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Has anyone actually pointed out to him the artists are actually supposed to be able to sing and saying 'people will find them fun' won't cut it? How can he possibly keep a straight face saying anyone doesn't have what it takes when he was bending over backwards to force the utterly loathsome talent-free creeps Jeward upon the world? Actually thinking about it I don't think he was the one bending over in that particular scenario.

Last week he wrote off tons of acts saying no to talented singers. His face lit up when two talentless young boys came on the stage. Seriously how in hell does he ever get on that show? This week he was urging Cowell to take various acts. Said acts were not shown but you can bet your life on them being absolute cow manure if Louis was pushing to get them on the show.

In case you hadn't guessed, I am not his number one fan. In fact, I would like to perform acts of extreme violence upon his odious personage, live on TV, while Jedward watch (knowing they are next).

/rant off.

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Like Louis or not, he has got there on merit
What merit might that be? He wouldn't know a good band if they jumped on him screaming 'WE'RE A GOOD BAND'. Handpicking young boys to do dreadful versions of good songs is not 'talent spotting' by the way.  Cheryl has a successful singing career and has the added advantage over Louis of being in possession of a functioning brain.
Get thee an abacus cos you're clearly confuzzled my friend!
I'm genuinely confused. Louis has absolutely no idea what makes a good band or artist. Jedward? F*cking Jedward? Cheryl is no genius but I'd take her opinions over his any day of the week. Actually I'd ask you before consulting that nauseating clueless little plonker.
Sorry, I'm trying to watch the Reid v's Watson fight on Bravo, talk on FB and on here at the same time while trying not to run to the loo boking again. (It's been another one of those days )

I'm not a great lover of Louis, he often sees things that make me think he has a cataract, but at other times I do find myself agreeing with him. I said it somewhere else on here that IMO, he is more qualified to critique as he manages bands, has had success in doing so and has been in the industry for years. Cheryl has never managed, but has been moulded. Although to her credit she does seem to do a good job with her acts in terms of song choice most of the time.
Prom, in the Cheryl Cole thread you practically accuse FMs of bering jealous of her, but here you are advocating that Loius goes by looks rather than ability. Make up your mind before you accuse us.
The FM's aren't judges on the X Factor Cologne. It's perfectly acceptable for them to hate/dislike/envy Cheryl for her looks. Louis however, is allegedly supposed to be looking for 'the next big thing'. To us that represents talent and ability. To Louis it represents good-looking young boys, preferably more than one so he can sort of superglue them all together into some ghastly group to terrorise the nation with. Whether they actually have talent or not is of no interest at all to Louis. His priorities and those of the rest of the human race differ greatly.
When has he ever looked for real musical talent? Cheryl was hand picked by him because he thought she was very good looking. Boy Zone, I remember being launched on the Irish programme and they looked and sounded totally embarrassing, ditto Westlife. His saving grace is that there will be enough romantics out there who will lap this crap up and buy the CDs.
cologne 1
Simon just wants young people who can sing ballads. Shayne, Leona, Leon, Alexandra and Joe all are off a similar mould, some albeit better then others.
Don't get me wrong. Simon is no saint. I hold him personally responsible for Jedward staying in the show last year. He could have booted them but kept them in knowing he had people in his stable who actually could sing. Painfully predictable Simon may be, but unlike Louis his absolute unswerving proviso is the acts must have at least some vague semblance of talent.

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