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Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?

What I have is common sense, and the ability to form a rational opinion based on reason and probability.

So that being the case you dismiss all the evidence in favour of emotion.

Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?

What I have is common sense, and the ability to form a rational opinion based on reason and probability.

So that being the case you dismiss all the evidence in favour of emotion.


So then you agree that the evidence does not bear out the McCanns abduction story.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

Yes he/she is, but if they had been responsible parents, they would never have left 3 under 5's alone in an apartment while they went out. Did they not even consider the fact that they may get up and injure themselves? Not even considering abduction?

Sickening in my opinion....Oh and btw, I do love the idea of your quiz, wherever did you get the idea? Pumpkin

Indeed - it was irresponsible of them to leave their children unattended, that doesn’t excuse in any way someone taking Madeleine.

Virtually every forum you visit has a fun trivia link, did you think it was a wee secret Laugh

You're quite right but ........lets put it into context here ...........warners holidays 9along with lots of other holiday companies) offer a baby listening service whereby - they patrol the area and listen out for any babies/children crying is a system that has been used by Warners/Pontins/Butlins for over 40 years - it was actively encouraged during the 1950's/60's/70s and was widely used by literally thousands of parents was a system that appeared to work - the Mc Canns were doing their own baby listening - it all went horribly wrong. But's not as if people had never done it before! FGS .......when I was a child my parents left me and my sister with a white hankie tied to the door .............the walkers knew where to listen. Eeker

It's not like paedophilia and child abduction has increased over the years ...............maybe now we're a bit more savvy. The thing is ..........the Mccanns were obviously caught up in the holiday atmosphere...............hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
I really cant understand at all how anyone can think the mcanns had anythink to do with madeline going missing.Im 100% sure the only thing they did wrong was leave her

Perhaps it is due to the fact that the evidence suggests so...

why do you keep posting that link?'s so incredibly biased and much of that evidence (so called) has been disproved. Perhaps you should extend your reading .........concentrating on one biased source doesn't really allow you to open your mind.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?

Probably the man seen watching the McCann's appt a few days before she disappeared by a young woman who lives on the complex as well as another witness.

Is it just pure coincidence that of all the appt's there the one a child disappears from is the one where a man is seen hanging about.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
I really cant understand at all how anyone can think the mcanns had anythink to do with madeline going missing.Im 100% sure the only thing they did wrong was leave her

Perhaps it is due to the fact that the evidence suggests so...

why do you keep posting that link?'s so incredibly biased and much of that evidence (so called) has been disproved. Perhaps you should extend your reading .........concentrating on one biased source doesn't really allow you to open your mind.

Were the dogs corrupt ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Portuguese police had hoped to stage a reconstruction of the events surrounding Madeleine’s disappearance tomorrow. However, they have been forced to abandon the re-enactment after some of the McCanns friends said they could not see the value in returning to Portugal to take part.

Still as unwilling to co-operate with official investigation then.

Perhaps they felt they were gonna be stitched up. Do you think that all the friends are in on the fact that Kate and Gerry did away with their little girl and are all keeping schtum about it? It's a little unrealistic isn't it?

Will you answer that at least? Will you also answer why Kate and Gerry are still courting media attention two years later?

You keep posting links to support a very flawed theory in response to my questions .........why dont you answer?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
I really cant understand at all how anyone can think the mcanns had anythink to do with madeline going missing.Im 100% sure the only thing they did wrong was leave her

Perhaps it is due to the fact that the evidence suggests so...

why do you keep posting that link?'s so incredibly biased and much of that evidence (so called) has been disproved. Perhaps you should extend your reading .........concentrating on one biased source doesn't really allow you to open your mind.

Were the dogs corrupt ?

Not at all but it's a fact that these dogs are not always 100% correct's also a fact that Kate and gery both worked in environments with sick and dying people ............the scent of a cadaver lives on a long time it not possible it was on their shoes or an item of clothing?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Portuguese police had hoped to stage a reconstruction of the events surrounding Madeleine’s disappearance tomorrow. However, they have been forced to abandon the re-enactment after some of the McCanns friends said they could not see the value in returning to Portugal to take part.

Still as unwilling to co-operate with official investigation then.

That was a year ago. By then the McCann's and friends had more than realised through circumstances that the Portugese police had never had the resources that the British police have in such cases.

