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Amazing to see how many of you are convinced her parents killed her. I am totally stunned.

There is not a shred of evidence that proves their guilt and everyone under the law is innocent until proven otherwise, no?

There seems to be no compassion for parents who lost a child, true, they made a massive mistake but he who has never looked away from their child in a supermarket, store or whereever, just for a moment, let him cast the first stone. My heart goes out to them. And let me tell you, not for all the money in the world, would I want to be in their shoes.

For me, it has actually been sad to read this discussion so I will leave this tread.
Originally posted by cinderella123:
Amazing to see how many of you are convinced her parents killed her. I am totally stunned.

There is not a shred of evidence that proves their guilt and everyone under the law is innocent until proven otherwise, no?

There seems to be no compassion for parents who lost a child, true, they made a massive mistake but he who has never looked away from their child in a supermarket, store or whereever, just for a moment, let him cast the first stone. My heart goes out to them. And let me tell you, not for all the money in the world, would I want to be in their shoes.

For me, it has actually been sad to read this discussion so I will leave this tread.

I agree with you. some things being assumed are based on old and unproven claims.
Yellow Rose
The thing is there is plenty of evidence.

Sorry I popped in again to add something but you kind of got there before me.

Evidence? Do you know how much evidence there is to prove who killed Kennedy? Or all the other conspiracy plots. Do you know some people even believe the Da Vinci code is correct? Me, I will leave it to the police and people in the know to do the investigation, I refuse to jugde the parents from my armchair.

Because, if the evidence was there, they would be arrested, no question.

Sorry, but I have had my say. On to happier things.
Originally posted by cinderella123:
The thing is there is plenty of evidence.

Sorry I popped in again to add something but you kind of got there before me.

Evidence? Do you know how much evidence there is to prove who killed Kennedy? Or all the other conspiracy plots. Do you know some people even believe the Da Vinci code is correct? Me, I will leave it to the police and people in the know to do the investigation, I refuse to jugde the parents from my armchair.

Because, if the evidence was there, they would be arrested, no question.

Sorry, but I have had my say. On to happier things.

The documentary is worth a watch and outlines the plethora of evidence the portugese police had in the McCann case which led them to name the McCanns and friends as suspects. The McCanns however used political/diplomatic influence to have the case dropped.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by cinderella123:
Amazing to see how many of you are convinced her parents killed her. I am totally stunned.

There is not a shred of evidence that proves their guilt and everyone under the law is innocent until proven otherwise, no?

There seems to be no compassion for parents who lost a child, true, they made a massive mistake but he who has never looked away from their child in a supermarket, store or whereever, just for a moment, let him cast the first stone. My heart goes out to them. And let me tell you, not for all the money in the world, would I want to be in their shoes.

For me, it has actually been sad to read this discussion so I will leave this tread.

Don't think anyone has gone so far as to say that they killed her cinderella. Those children were not left for 'just a moment' and they were out of sight and earshot - some people, understandably imo, consider that to be neglect. I do have compassion for them, whatever happened, they have lost a child, but, if they hadn't left those children alone then presumably she would still be with them.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by cinderella123:
The thing is there is plenty of evidence.

Sorry I popped in again to add something but you kind of got there before me.

Evidence? Do you know how much evidence there is to prove who killed Kennedy? Or all the other conspiracy plots. Do you know some people even believe the Da Vinci code is correct? Me, I will leave it to the police and people in the know to do the investigation, I refuse to jugde the parents from my armchair.

Because, if the evidence was there, they would be arrested, no question.

Sorry, but I have had my say. On to happier things.

The documentary is worth a watch and outlines the plethora of evidence the portugese police had in the McCann case which led them to name the McCanns and friends as suspects. The McCanns however used political/diplomatic influence to have the case dropped.


Sky wanted to air the docu over here - but they were blocked by someone (wonder who??) - apparently shows the McCanns in not such a favourable light. It really IS amazing how they were suddenly 'acquited' after refusing to answer questions put to them . I havent watched the linked docu yet - but from what I have read (and I have read a LOT about the case - not purposely, but just clicked the odd news clip...). Is it mentioned in this docu that a witness saw someone who looked like Gerry McCann carrying a child??? I'm assuming its the same banned docu - that also shows the dogs reactions etc etc.

