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Having read a quote from what seems like everyones favourite celeb about when she lost her virginity

"I was 15 when I lost my virginity, but I made my boyfriend wait three months, so I am really proud of myself for that. The thought of being intimate with someone you don't know really freaks me out. I think men should earn that intimacy." Cheryl Cole discusses her relationship history with Glamour magazine.

I was just wondering what everyone thought about losing your virginity at 15? Do you think 16 is the perfect age? Is there a perfect age to lose your virginity?

Sorry it's offtopic

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I think 16 is a good age of consent, however I don't see that a moral guideline (ie that it's immoral to lose your virginity before that age)'s there to protect kids.

I don't think there is a "good" age, only a good set of circumstances.

So no, I don't see anything particularly wrong with Cheryl losing it at 15, providing she was safe (in all senses of the word)
it's been medically proven that the younger girls start having sex, the greater their future risk of cervical cancer. Seems a good enough reason to wait.
That is a really good point, I had forgotten about that in my initial post.

I have a question though, is that based purely on biological age or physical sexual maturity?
I don't think there is a "good" age, only a good set of circumstances.
Absolutely. It is imperative that a girl (and this applies to males too), take that step when they are in the right place emotionally and feel the time is right.

I think it's a selfish thing. I'm not into this 'must be in a loving relationship' stuff, I see no difference in being with the person of your dreams or the person you've paid an hour for, as long as it's at the right time for the individual.
Reference: Leccy
OOh I've just called that flawed logic up there
Aw sorry Leccy... I didn't see you'd already said that (tis what you get when you try and do serious forum posting at the same time as cooking tea!).

As for flawed logic....  It think its more about statistically if you start younger you are more likely to have more...  

I dunno how true it is...  I can think of the exceptions ... both the young starters who stayed with the bloke forever... and the late starters that once they got a taste for it... were unstoppable!
It think its more about statistically if you start younger you are more likely to have more...
Yeah I can see that but if we're just talking the differnce of a year or so I can't see how it would make much difference to the final er...tally...unless we are talking a reallu busy girl.

(again apologies for all my typos today, I'm gonna have to get the FF add on for this PC)(

So they may have also been infected with HPV earlier, giving the virus more time to produce the long sequence of events that are needed for cancer development."

Dr Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said the study raised some interesting questions.

"Although women can be infected by HPV at any age, infections at a very young age may be especially dangerous as they have more time to cause damage that eventually leads to cancer.

ahhh.. ok.. so its cos of the dormancy & timeline of the HPV virus... as in the earlier you get HPV...  the earlier it will reach the stage of becoming cervical cancer.

Surely it just means the woman gets it a couple of years later...

oh god this is making my head hurt!  

Someone get back to whether its ok to have it off at 15 or not....

I don't have a problem with a girl losing her virginity at 15 (or younger) if she makes an informed decision without being pressured, is emotionally mature, and above all, practices safe sex.  What amazes me is that Cheryl Cole said that she feels proud of herself for making someone wait for three months!  That's not exactly a long time or something I would feel proud of


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