We've visited Portugal many times and love the country and the people, but, if I was in the McCann's situation at that time and realised they were suspecting me of harming my own child and wasting time questioning and suspecting me I too would have left the country as soon as I could to return to a country where police methods are more geared to kidnapping/murder etc than a small town in Portugal is.
Yellow Rose

The employees of the Tapas Bar, according to what 24 Horas discovered, guaranteed to the inspectors of the PJ that Jane Tanner was always in the restaurant and that only O'Brien and Gerry McCann and his wife Kate were absent during dinner. O'Brien has never entered in the flat where Maddie slept with the twins as this is stated in the deposition that he gave to the authorities. Jane Tanner only left the restaurant when Kate appeared screaming: They've taken her.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Let me make it clear that I have a completely open mind about the cause of her 'disappearance'....but can't imagine they took their work gear on their hol's????

Well I've gone on me hols with shoes or a skirt I've worn for work.................underwear even - TBH this whole dog thing has taken on a life of it's own - nothing can be proven but .......a handbag/pen/shoes .....the faintest trace is apparently detectable.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I would imagine any apartment anywhere in the world has traces of blood and body fluid might have been more interesting to take the dogs into another four random apartments on the complex to guage their reaction. i agree that dogs are clever but .......that's not conclusive to me TBH.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Let me make it clear that I have a completely open mind about the cause of her 'disappearance'....but can't imagine they took their work gear on their hol's????

Just can't imagine the likes of the McCanns with their jobs and financial means wouldn't have different hol/work clothes????

Well I've gone on me hols with shoes or a skirt I've worn for work.................underwear even - TBH this whole dog thing has taken on a life of it's own - nothing can be proven but .......a handbag/pen/shoes .....the faintest trace is apparently detectable.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
it's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.
And on which dodgy disproved links do you base that?

Sorry, works both ways.

Well it would appear that when they took Kate And Gerry in for questioning they had a huuuuuuuuge dossier on them. Personally - if I were a parent (innocent - as I believe they are) I'd have been dismayed to think that so much time and effort had gone into investigating me when the manpower could have been better used.

I know it works both ways but would appear that the portuguese hadn't linked vital evidence together's only much later - once the files had been released that it's been discovered three independent eye witnesses saw a man watching the apartment.

I'm no expert but ...........come on dont have to be Einstein to link some things together do you?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
you dont have to be Einstein to link some things together do you?
I think it depends on which national press one reads, and that ultimately nobody has a clue what happened to that girl other than those who took part in whatever it was that they did to her.

Nothing to do with the national press. When the case was closed the files were released ..........three independent witnesses spoke of a man stalking and eyeing up the apartments. Why on earth was that never made public?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

It was inconclussive, not the same thing.

Then we have the other dog that specialised in cadaver smells indicating in the wardrobe and behind the sofa.
Comrade Ogilvy
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
you dont have to be Einstein to link some things together do you?
I think it depends on which national press one reads, and that ultimately nobody has a clue what happened to that girl other than those who took part in whatever it was that they did to her.

Nothing to do with the national press. When the case was closed the files were released ..........three independent witnesses spoke of a man stalking and eyeing up the apartments. Why on earth was that never made public?
There are umpteen and one things that were never made public. I suppose that's the norm in criminal investigations. I don't think it's fair though, that foreign police authorities are made out to be so inept when British police aren't exactly on the ball themselves.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent

How would that explain the cadaver scent ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent

How would that explain the cadaver scent ?

Animals have instincts that most humans don't, how do we know if they differentiate between the death of one species or another. In a nutshell I still don't see why some believe the McCann's are involved
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent

How would that explain the cadaver scent ?

Animals have instincts that most humans don't, how do we know if they differentiate between the death of one species or another. In a nutshell I still don't see why some believe the McCann's are involved

The well-trained cadaver dog is an outstanding tool for crime scene investigation displaying excellent sensitivity (75-100), specificity (91-100), and having a positive predictive value (90-100), negative predictive value (90-100) as well as accuracy (92-100).

Cadaver dogs–a study on detection of contaminated carpet squares.
Oesterhelweg L, KrÃķber S, Rottmann K, WillhÃķft J, Braun C, Thies N, PÞschel K, Silkenath J, Gehl A.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany

The McCanns tried one judge in their favour:
The Eugene Zapata Case

In this case there was no blood though. Additionally Eddie indicated at several places.

