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Originally Posted by Pengy:


I doubt there are many children that could tell you the lineage of the kings and queens of England 

tbh I'm struggling a bit on that too Pengy...    I know a few of them..  but ask me what order and I am flummoxed.


I don't really think its essential knowledge *runs from Pengys wrath*


I do think the youngling Summer spoke to should have known who Charles is....    given the history with Diana & Camilla etc.


*pops back to say*


I think that geography that is taught in schools should focus a bit more on where places are than meandering rivers, plate techtonics & sea groynes.    Last week my 18yr old daughter said that Botswana was in Europe!

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Pengy:


I doubt there are many children that could tell you the lineage of the kings and queens of England 

tbh I'm struggling a bit on that too Pengy...    I know a few of them..  but ask me what order and I am flummoxed.


I don't really think its essential knowledge *runs from Pengys wrath*


I do think the youngling Summer spoke to should have known who Charles is....    given the history with Diana & Camilla etc.


*pops back to say*


I think that geography that is taught in schools should focus a bit more on where places are than meandering rivers, plate techtonics & sea groynes.    Last week my 18yr old daughter said that Botswana was in Europe!

Ditty   I'm just on my high horse because history and geography are subjects that should be thoroughly taught at school but are either being dumbed down so they aren't worth studying or they are not on the curriculum at all 



I couldn't do the lineage of kings and queens  but then I had an Irish education for my primary years and by the time I came to England, it was all world war one/two stuff that was taught 


If I am honest...  a lot of history bores the backside offa me! 


But I think there would be some merit in teaching comprehensive political history in schools...   


I am a big believer in teaching things that people need to know in life.    Same with geography..   I really needed to know that Bristol was not in the North (yeah...  I thought it was til I was in my 20's)...   if I had needed to know about sedementary rock formations... I could have studied that in further or higher education.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!   So I can tell you all about mao tse tung & chang kai shek....   but bugger all about the kings & queens of england.




da gang of four    were you taught from a little red book 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


I am a big believer in teaching things that people need to know in life.    Same with geography..   I really needed to know that Bristol was not in the North (yeah...  I thought it was til I was in my 20's)...   if I had needed to know about sedementary rock formations... I could have studied that in further or higher education.

I agree with that but I also feel that you can learn from history i.e. you can understand why some countries don't like other ones etc., but that's not always taught 

Originally Posted by Avalon Moonlight:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!  




I didn't realise it had fallen, I thought it was still rising! 

yeah...  i was thinking that as I typed it..    but the title "the rise & fall... " is stuck in my head... 


maybe it was the fall & rise...  ahhh whatever...   I got a Grade C GCE in it..   Scraped it basically 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


I am a big believer in teaching things that people need to know in life.    Same with geography..   I really needed to know that Bristol was not in the North (yeah...  I thought it was til I was in my 20's)...   if I had needed to know about sedementary rock formations... I could have studied that in further or higher education.

I agree with that but I also feel that you can learn from history i.e. you can understand why some countries don't like other ones etc., but that's not always taught 

yeah...  & that is why I think political history should be taught...   I've learned loads from MrD..   he did political history (at his posh school)..   so he tells me the interesting stuff.    he did all about Machiavelli in his A Level..    


He says I am a true child of Machiavelli 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!   So I can tell you all about mao tse tung & chang kai shek....   but bugger all about the kings & queens of england.




da gang of four    were you taught from a little red book 



it led to the best family argument in my house ever!!    My Nana (my Mums Mum) was a (in my Dads words) "Sun reading Tory"...   by Dad, a loud & proud socialist..     My Nana starting going off on one at Sunday dinner about how the school were trying to make us all communists by teaching us about Mao & Co in history..    it got a bit heated...    My Nan (as usual) over stepped the mark and started calling my dad all sorts of names...      then, before our eyes my Dad threw his yorkshire pudding across the table and it schlopped into the side of my nana's face...  gravy spattering everywhere...  and it just slid... in slo mo silence down her face onto her plate!



Twas v v v v funny!  (though we had to try not to laugh)



(& my dad hadn't meant to chuck it at her...   he was gesticulating with his fork, which happened to have his yorkshire pud on it)

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Avalon Moonlight:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!  




I didn't realise it had fallen, I thought it was still rising! 

yeah...  i was thinking that as I typed it..    but the title "the rise & fall... " is stuck in my head... 


maybe it was the fall & rise...  ahhh whatever...   I got a Grade C GCE in it..   Scraped it basically 

If it's still communist then it must be one of the last bastions of it, Ditty, along with Cuba I suppose, but then I can't keep pace with all the changes going on around the world.


