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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

I worry for her in half an hour ... I think she will see his real side

I am not worried, does that make me a hard nosed person. Sorry but she doing my head in. In RL of course i would be saying different, but in soapland she is a sanctimonious horror, and needs to get off her pedestal   

I agree with you, she is a horror!


I completely disagree with how Sally would no way have turned from a working class lass, into a snobby social climber. I know numerous people who have come from a common background who started off working in factories, and grew up in council houses and whose dads were miners/foundry workers etc, who fell into an admin job in the late 80s, and climbed up the career ladder a touch (like many did in the 80s and 90s before this evil bastard of a recession took a hold...) And then they got on the property ladder (which of course made them better people than those who rent,) then they got a passport and holidayed abroad because only commoners holiday in Rhyl, and they had more cars on the drive than people in the family and would only buy food from Waitrose or M and S.


Oh yes, I know a number of people from working class backgrounds who got a bit lucky in the 80s and 90s and thought they were middle class because they got a mortgage and a 4 wheel drive and job in admin at the local council.  A few of them have come crashing back down to earth this past couple of year though and remembered that they are and always will be -working class.  So Sally's character is totally believable imo as I know a FEW people like her.



Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

OMG!! I think Corrie is off the scale at the moment! Eastenders just pales into comparison...Frank finally gets his comeuppance...I think Mummy frank did it..

I think it was the new girlfriend (forgot her name) 

I thought it was his mum but now you've got me thinking syd 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Wasn't it brilliant Senora?


I think it was that Jenny ... I think she had it written into to contract that should one of them die the other would get the lot


Am I overthinking again??

oh.. I was thinking his mum, but that did make stop and think.   it was HIS solicitor who drew up the contract though.. and I doubt that Jenny's name would be on it yet?   He couldn't count on Carla not reading it before she signed.      Remember his Mum's still grieving ... and he turned his back on her too... I really want it to be his Mum - and I want her to have ripped up the contract too for good measure.    Nobody's going to admit to it being signed except that Jenny one (what a bitch she turned out to be) and she's vastly outnumbered.


That was good! Hope when its out who did it, we get to see an action replay !   I am thinking maybe Michelle nicked the contract when she was in the office collecting her "things", and she phoned Carla to tell her ??

I am putting my money on mum being the killer, but then again where was Sophie 

Chris Gascoyne (Peter Barlow) should win an award for being the best drunk in a soap, he does it so well 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Oh excellent piece of detective work there Skylark - Michelle could well have nabbed the contract!       I hope they reveal all soon.. and I still think it's his Mum (I only realised the other day that she was Gwen Taylor btw.. I'm so slow!)


Oh thank you! I may be wrong, i am known to be 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

there were Aimee.. but out of all of them, who's going to blab?  Only Jenny, and I'm sure everyone else would accuse her of being a liar.  I hope Sky's got it right

and his mum and his lawyer, plus theres alot of people on the street that don't like her, Leanne for one and Frank had also told her that Carla had signed


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