The judge agreed with an analysis of the three dogs’ track record by Zapata’s defence team that found they were incorrect 78 per cent, 71 per cent and 62 per cent of the time.

Since Eddie indicated SEVERAL times 6 as far as I know, even by the worst number 78% he would have had a chance of roughly 22% to be wrong 6 times.

If you take the worst case numbers in the research paper scenario around 10% wrong, the chances of him detecting 6 times wrong would be 0.0001%.

Additional to that you have the handlers opinion..
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Shar:
I do think the suggestion that the Portugese police and authorities are inferior to their British counterparts is highly insulting ...

I did too until I read about lots of leads that hadn't been followed all honesty we'd like to believe that the Portuguese Police were on a par with ours ........simple truth is - they really are not. you may find that insulting - but's true. Perhaps they simply dont have the depth of experience of our Police because they don't have to deal with sh**te like ours on a daily basis. That's good.

it maybe insulting to say they messed up ,...........................but it's true.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Re Dogs picking up on scents etc. I watch an Australian airport programme about Passport Control and boy are the Aussie's strict and observant about who and what is coming into their country. They use dogs to sniff out drugs in luggage and when the dogs give a positive signal that person is pulled over for questioning, they're questioned, searched and taken to hospital via the police for internal examinations if it's felt necessary. What I've learnt overtime from watching many programmes is yes a dog can identify the scent of drugs - as they're trained to, other dogs are trained to identify blood - but luggage can show positive reactions to drugs if it's been in proximity to it from other sources and not necessarily from the owner of the luggage. So dogs can be right in their scenting but wrong in their assumption of who's responsible for the scent

How would that explain the cadaver scent ?

Animals have instincts that most humans don't, how do we know if they differentiate between the death of one species or another. In a nutshell I still don't see why some believe the McCann's are involved

The well-trained cadaver dog is an outstanding tool for crime scene investigation displaying excellent sensitivity (75-100), specificity (91-100), and having a positive predictive value (90-100), negative predictive value (90-100) as well as accuracy (92-100).

Cadaver dogs–a study on detection of contaminated carpet squares.
Oesterhelweg L, KrÃķber S, Rottmann K, WillhÃķft J, Braun C, Thies N, PÞschel K, Silkenath J, Gehl A.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany

The McCanns tried one judge in their favour:
The Eugene Zapata Case

In this case there was no blood though. Additionally Eddie indicated at several places.

The judge agreed with an analysis of the three dogs’ track record by Zapata’s defence team that found they were incorrect 78 per cent, 71 per cent and 62 per cent of the time.

Since Eddie indicated SEVERAL times 6 as far as I know, even by the worst number 78% he would have had a chance of roughly 22% to be wrong 6 times.

If you take the worst case numbers in the research paper scenario around 10% wrong, the chances of him detecting 6 times wrong would be 0.0001%.

Additional to that you have the handlers opinion..

Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Were the dogs corrupt ?

Oh for Gods sake

Any story needs to satisfactorily explain why the dogs indicated and there was blood and body fluid. Everything else is emotional conjecture.

I no longer have the resources to a link but an independent lab proved that the so called blood link to Madeleine and the McCanns was discounted

Exactly would seem our Comrade has not read around the subject and chooses to base his/her suspicions on one dodgy disproved link.

If there'd been a shred of evidence - no matter how small the Mc Canns would have been charged .......the Portuguese Police were desperate's such a shame that they didn't put the same fervour and effort into finding Madeliene that they diod into trying to prove that the parents were guilty.

I agree Soozy, I really cannot believe that some people think the McCann's are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, it beggars belief for me

Yep too. The thing is until she is found or ............a body there will always
be divided opinion on this.

To me's conclusive proof that the McCanns are innocent in that they've never failed to stop trying to raise the profile on Madelienes dissapearance ............if they'd have had anything at all to hide they would have slunk off home .....laid low and let the dust seetle.

i have asked Comrade Ogilvy his opinion on this three maybe four times .........he simply refuses to answer.

To me simply proves that they are parents who made a stupid mistake and it has ruined their lives and ....................god only knows what to their daughter.

Some people thrive on a bit of scandal or a good conspiracy theory...........I've never understood that.

my heart goes out to the Mc Canns and dear little Madeliene.

I totally agree, I'm also waiting to see what Comrade Ogilvy's thoughts are about the McCann's continual desire to keep their daughter's disappearance in the public eye around the world
Yellow Rose
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