Also - if its the SAME docu - its quite suspicious that once OUR 'powers that be' got involved - the 'author' of this docu was sent packing and... the McCanns get off scot free - and instead of staying no matter what til they find Maddie - they do a runner home in case they get arrested again
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:

Is it mentioned in this docu that a witness saw someone who looked like Gerry McCann carrying a child??? yes I'm assuming its the same banned docu - that also shows the dogs reactions etc etc.yes

Also claimed that the McCanns had admitted to giving the children Calpol to get them to sleep. The theory that the detective has is that Madeline woke up, was woozy due to the Calpol, tried to climb onto the sofa becsuse she could hear her father outside, then slipped and banged her head.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:

Is it mentioned in this docu that a witness saw someone who looked like Gerry McCann carrying a child??? yes I'm assuming its the same banned docu - that also shows the dogs reactions etc etc.yes

Also claimed that the McCanns had admitted to giving the children Calpol to get them to sleep. The theory that the detective has is that Madeline woke up, was woozy due to the Calpol, tried to climb onto the sofa becsuse she could hear her father outside, then slipped and banged her head.

gosh - I read that they might have been sedated somehow to help them sleep. I DID say at the time that maybe (drugged or not) - even a fall out of bed can have fatal head injuries. No one was bloody listening to me. It may well have been an ACCIDENT - so why not just fess up about it? Like I also said at the time - whether they were checking their kids every 20 mins or not - it only takes MINUTES to choke on something - and like I said - the tiniest little head injury can actually kill u Nod
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMM

gosh - I read that they might have been sedated somehow to help them sleep. I DID say at the time that maybe (drugged or not) - even a fall out of bed can have fatal head injuries. No one was bloody listening to me. It may well have been an ACCIDENT - so why not just fess up about it? Like I also said at the time - whether they were checking their kids every 20 mins or not - it only takes MINUTES to choke on something - and like I said - the tiniest little head injury can actually kill u Nod

I was listening- but didn't read this thread til today! IF and I do mean IF that happened then assume that the answer to why they wouldn't have 'fessed up' is that they would have potentially been facing a long prison sentence for neglect
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I can only refer to what I said just up there about facts ^^^

Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Arse. Smiler

It's okay I know what you meant. Smiler

It's the facts I'm going on Daniel, as unearthed by the investigation led by Concalo Amaral.

Isn't/wasn't he the cop who left the force with a dark cloud hanging over his head? I'm sure he was, but I don't know if anything came of the accusations.
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
AND.... (not in the docu I dont think) - what about that priest at the church that they kept visiting - he practically had a break-down didnt he - over something that Kate told him??? No more has been heard of him has it?

I saw the priest on Sky News, last week maybe, but it was when Mr McCann went back to Portugal with investigators to do a reconstruction. The priest was asked about some of the locals being angry at the McCann's situation for causing a reduction in holidaymakers and local businesses losing money from tourists.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I can only refer to what I said just up there about facts ^^^

Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Arse. Smiler

It's okay I know what you meant. Smiler

It's the facts I'm going on Daniel, as unearthed by the investigation led by Concalo Amaral.

Isn't/wasn't he the cop who left the force with a dark cloud hanging over his head? I'm sure he was, but I don't know if anything came of the accusations.

If by dark cloud you mean not doing as was suggested to him and burrying the case then yes.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I can only refer to what I said just up there about facts ^^^

Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Arse. Smiler

It's okay I know what you meant. Smiler

It's the facts I'm going on Daniel, as unearthed by the investigation led by Concalo Amaral.

Isn't/wasn't he the cop who left the force with a dark cloud hanging over his head? I'm sure he was, but I don't know if anything came of the accusations.

I remember one of the leading police investigators being sacked, can't remember his name though.

The McCann's took lie detectors and passed. Scotland Yard investigated and didn't feel a need to follow up. Two independent investigators - police related - are continuing their investigations and one said that when he took on the job that if he found any evidence to connect the McCann's to the disappearance he would speak out.