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!   So I can tell you all about mao tse tung & chang kai shek....   but bugger all about the kings & queens of england.




da gang of four    were you taught from a little red book 



it led to the best family argument in my house ever!!    My Nana (my Mums Mum) was a (in my Dads words) "Sun reading Tory"...   by Dad, a loud & proud socialist..     My Nana starting going off on one at Sunday dinner about how the school were trying to make us all communists by teaching us about Mao & Co in history..    it got a bit heated...    My Nan (as usual) over stepped the mark and started calling my dad all sorts of names...      then, before our eyes my Dad threw his yorkshire pudding across the table and it schlopped into the side of my nana's face...  gravy spattering everywhere...  and it just slid... in slo mo silence down her face onto her plate!



Twas v v v v funny!  (though we had to try not to laugh)



(& my dad hadn't meant to chuck it at her...   he was gesticulating with his fork, which happened to have his yorkshire pud on it)

did she eat it or give it back 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

you're lucky...   


in my history lessons we did the rise & fall of Communist China!!!   So I can tell you all about mao tse tung & chang kai shek....   but bugger all about the kings & queens of england.




da gang of four    were you taught from a little red book 



it led to the best family argument in my house ever!!    My Nana (my Mums Mum) was a (in my Dads words) "Sun reading Tory"...   by Dad, a loud & proud socialist..     My Nana starting going off on one at Sunday dinner about how the school were trying to make us all communists by teaching us about Mao & Co in history..    it got a bit heated...    My Nan (as usual) over stepped the mark and started calling my dad all sorts of names...      then, before our eyes my Dad threw his yorkshire pudding across the table and it schlopped into the side of my nana's face...  gravy spattering everywhere...  and it just slid... in slo mo silence down her face onto her plate!



Twas v v v v funny!  (though we had to try not to laugh)



(& my dad hadn't meant to chuck it at her...   he was gesticulating with his fork, which happened to have his yorkshire pud on it)

  What a waste of a yorkshire pud.

Smarting Buttocks

I wish they would teach basic history how we were taught it. Starting with dinosaurs,then cavemen, then the Iron age, then the bronze age, etc, etc. leading up to the first monarch and who was king/queen and the social history of the time, right up to the present day. That way children get a better perspective and time line of the past. When they get to G.C.S.E  the chuck in the political stuff. 

Originally Posted by Sezit:

I wish they would teach basic history how we were taught it. Starting with dinosaurs,then cavemen, then the Iron age, then the bronze age, etc, etc. leading up to the first monarch and who was king/queen and the social history of the time, right up to the present day. That way children get a better perspective and time line of the past. When they get to G.C.S.E  the chuck in the political stuff. 

that's what I was trying to say but you've said it so much better 

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

I have a question about Prince Phillip.


Why isn't he a King ?

He was a junior member of both the Greek and Danish monachy.  He couldn't become a King when he married the present Queen because as it stands a King takes presidence over a Queen and that would have meant she would have had to let him make all decisions and interact with the Prime Minister but it's the Queen not him that inherited the throne therefore he can't become King



I'm assuming that all that is true cos I haven't really got an idea 

Originally Posted by Sezit:

I wish they would teach basic history how we were taught it. Starting with dinosaurs,then cavemen, then the Iron age, then the bronze age, etc, etc. leading up to the first monarch and who was king/queen and the social history of the time, right up to the present day. That way children get a better perspective and time line of the past. When they get to G.C.S.E  the chuck in the political stuff. 

yeah....  that sounds good! 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I lubs the Prince Phillip 

you still haven't answered, did your nana eat that yorkshire pudding? 

no she didn't..   I seem to remember her getting up and shuffling out of the room... my mum following her...  my dad then stomping through to his chair in the living room...  


and a heavy atmosphere of discontent settled on the house for the rest of the day 



No wonder I used to spend as little time in the house as possible when I was a teenager...  I probably escaped out to walk the streets in the rain with my mates, whilst sharing the 3 JPS we bought as singles from the dodgy "corner" shop!

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

I have a question about Prince Phillip.


Why isn't he a King ?

He was a junior member of both the Greek and Danish monachy.  He couldn't become a King when he married the present Queen because as it stands a King takes presidence over a Queen and that would have meant she would have had to let him make all decisions and interact with the Prime Minister but it's the Queen not him that inherited the throne therefore he can't become King



I'm assuming that all that is true cos I haven't really got an idea 

You are correct Pengy


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