

And I won't even mention how ironic your post was re: tabloids.

Please do. I love a bit of irony
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I know this isn't really relevant but .................comrade Ogilvy - three questions

a. How old are you?
b.Do you have any children?
c. What paper do you read?

i'm finding it hard to understand your complete lack of empathy/understanding and your tendency to reel off old tabloid stories that are in many cases disproved or simply irrelevant.

Do you realise how totally uncalled-for that post actually is ...? Just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't give you the right to get so personal ...
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