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Ronnie's was on a different level to The Coolbury. 


The Coolbury was the place to hang out with the young Spurs players (this is back in the days of the dinosaur).  Funniest thing, my mate was a big Spurs fan but ended up chatting to Wilf Rostron (a Gooner).  She was mortified when the penny dropped


All the above occurred when I was a mere babe in arms you understand..


I just watched the first one too ..and I say go Francis as well ..I thought he was the biggest twonk on there when it first started, he was so nervy in front of the camera but now he's doing well...


Spencer is an ugly gorilla with no class and Louise needs a good slap..


Last series made me laugh when Spencer came back form his stint as the bachelor and they [him and Louise]  brushed over it by saying he was 'taking a break'..


I do forget that they are actually still really young, still it doesn't excuse the cat housing the blokes do behind their GF's backs and to some extent the girls who aren't too hot with  being faithful either..


at least they aren't orange and slathered in heavy duty drag queen style make up and the settings are a lot nicer than those in Towie 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I used to like it, but it is just getting sooooo obviously fake and set up now. Like Olly said, they seemed to forget we saw Spencer in The Bachelor and to believe that him and Louise were together It's just about as much drama as possible now (I swear it didn't used to be so bad!), I said to B on Monday, it's just TOWIE with posh accents

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

oooh me too. . Jamie seemed really nice at the start but he's a twonk too.. Proudlock was another favourite but he seems sneaky and weasily now..


I like Binky out of the girls. .she seems like a good wholesome country girl

Yep  - was about to say the only girl I think I could stand would be Binky.  I like Francesca in the first series, but she's just a bitter old maid now. 


Saz - I agree about the set up thing, but this is one thing that I really don't mind it in for some reason.   


Louise and her stupid crying get right on my nerves... Spencer is a complete arse, he treats you like shit, this cannot be news to you now! Stop crying about the weasely little prick, grow a backbone and tell him to **** right off


I'm possible a little more annoyed than I should be about that as I have a friend/acquaintance who is doing the same cycle... bf treats her like crap, she cries about it, she loooooves him so much, she keeps seeing him hoping it will improve but never really addressing the issue I ran out of sympathy ages ago, put up or shut up  

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

The censor may overload if I type out what I think of Spencer

and don't mention his greasy hair . .he really is a fugly guy. .short and squat and hairy and very ape like but so full of himself and a right control freak where woman are concerned too. . oh and with his friends as well. .big bully..


and sorry for insulting apes


How does he get these women. .unless he gets em pissed first.. Louise must be permanently pissed. .but then she is getting a bit of what she deserves cos she was seeing Spencer when he was seeing someone else   at some point so she's as much of a cheating loose moraled twat as he is. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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