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She is so fake..How many times is going to go in the diary room look dead straight in the camera and say "I'm just a normal girl me" it's like she trying to believe her own lie. As Baz pointed out she was pissed off that Aaron  dare nominate her. See how quick she told everyone else "He ****ed it up"... Were her noms not f*cked up too?

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

So what was the crap that Louise was saying about not wanting to nom Tom so he could be with Alex on her birthday,she did nom him BB didnt allow it,if they had 5 would have been up and the big characters might have gone and they cant have that.Best to just blame Aaron .

Thats why I support Aaron because BB/Endemol have thrown a whole load of sh*t his way and taken the viewers for fools .

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

So what was the crap that Louise was saying about not wanting to nom Tom so he could be with Alex on her birthday,she did nom him BB didnt allow it,if they had 5 would have been up and the big characters might have gone and they cant have that.Best to just blame Aaron .

Thats why I support Aaron because BB/Endemol have thrown a whole load of sh*t his way and taken the viewers for fools .

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

So what was the crap that Louise was saying about not wanting to nom Tom so he could be with Alex on her birthday,she did nom him BB didnt allow it,if they had 5 would have been up and the big characters might have gone and they cant have that.Best to just blame Aaron .

Thats why I support Aaron because BB/Endemol have thrown a whole load of sh*t his way and taken the viewers for fools .




Louise sacrificed herself because, 
1 - She was happy for them all to be up, 
2 - Then happy to vote for Tom, making five of them up, 
3 - Then happy to vote for Faye, as she was annoyed with Aaron and couldn't vote for him again, 
4 - Then happy to admit to Jay that she was confused and thought only she would be up,
5 - Then happy to say that she couldn't have voted for Alex, as it would be her birthday that coming week, and couldn't vote for Tom, even though she had tried to, because she couldn't bear Tom not being at Alex's birthday party, 
6 - Then happy to say that she knew what she was doing and loved everyone so much that she was prepared to sacrifice herself,
7 - Then happy to admit to Aaron that she never agreed with the pact and just wanted to vote normally and choose who she wanted to.

Have you any idea how many brain cells she sacrificed, doing all that thinking? 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Louise sacrificed herself because, 
1 - She was happy for them all to be up, 
2 - Then happy to vote for Tom, making five of them up, 
3 - Then happy to vote for Faye, as she was annoyed with Aaron and couldn't vote for him again, 
4 - Then happy to admit to Jay that she was confused and thought only she would be up,
5 - Then happy to say that she couldn't have voted for Alex, as it would be her birthday that coming week, and couldn't vote for Tom, even though she had tried to, because she couldn't bear Tom not being at Alex's birthday party, 
6 - Then happy to say that she knew what she was doing and loved everyone so much that she was prepared to sacrifice herself,
7 - Then happy to admit to Aaron that she never agreed with the pact and just wanted to vote normally and choose who she wanted to.

Have you any idea how many brain cells she sacrificed, doing all that thinking? 

Brilliant Bliz!

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Louise sacrificed herself because, 
1 - She was happy for them all to be up, 
2 - Then happy to vote for Tom, making five of them up, 
3 - Then happy to vote for Faye, as she was annoyed with Aaron and couldn't vote for him again, 
4 - Then happy to admit to Jay that she was confused and thought only she would be up,
5 - Then happy to say that she couldn't have voted for Alex, as it would be her birthday that coming week, and couldn't vote for Tom, even though she had tried to, because she couldn't bear Tom not being at Alex's birthday party, 
6 - Then happy to say that she knew what she was doing and loved everyone so much that she was prepared to sacrifice herself,
7 - Then happy to admit to Aaron that she never agreed with the pact and just wanted to vote normally and choose who she wanted to.

Have you any idea how many brain cells she sacrificed, doing all that thinking? 

Brilliant Bliz!

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

If this is the case, they why did lots of conversations afterwards mention people saying "if Louise had nomintated Tom then we would all be up except Alex?

Something feels not right here.

Aaron gets blamed for EVERYTHING

Originally Posted by Moomin:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

If this is the case, they why did lots of conversations afterwards mention people saying "if Louise had nomintated Tom then we would all be up except Alex?

Something feels not right here.

Aaron gets blamed for EVERYTHING

The first round of noms Aaron went with the plan as did Louise BB then stopped them and restarted the noms .Tom then said to everyone just remember the two you were supposed to vote.Tom then went and nomed differently as did Jay BEFORE Aaron made his noms.


First round of noms Tom should have gone to his left and nomed Alex/Jay

He actually nomed Jay/Louise( off plan)

Jay should have nomed Aaron/Louise but he nomed Aaron/Faye ( off plan).

It was then Aarons turn he he nomed like the other two previous off plan .Louise then nomed how she wanted to  (off plan) putting herself against Faye.

Originally Posted by Moomin:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by erinp:

BBBOTS just showed Louise nominating Tom, and BB disallowing it.
And Louise THEN choosing Faye

yep saw that..Another way to eff Aaron over.

If this is the case, they why did lots of conversations afterwards mention people saying "if Louise had nomintated Tom then we would all be up except Alex?

Something feels not right here.

Aaron gets blamed for EVERYTHING

Yep, he sure does... And the public in the main will be able to see that...  They might have made him into some evil bastard in the house, but the public can see that all the others are no better than Aaron.  


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