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Reference: Blue Diamond
What happend there please?
Remember Ben telling everyone that he couldn't do the TOT task, as it was too cruel to his fellow housemates, like taking Shabby's hats?

BB decided to let the others know that he'd lied to them, by showing him being asked to have an arm wrestling contest and speak a bit 'street'.

But it didn't make the HL show.
By the way, Vids, he is a thief, but it's part of his ideology, so it's probably part of his 'charm' to his supporters! .

If Ben wants a clean towel, he takes someone elses. Even when they've told him twice that it's theirs.

If he wants another pillow, he takes someone elses, because he has a bad neck.

If he wants to wear someone elses clothes to bed, he doesn't think he needs to ask them.

nd at least adds entertainment to the show, no BEReference:
By the way, Vids, he is a thief, but it's part of his ideology, so it's probably part of his 'charm' to his supporters! . If Ben wants a clean towel, he takes someone elses. Even when they've told him twice that it's theirs. If he wants another pillow, he takes someone elses, because he has a bad neck. If he wants to wear someone elses clothes to bed, he doesn't think he needs to ask them.
Well Ben has been the best entertainment that this show has to offer, unlike JJ who just calls everyone game players which is just what he is.     NO Ben fan thinks he's perfect, just funny and good to watch, lets have a deserving winner for a change....THATS BEN.
By the way, Vids, he is a thief, but it's part of his ideology, so it's probably part of his 'charm' to his supporters! . If Ben wants a clean towel, he takes someone elses. Even when they've told him twice that it's theirs. If he wants another pillow, he takes someone elses, because he has a bad neck. If he wants to wear someone elses clothes to bed, he doesn't think he needs to ask them.
And if he feels like sweating up someone else's t-shirt instead of his own during a task, he will  - even when they've repeatedly asked him to give it back.
I don't mind anyone calling him 'entertaining', but I'm pretty sick of people denying his faults! And there are many!
That's my take on Ben too.   He's a pretty pathetic excuse of a human in so many ways

But he is entertaining and I'd rather watch his type of nastiness than some of the others....but I wouldn't want him to win.
Actually I would say that the overwhelming majority of Ben fans would be the first to admit he has faults, and plenty of faults at that.
I would agree... and would be the first to admit that he has more than his fair share..... but I have yet to see him be downright malicious, which is why I continue to support him.
Reference: Fairfax
Either do I. What makes him a thief?
Maybe I should have said 'some of his supporters'!

Apart from the list I've given above, I'll add a housemate putting toast in the toaster and Ben walking into the kitchen and just taking it.
Also he appears to have taken hot water which was JJ's. The other housemates said that if it wasn't nailed down, he would take it.
His answer? "Yes, of course I would!"

The OP was complaining about Ben being accused of behaving in such a way.
I was merely pointing out that he does behave in such a way, he admits to doing so, and his supporters (some of them ) seem to think it's acceptable and his other housemates shouldn't pull him up on it.

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