Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by *BB*:
was brought up hard and fastmy mother had me debt collecting at the age of 15.. ..I'm only macevelian in buiseness..but thankyou BB....
Thats interesting that you said that. After I had done the test and was reading other FMs posts, I wondered if one's profession had any bearing on one's scores.
It has to be BB, I was brought up in buiseness all my life, my parents always ran their own buiseneses and we had to work in them, I had no teen years, I was allowed out from 9pm until 10pm all other time was school and work and dealing with reps and customers and wholesalers and the likes....
I had a great time inb my teens, but I worked hard in a responsible job in a hospital since the age of 16. I left school at 15. But although I attended night school 5 nights a week I still had a great social life after night school and at the weekends. But working in a hospital from such a young age is bound to have had a big affect on me. I saw things that most 16 year olds would never normally see and had direct contact with patients etc. And all that was before I went into nursing.
I expect that NHS work has changed a lot in recent years and I'm not sure that is a good thing. It was character- building in a big way.
But you sound like you had a good family life, good support and that is brilliant and after being in this and ch4 forums I do believe all the people here have made me a better person....
Hmmm. My family life was sort of wierd and not at all supportive though. Apart from my father, he was supportive in his own way, but even though I was pushed into getting a scholarship to an elite grammar school, my parents made it perfectly clear that I would not be alllowed to go on to university. Thats why I dropped out and left at the age of 15. I saw no point in carrying on and taking GCE's. They wouldn't let me leave so I just stopped doing any schoolwork. Actually my father wanted to transfer me to the local secondary modern school but mother wouldn't hear of it.
I was working in Woollies during my school bolidays and the manager said I could stay on there full time after I left school but my parents wouldn't let me.
They said it was beneath me and my mother first got me work in an office that paid 30/- a week whereas at Woollies I had been earning almost ÂĢ8 a week with overtime. Not that it made any difference to me as my mother took all my wages so she was the loser there.
Thats why she made me apply to the hospital, it paid better and she said they had a better class of people working there. Oh if only she knew! I loved to tell her about some of the people I came across working there.
I hated working there.
But as soon as I got married and left home I handed in my notice and got a better paid job, one that I really enjoyed in another hospital closer to where me and my new husband lived. This time I got to keep my wage packet.