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Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Here's a question for all that choose to ignore the plethora of evidence that suggests Madeline died in the flat.

What evidence suggests that the child was abducted?

Personally I see no other option. Here's a question for you though .........And believe me I'd love someone to answer it.

If the Mc Canns had something to hide .....why on earth would they keep pressing on with their campaign? If they were guilty of anything surely they'd have just crept away and let the dust settle.

I really dont see how people aren't getting that. Surely ........they're constantly urging peeps to come forward ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's everyone's feelings about the lunar landings and 11/9? Glance

Probably that they are irrelevant to the discussion in this thread.

methinks you need a good 'ole spanking

that's probably irrelevant too eh Frowner

But tell me you didn't enjoy it Devil

I could have been naughtier and said.. It was some Portugese guy what done it. Ninja
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Here's a question for all that choose to ignore the plethora of evidence that suggests Madeline died in the flat.

What evidence suggests that the child was abducted?

Personally I see no other option. Here's a question for you though .........And believe me I'd love someone to answer it.

If the Mc Canns had something to hide .....why on earth would they keep pressing on with their campaign? If they were guilty of anything surely they'd have just crept away and let the dust settle.

I really dont see how people aren't getting that. Surely ........they're constantly urging peeps to come forward ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

Being on Oprah is not proof of innocence.

Pity they weren't so willing to answer questions by the police.

Why did Kate refuse to answer 48 questions asked by police trying to find her daughter, including:

Is it true that in England you considered handing over Madeleine's custody to a relative?" and Did you have any responsibility or intervention in your daughter's disappearance?"

She did, however answer the : Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?" question with "Yes, if that's what the investigation thinks."
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
What evidence suggests that the child was abducted?

By aliens?

My goodness is that the McCanns latest suspect Eeker

comrade ........i answered your Q ....why wont you answer mine?

I'm really and truly not being contentious but all those with a conspiracy theory just wont answer my simple question. why?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo: ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

not saying you're wrong, far from it, but people do live a lie all their lives, once you start living a lie, it's very hard to stop, impossible infact.

But then I'm not saying the likes of the delish comrade are wrong either....

I just don't know what happened that night, and neither do the best of them, a lot of it's just speculation, interspersed with what seems to be two sets of evidence Frowner
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Here's a question for all that choose to ignore the plethora of evidence that suggests Madeline died in the flat.

What evidence suggests that the child was abducted?

Of course it isn'tbut .......they really didn't have to do it ........nor did they have to make the Ch4 documentary ......they chose to do it to keep it alive in peoples minds ....they hope it will bring new evidence. They wouldn't be doing that if they had anything to hide would they?

They'd be sinking back into their sofa going .....pheeeeeew - we got away with that .......and avoiding all media attention - wouldn't they?

Personally I see no other option. Here's a question for you though .........And believe me I'd love someone to answer it.

If the Mc Canns had something to hide .....why on earth would they keep pressing on with their campaign? If they were guilty of anything surely they'd have just crept away and let the dust settle.

I really dont see how people aren't getting that. Surely ........they're constantly urging peeps to come forward ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

Being on Oprah is not proof of innocence.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by Soozy woo: ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

not saying you're wrong, far from it, but people do live a lie all their lives, once you start living a lie, it's very hard to stop, impossible infact.

But then I'm not saying the likes of the delish comrade are wrong either....

I just don't know what happened that night, and neither do the best of them, a lot of it's just speculation, interspersed with what seems to be two sets of evidence Frowner

Yes there is much speculation ...................i for one do not see the Mccanns having a hand in it's become popular to speculate and .....the Portuguese authorities obviously wanted it all neatly tied up ........if they'd been a shred of evidence - they'd have had them.

IMO was an appallingly managed investigation on behalf of the Portuguese Police ............a family were devestated at having their child go missing and they just made it a whole lot worse.

