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Reference:  Saz
about teaching self respect and whatnot as part of sex ed is a really good one
they do try Saz... PSHE lessons...   but its teenagers and I do think sometimes they talk the talk in the classroom.... but outside the classroom its still all about peer pressure.  

Takes an unusually mature teenager to walk their own path.  Most of Ickles classmates (last year) felt they HAD to have a boyfriend... any boy if it came to it...  if they didn't have a boyfriend then they were doomed to be single forever (I kid you not... this from 15 & 16 year olds!)
joyron offline 1118 Forum Posts Today at 10:47 (Edited: ) Reference: Of course in my day the girl waited until she had his ring on her finger, so to speak Glad someone else remembers the time when we did wait!!!
i believe in try before you buy. for a successful relationship (not just a long one) both partners need to be happy and compatible in every way. what if you marry someone then find out you just are not compatible in the happens! i feel the same about living together too lol.

just cos it is what you used to do, doesn't mean it was beter than way my parents for exampe stuck together till the day my mum died...but didn't even share a bedroom for the last  18 years of it. plus my mum used to tell me that dad wasn't that great in the sack

sex isn't just for men to enjoy btw i was nearly 19 when i lost my virginity...was ready for a few years before that but noone wanted me

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