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I am still angry that an aggressive racist Tw*t was able to waltz out of the BB house 50k the richer...I smell several rats on several levels..


  • Conor never took his hand away from the buzzer like stupid LukeS. Conor was never interested in making deals or sharing the money, he is far too selfish for that! More fool LukeS for trusting the lying git..In a nutshell Conor knew he was never in the running to win BB.
  • LukeS showed himself to be the desperate greedy self promoting Wanker we always knew was. When LukeS started crying and appealing to Conor, I am sure deep down LukeS knew he had been conned, serves him right.
  • The reason I say serve him right is because he has played Ash, for a fool, he does not and is not remotely interested in her as girlfriend material, he has not invested any part of himself in thier so called relationship, I really do feel that Ash has genuine feelings for him, but sadly the most she is going to get from LukeS is a swift exit after the current shambolic series finishes.
  • Finally, after sleeping on it, I feel ever since "Epilatorgate" Conor has been protected and coached by BB, even down to Conor suddenly and surprsingly revealing that he wants Adam to win. I was like HUH? What happened to his bessie mates LukeS and Ash?...My feeling is that BB prompted him to say Adam, so that Conor appears less of a racist, maybe I am thinking to deeply here, but I just can't shake the feeling that along with LukeS, we have been conned.
  • As I said last night, the rehabilitation of Conor by Endemol is complete, I feel he was always "The chosen one" but Epilatorgate got in the way..Cue Endemol Spin doctors and we are left with the disgrace that was last night..,.A racist bully 50K the richer, courtesy of Endemol.

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great post senora  just reading the tweet thread theres a video up, of scott and luke a talking, they are saying they think luke s is gay. thought you would like it, i know its something you have always said about him.


as for conor saying he wanted adam to win i sat here with my mouth open i was in shock, so your explanation is probably about right. 

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:


  • The reason I say serve him right is because he has played Ash, for a fool, he does not and is not remotely interested in her as girlfriend material, he has not invested any part of himself in thier so called relationship, I really do feel that Ash has genuine feelings for him, but sadly the most she is going to get from LukeS is a swift exit after the current shambolic series finishes.

Good post SR  but I don't agree with this - I really think Ash fancied Conor but when he said he'd got a girlfriend, she moved her 'affections' to Luke S.  Neither of them like each other and both wanted to be part of a showmance as a way of staying in longer.  I firmly do not believe she's been played.  They were both party to this and I don't think either have or had genuine feelings for each other 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:


  • The reason I say serve him right is because he has played Ash, for a fool, he does not and is not remotely interested in her as girlfriend material, he has not invested any part of himself in thier so called relationship, I really do feel that Ash has genuine feelings for him, but sadly the most she is going to get from LukeS is a swift exit after the current shambolic series finishes.

Good post SR  but I don't agree with this - I really think Ash fancied Conor but when he said he'd got a girlfriend, she moved her 'affections' to Luke S.  Neither of them like each other and both wanted to be part of a showmance as a way of staying in longer.  I firmly do not believe she's been played.  They were both party to this and I don't think either have or had genuine feelings for each other 

100% agree with this - there is absolutely no chemistry - they are painful to watch. They seem to sap the life out of each other. TBH - I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Asleigh and Connor as a couple in the near future - they are as thick and desperate as each other.


As for Luke S - maybe he'll hitch up with Brian (Dowling).

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:


  • The reason I say serve him right is because he has played Ash, for a fool, he does not and is not remotely interested in her as girlfriend material, he has not invested any part of himself in thier so called relationship, I really do feel that Ash has genuine feelings for him, but sadly the most she is going to get from LukeS is a swift exit after the current shambolic series finishes.

Good post SR  but I don't agree with this - I really think Ash fancied Conor but when he said he'd got a girlfriend, she moved her 'affections' to Luke S.  Neither of them like each other and both wanted to be part of a showmance as a way of staying in longer.  I firmly do not believe she's been played.  They were both party to this and I don't think either have or had genuine feelings for each other 

100% agree with this - there is absolutely no chemistry - they are painful to watch. They seem to sap the life out of each other. TBH - I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Asleigh and Connor as a couple in the near future - they are as thick and desperate as each other.


As for Luke S - maybe he'll hitch up with Brian (Dowling).

LukeA and Scott think LukeS is gay( video) was up but now removed on the CH5 site.Even the HMS have picked up on it.


I loathe racism and bigotry with a deep rooted vengeance ,do I think Conor is a penis of the highest order?, absolutely,do I think his problem with Deana stems from racism ?,no.Do I believe he'd like to see Adam win?,given the reasons he gave for that I actually do.He explained him and Luke S were basically friends by association,Ash,imo he can emphasise somewhat with Adam and his background,that is his reason for wanting him to win and therefore get the other 50K....Luke S wanted the money to buy a Lamborghini,a status symbol perhaps,not life changing really ,Adam could transform his life with the 50k and I bliddy well hope he get's it.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

I loathe racism and bigotry with a deep rooted vengeance ,do I think Conor is a penis of the highest order?, absolutely,do I think his problem with Deana stems from racism ?,no.Do I believe he'd like to see Adam win?,given the reasons he gave for that I actually do.

I do actually agree with all of this. 

Although I'm suspicious of some of the other Insiders, I don't think (based on what I've seen) that Conor's dislike for Deana is down to racism. I do however suspect it has a lot to do with misogyny...

Eugene's Lair

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