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Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I actually dont think Noirin enjoys talking to anyone in the house, shes very cold and distant with everyone.

Or she might just not be as fake as the rest of them ...

So thats the real her then, unfriendly and cold? ok you said it. Smiler

Nope ... I didn't say that .... you did ... I said she wasn't fake ... Wink

By saying she isn't fake then you must be saying that her personality in there is real...and if we are being honest that personality isn't very open and friendly. Wink

You see cold and distant ... I see unpretentious and reserving judgement ... which in the end makes for a more loyal and honest 'friend' than, say, the likes of Charlie who will hug you and tell you he loves you and then stab you in the back at the earliest opportunity ... and before you say it, yes, I know she's done her share of back-stabbing, but she's had genuine reasons for it .... Big Grin
Originally posted by Videostar:
She'll nominate Freddie next week, remember I told you.
I don't think she will, but I'll remember you told me if she does.

She cant be trusted.
I don't trust Siavash but he still enjoys huge popularity on this forum (rightly or wrongly).

I dont think shes the worst HM in there but I dont understand this sudden love for her, shes still a cold fish.
A FEW people here are starting to warm to her, maybe feel a bit sorry for her, but there are still PLENTY of haters on the forum so don't think for a minute that the general forum opinion has changed.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i like you.

*thinks... what would Noirin do*

she would say some thing horrible to me, which would make me smile...

Your Mother is a hamster.. and your Father smells of elderberries.
that didn't make me smile

it made me laugh. Laugh
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
look, go away! this is a lovely smiley thread for smiley people.! Big Grin

Then why are you in here, all you ever do is be rude. Roll Eyes
because it's a jolly thread and mine. Big Grin

And no ones allowed an opinion. Smiler have you tried Cuba for a holiday trip.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
look, go away! this is a lovely smiley thread for smiley people.! Big Grin

Then why are you in here, all you ever do is be rude. Roll Eyes
because it's a jolly thread and mine. Big Grin

And no ones allowed an opinion. Smiler have you tried Cuba for a holiday trip.
h you are allowed your opinion, so much s you go into every thread going and lambast people with it on a regular basis, and say nothing original.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
and btw, i think it's pretty rude to come into a lighthearted thread, not bother to read it and see how the thread is and then spew bile that you have spewed all over the forum on other threads.

and there you have it.

Ohhh, why didn't you say I wasn't allowed on your threads, how silly of me...i'll tell you what, i'll stay out of your threads and you can stay out of mine. Big Grin
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
and btw, i think it's pretty rude to come into a lighthearted thread, not bother to read it and see how the thread is and then spew bile that you have spewed all over the forum on other threads.

and there you have it.

Ohhh, why didn't you say I wasn't allowed on your threads, how silly of me...i'll tell you what, i'll stay out of your threads and you can stay out of mine. Big Grin

my mother was hamster and my father smells of elderberries , i can cope with anything.

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