It honestly and truly breaks my heart.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by Soozy woo: ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

not saying you're wrong, far from it, but people do live a lie all their lives, once you start living a lie, it's very hard to stop, impossible infact.

But then I'm not saying the likes of the delish comrade are wrong either....

I just don't know what happened that night, and neither do the best of them, a lot of it's just speculation, interspersed with what seems to be two sets of evidence Frowner

Yes there is much speculation ...................i for one do not see the Mccanns having a hand in it's become popular to speculate and .....the Portuguese authorities obviously wanted it all neatly tied up ........if they'd been a shred of evidence - they'd have had them.

Well there was no shortage of evidence hence they were suspects, they left Portugal two days later despite having stated they'd never leave Portugal until Madeline was found.

IMO was an appallingly managed investigation on behalf of the Portuguese Police ............a family were devestated at having their child go missing and they just made it a whole lot worse.

Can't agree, contrary to the opinion of the UK media Portugals police force is not backward just because they are foreign.

It honestly and truly breaks my heart.

I think that's something we can all agree on.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
As someone said earlier, no one knows what happened. It just makes me sad to keep reading the opinions of those who seem to want to believe the McCann's were involved and keep harping on about it when there is not one shred of solid evidence to suggest that's the case

There's plenty of evidence.

There is no evidence however that supports the McCanns abduction story / alibi.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Here's a question for all that choose to ignore the plethora of evidence that suggests Madeline died in the flat.

What evidence suggests that the child was abducted?

Personally I see no other option. Here's a question for you though .........And believe me I'd love someone to answer it.

If the Mc Canns had something to hide .....why on earth would they keep pressing on with their campaign? If they were guilty of anything surely they'd have just crept away and let the dust settle.

I really dont see how people aren't getting that. Surely ........they're constantly urging peeps to come forward ....if they had anything to hide thay'd be running scare wouldn't they?

Being on Oprah is not proof of innocence.

Pity they weren't so willing to answer questions by the police.

Why did Kate refuse to answer 48 questions asked by police trying to find her daughter, including:

Is it true that in England you considered handing over Madeleine's custody to a relative?" and Did you have any responsibility or intervention in your daughter's disappearance?"

She did, however answer the : Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?" question with "Yes, if that's what the investigation thinks."

She didn't answer questions that were quite clearly designed ti stitch her up. Comrade .........i dont know what papers you read but I thought it was quite clear that it was a botched investigation from day one ............there really is no plethora of evidence to suggest Madeliene died in the flat ..............if there was - I'm fairly sure the McCanns would have been charged .........they weren't - simply because there was no evidence whatsoever was all speculation.

And you still haven't answered me .............if the Mc Canns were guilty of anything - why on earth would they keep digging it all up and seeking out media attention?
I'm getting pretty sick of asking this but ......wouldn't they just keep a low profile?
Soozy Woo
Ogilvy, what is your problem? You seem obsessed throughout this thread in trying to convince everyone that Kate and Gerry are guilty. If you have no feelings for two parents suffering the terrible loss of their first baby, where are your brains and even common sense. Answer me this.

Why would two professional parents choose to kill their beautiful eldest baby whilst on holiday?
You think Gerry said to Kate, lets have a lovely holiday in Portugal with our friends and while we're there we can kill our eldest baby and we'll be so much happier and we'll live happily ever after.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
As someone said earlier, no one knows what happened. It just makes me sad to keep reading the opinions of those who seem to want to believe the McCann's were involved and keep harping on about it when there is not one shred of solid evidence to suggest that's the case

There's plenty of evidence.

There is no evidence however that supports the McCanns abduction story / alibi.

You will believe what you want to believe as there is also evidence to suggest she was abducted
Bolton Fan
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
As someone said earlier, no one knows what happened. It just makes me sad to keep reading the opinions of those who seem to want to believe the McCann's were involved and keep harping on about it when there is not one shred of solid evidence to suggest that's the case

There's plenty of evidence.