If the dog situation that some are referring to is what I think it is that was cleared up a long time ago
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I can only refer to what I said just up there about facts ^^^

Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Arse. Smiler

It's okay I know what you meant. Smiler

It's the facts I'm going on Daniel, as unearthed by the investigation led by Concalo Amaral.

Isn't/wasn't he the cop who left the force with a dark cloud hanging over his head? I'm sure he was, but I don't know if anything came of the accusations.

If by dark cloud you mean not doing as was suggested to him and burrying the case then yes.

No, I thought it was allegedly something to do with perjury in another case. I don't remember all the facts though, so am on shaky ground.

I'm not fully believing what is shown in that documentary by him either. Too many inconsistencies there too.

I don't think the McCanns are guilty basically. Apart from leaving their children alone. And I'm a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty anyway.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Aimee:
like it was said earlier in this thread, why haven't they been charged with neglect? just because they didn't do this in our country its ok Crazy

That is one issue and I have to agree but having watched this I think they have more to answer for now.

thanks, will watch it Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Aimee:
i'm not saying the parents are guilty of anything and i've watched all the programmes relating to this, but why having they been charged with neglect? cause that is what it was

I don't know Aimee. It's hard to figure out how these things work sometimes. Perhaps it was felt that it was not the right thing to do? Or wouldn't serve any particular benefit? Or even, maybe there is insufficient evidence of wilful neglect? I really don't know.
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i'm not saying the parents are guilty of anything and i've watched all the programmes relating to this, but why having they been charged with neglect? cause that is what it was

I don't know Aimee. It's hard to figure out how these things work sometimes. Perhaps it was felt that it was not the right thing to do? Or wouldn't serve any particular benefit? Or even, maybe there is insufficient evidence of wilful neglect? I really don't know.

true, i'm a single parent, if i left my child alone in the house while i went out, do you think the social services would be on to me?
Originally posted by Aimee:
i'm not saying the parents are guilty of anything and i've watched all the programmes relating to this, but why having they been charged with neglect? cause that is what it was

Aimee , did you read my post page 23 towards the bottom re neglect law etc? Tried to explain it there
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Aimee:
i'm not saying the parents are guilty of anything and i've watched all the programmes relating to this, but why having they been charged with neglect? cause that is what it was

Aimee , did you read my post page 23 towards the bottom re neglect law etc? Tried to explain it there

i'll go back and read tomorrow Thumbs Up
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
I'm watching the docu link now - only half-way thru and the inconsistensies are unbelievable!!!! (I might get back to y'all when its done) - I am SO glad that this docu has made an appearance on the net - because otherwise we WOULD NOT have seen it - courtesy of McCann/

Ye'll have to be's getting past my bed time!
Having watched the docu it's alluded that the dog's found evidence of mortality in a cupboard. At some point it's said that a man was seen walking with a child in his arms and some think this was Gerald McCann carrying his child to somewhere...where's the logic of that of a father believing by some he "supposedly" just killed his child - and why Madeleine out of 3 children, what do some assume that Madeleine did that night to warrant being killed, sorry don't buy it for those who are cynical. Also those that saw the man carrying the child their description of the man didsn't fit Gerry McCann.

How many of you watched the McCann docu last night? For those who didn't we learnt of a man who was seen by those who live on that complex or those who were independent witnesses, so not friends of the McCann's, who over a few days was seen to be taking a lot of interest in the McCann appt. How coincidental does it have to be for some that a man was watching their appt and then a child goes missing from there. I really hope some here are never called for jury service
Yellow Rose
Last edited {1}
Posted 09 May 2009 12:58 AM Hide Post

Having watched the docu it's alluded that the dog's found evidence of mortality in a cupboard. At some point it's said that a man was seen walking with a child in his arms and some think this was Gerald McCann carrying his child to somewhere...where's the logic of that of a father believing by some he "supposedly" just killed his child - and why Madeleine out of 3 children, what do some assume that Madeleine did that night to warrant being killed, sorry don't buy it for those who are cynical. Also those that saw the man carrying the child their description of the man didsn't fit Gerry McCann.

