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You can get extreme camp at rallies, marches and gatherings of like-minded men and women.
But it is an extreme stereotype and not representative of the average gay man.
(In fact the average gay man is likely to be your neighbour who you would never have 'suspected'  in a million years.)

Pity!  I thought the screaming extreme camp stuff had left our television screens a long time ago.

Hubby and I enjoy watching him whether it's the Pineapple Studio progs or when he's on chat shows. Yes he's a great dancer but also naturally funny.

Brisket I understand your point. We have gay friends, some are camp some are not and like you say if people didn't know they wouldn't guess, personally it doesn't matter to us, we like them as friends

Yellow Rose
I can't put into words how much he annoys me!  So over the top and it's obviously put on IMO.  He's not even funny or entertaining, just bloody irritating as hell.    I have seen him on several shows incl a couple of panel shows and he is so dull and boring and just throws his arms around and does his stupid 'dancing.'  How the hell is he even getting air time?    I'm really sick of talentless nobodies gracing my tv screen!
Love him or loathe him, I don't think you can say he's talentless, sparkles? 

I love him, he makes me laugh - and apologies to Brisket because I know he's a camp stereotype, but I don't think it's put on for the telly.  My hairdresser is exactly the same (overly camp gay hairdresser is another step further in the stereotype I know) but he's not acting.  He's just himself.  It takes all sorts - I love him to bits, he's a natural comedian (my hairdresser ...and Louie)

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