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I know that the current lucky 56 megapoond winners (   were not a syndicate as such. But I am interested in internal politics. The two winners are appearing in the media  today and I wondered if it is compulsory as I can't see any advantage. I belong to a large syndicate and I think we assumed that we could tick the no publicity option.  (Apart from one guy who said that he would want everyone to know, but I figured that we could get round there, smother him, and throw him in thew River Tees  
Any ideas?

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The National Lottery cannot reveal the identity of winners without their written consent. It's definitely optional.

I'm not sure how it would work in the context of a syndicate, though. Do they have to get consent from every syndicate member before revealing any information, or can they only reveal the details of individual members who give consent, or can a syndicate "leader" give consent for all members? (My money's on the second option of those three.)
Eugene's Lair
Reference  brisket Today at 16:22:
But I would suspect that the people who run the lottery and the media will put a lot of pressure on the winners to allow publicity. I would guess the winners would be pestered to make it known.
I've been suspecting this too. I have been surprised recently by how many lottery winners have agreed to publicity - I know I definitely wouldn't.

Having said that: I was just listening to an interview with the winners from Gloucestershire, and they said they agreed to the publicity because they didn't think they (and particularly the children!) could keep it quiet anyway.
Eugene's Lair

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