How many of you watched the McCann docu last night? For those who didn't we learnt of a man who was seen by those who live on that complex or those who were independent witnesses, so not friends of the McCann's, who over a few days was seen to be taking a lot of interest in the McCann appt. How coincidental does it have to be for some that a man was watching their appt and then a child goes missing from there. I really hope some here are never called for jury service

[quote]Posted 09 May 2009 12:58 AM Hide Post
Having watched the docu it's alluded that the dog's found evidence of mortality in a cupboard. At some point it's said that a man was seen walking with a child in his arms and some think this was Gerald McCann carrying his child to somewhere...where's the logic of that of a father believing by some he "supposedly" just killed his child - and why Madeleine out of 3 children, what do some assume that Madeleine did that night to warrant being killed, sorry don't buy it for those who are cynical. Also those that saw the man carrying the child their description of the man didsn't fit Gerry McCann.

How many of you watched the McCann docu last night? For those who didn't we learnt of a man who was seen by those who live on that complex or those who were independent witnesses, so not friends of the McCann's, who over a few days was seen to be taking a lot of interest in the McCann appt. How coincidental does it have to be for some that a man was watching their appt and then a child goes missing from there. I really hope some here are never called for jury service

Indeed, I would be put to death if some of you had to be in the jury. I have actually sometimes not looked around when my kids were running around the beach/market/resturant/garden/etc.

And it only takes a minute.

I think each of us is very lucky not to be in the shoes of the McCanns.
Originally posted by Aimee:
true, i'm a single parent, if i left my child alone in the house while i went out, do you think the social services would be on to me?

Yes. I think they would also have been onto the McCanns if they did a similar thing here. The similar thing, I guess, being down the road at a mate's house and popping back every half an hour or so.

If your kid had gone missing like Madelaine and you had two other kids to look after then I think that's a different thing and maybe you wouldn't have been charged.

If you think they've been treated in a special way then for what reason?
Watched it .... Some FACTS are missing.

1) The bins were emptyed in the town the next day... Funny the nice police man didn't mention that tiny bit of police incompidence or is that part of the big cover up toooooooo Ghost

2) The dog that smelled death and has "never failed" is the same dog that Smelled death in the care home in Jersey that led to the discovery of a Childs Scull .... Oh that turned out to be a Coconut shell!!!!!!!!

This is a BS documentary. That Poice man is in the make!!!

I am a mother of two small children and am APPAULED that the Macanns left there children. But this is difernet from them murdering there child. I dont like them.. This has nothing to do with weather (sp) they murdered there child or covered up her accidental death.

Oh and WTF was that "like praying arabs" bit about???? They grieved toooo much there .... Oh, then they didn't greive enough later. It is an attack on them by someone else involved who let that wee girl down by being a crap police man.

Sorry about spelling Blush
The Singing Ringing Tree
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
Watched it .... Some FACTS are missing.

1) The bins were emptyed in the town the next day... Funny the nice police man didn't mention that tiny bit of police incompidence or is that part of the big cover up toooooooo Ghost
Oh yes. I forgot about that. Funny how it wasn't mentioned in the documentary by Amaral.

2) The dog that smelled death and has "never failed" is the same dog that Smelled death in the care home in Jersey that led to the discovery of a Childs Scull .... Oh that turned out to be a Coconut shell!!!!!!!!
I didn't know that, so not so reliable then?
This is a BS documentary. That Poice man is in the make!!!
As I said before, I can't remember the exact details, but I'm sure he is the one who left or was sacked after, allegedly, being involved in that other child abduction case where the mother was beat up pretty badly by the police. Could be wrong though.

Right, so the new theory is that Madeleine fell, bumped her head and died. Her parents, both medically trained, covered it up by Gerry carrying her towards the beach, maybe to the church, asking a priest to help hide a child's body, but also maybe taking her back to the apartment and hiding her body in a wardrobe.

The police must have forgotten to check the wardrobes, but she must have been in there long enough to leave a cadavar odour for the dogs. Then three weeks later, they managed to get the body into a hire car, without the journalists or police noticing, and spirit her away to some hiding place, which has never been discovered.

They also managed to persuade their group of friends to all help cover it up. After all, Gerry must have been gone quite some time, carrying his daughter's body around the town, asking for help.

Their next step was to get as much publicity as possible, for two years now, in order to keep the story in the news, even though they would surely want it to die down, if they were guilty of anything. Crazy
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