There is no evidence however that supports the McCanns abduction story / alibi.

yeah ........that's a really and truly credible source isn't it? we have respectable newspapers in the UK that seek ot the truth ..........if you prefer to believe cack like that ....................what can I say? If the evidence were that strong they'd have been charged.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Jeez are there still numtpies who think the McCann’s were involved? They would BOTH have to be certifiable psychopaths to have calmly disposed of their toddlers’ body and then behaved as though they had done nothing. Seriously, anyone who believes they were involved is off their napper.

Based on what evidence ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

I agree. I don't approve of anyone leaving their children unattended but ultimately the blame lies with the abductor
Bolton Fan
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

Yes he/she is, but if they had been responsible parents, they would never have left 3 under 5's alone in an apartment while they went out. Did they not even consider the fact that they may get up and injure themselves? Not even considering abduction?

Sickening in my opinion....Oh and btw, I do love the idea of your quiz, wherever did you get the idea? Pumpkin
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?

What I have is common sense, and the ability to form a rational opinion based on reason and probability.
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

I agree. I don't approve of anyone leaving their children unattended but ultimately the blame lies with the abductor

What abductor ? there remains no evidence that any abduction took place, in fact all the evidence points to the contrary.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

What person is that ?

Do you have evidence there was an abduction ?

What I have is common sense, and the ability to form a rational opinion based on reason and probability.

So that being the case you dismiss all the evidence in favour of emotion.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

I agree. I don't approve of anyone leaving their children unattended but ultimately the blame lies with the abductor

What abductor ? there remains no evidence that any abduction took place, in fact all the evidence points to the contrary.

well that would depend entitrely on what you choose to believe.

i don't know why I get involved in these threads to be honest ...........there are some incredibly ignorant and stupid people out there that have formed an opinion on lies and speculation and just wont let it go.

I know I can't put things right but ................ignorance just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely gets to me.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by boltonfan2:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

I agree. I don't approve of anyone leaving their children unattended but ultimately the blame lies with the abductor

What abductor ? there remains no evidence that any abduction took place, in fact all the evidence points to the contrary.

well that would depend entitrely on what you choose to believe.

i don't know why I get involved in these threads to be honest ...........there are some incredibly ignorant and stupid people out there that have formed an opinion on lies and speculation and just wont let it go.

I know I can't put things right but ................ignorance just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely gets to me.

No need for insults.

Problem is you have proven you are swept up in the emotive pro McCann media campaign.

What is apparent to me is that no McCann supporters want to discuss the evidence.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

Yes he/she is, but if they had been responsible parents, they would never have left 3 under 5's alone in an apartment while they went out. Did they not even consider the fact that they may get up and injure themselves? Not even considering abduction?

Sickening in my opinion....Oh and btw, I do love the idea of your quiz, wherever did you get the idea? Pumpkin

Indeed - it was irresponsible of them to leave their children unattended, that doesn’t excuse in any way someone taking Madeleine.

Virtually every forum you visit has a fun trivia link, did you think it was a wee secret Laugh
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Turkey Choker:
Make of it all what you will, but there is still a little girl missing, presumed dead (I don't want to even contemplate the worse case scenario) because of the negligence of her supposedly educated middle class parents.
They are responsible for that little girls disappearance whichever way you slice it!

The person(s) who took her is responsible.

Yes he/she is, but if they had been responsible parents, they would never have left 3 under 5's alone in an apartment while they went out. Did they not even consider the fact that they may get up and injure themselves? Not even considering abduction?

Sickening in my opinion....Oh and btw, I do love the idea of your quiz, wherever did you get the idea? Pumpkin

Indeed - it was irresponsible of them to leave their children unattended, that doesn’t excuse in any way someone taking Madeleine.

Virtually every forum you visit has a fun trivia link, did you think it was a wee secret Laugh

oh I don't visit many forums, just a couple, but those are ones I do actually post on. Lurking so last week Big Grin
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