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You'd never know it was Noms Day, would you?

Jay and Anton setting up Aaron.

It will be interesting to see if Alex votes for Aaron, after listening to those two idiots.


Erin, there's another clip on Youtube showing Faye and Aaron having a tiff last night, maybe that's why he's fed up. I tried to post the link but it wouldn't work for me.

Basically Faye spent ages flirting with Anton last night and didn't get the reaction she wanted from Aaron. She waited until Aaron had gone to bed, then went over and picked another fight, playing the victim as usual.

Aaron seriously needs to distance himself from Faye, she is needy and a wee bit unbalanced, IMO.


I think Faye is a potential psycho, her face changed from a happy smile to a murderous look when Aaron chucked water over her in the sauna.She can dish it out etc .I  agree Aaron needs to distance himself from her.I so hope it's Aiden and Anton up,but I  fear they will target more girls.Faye likes to start fights the night before noms..

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I think Faye is a potential psycho, her face changed from a happy smile to a murderous look when Aaron chucked water over her in the sauna.She can dish it out etc .I  agree Aaron needs to distance himself from her.I so hope it's Aiden and Anton up,but I  fear they will target more girls.Faye likes to start fights the night before noms..

I noticed that too, Katty.

I think Faye "has issues".


Anton up to his old tricks again ,Faye is a fool.

          Day 25: Faye's flirt fest         

15 hours ago

It’s been a night of speculation, confusion and arguments in the Big Brother House tonight, with Faye at the epicentre of it all.


Faye decided that she’d been alienating herself from some of the housemates because of her flirty relationship with Aaron. After some time alone in the wilderness, former member Faye attempted to rejoin the wolf pack but the boys decided that re-entry wouldn’t be quite so easy.


The Brummie wrestler went straight to work on Anton to gain favour with the group, flirting outrageously with him throughout the evening, she even went as far as kissing Anton on the cheek whilst sitting on his lap. Alex and Jay sat by watching, with faces set to stunned, as a tipsy Faye showered Anton with affection.


From afar Aaron seemed to handle the situation rather well. He did throw the odd glance over to Faye and Anton's antics but decided against getting involved and headed inside to have a chinwag with Mark instead. Faye seemed to have other ideas however, as she frantically ran about the house trying to rectify a rumour, asking everyone “do you think I kissed Anton.” Pretty schoolyard behaviour I hear you say?


Anyways, to top it off Maisy’s and Faye seemed to have formed a drunken elite nagging squadron that offers Aaron a bizarre form of bitter sweet love. One second, the two girls will be wrestling with him and the next, they’ll be telling him he’s not all that. How will they feel about Aaron in the morning? We'll have to wait and see...

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I think Faye is a potential psycho, her face changed from a happy smile to a murderous look when Aaron chucked water over her in the sauna.She can dish it out etc .I  agree Aaron needs to distance himself from her.I so hope it's Aiden and Anton up,but I  fear they will target more girls.Faye likes to start fights the night before noms..

Didn't it just!!!  I think she is  a devious little minx, with a bit of a nasty streak!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You'd never know it was Noms Day, would you?

Jay and Anton setting up Aaron.

It will be interesting to see if Alex votes for Aaron, after listening to those two idiots.


Erin, there's another clip on Youtube showing Faye and Aaron having a tiff last night, maybe that's why he's fed up. I tried to post the link but it wouldn't work for me.

Basically Faye spent ages flirting with Anton last night and didn't get the reaction she wanted from Aaron. She waited until Aaron had gone to bed, then went over and picked another fight, playing the victim as usual.

Aaron seriously needs to distance himself from Faye, she is needy and a wee bit unbalanced, IMO.

The clip is here just watched it and she is a nutter,if Aaron does not step away from her he's a fool.I don't trust Maisie I think she wants Aaron and feeds Faye's insecurities which are many .Aaron is right regarding the Dad/Step dad title.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I thought the same Erin when i watched the clip earlier  i think Aaron will be up again this week as i think Jay, Anton, Tom and Aden will nominate him as for Faye i also think she's a nutter, why does she want Aaron too be her step dad  and i'm fed up of hearing her saying that Aaron is making her look like a dick 

She certainly uses that word often so sick of her but I doubt she will be up.I think Maisie will be up.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Jay Anton Tom and Aden must really be as thick as they look then if they want Aaron to be up this week  What part of Aaron has got the most vote do they not understand?

I was thinking that they would put up another big character too see if Aaron would survive again but this lot haven't got a brain cell between them 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Jay Anton Tom and Aden must really be as thick as they look then if they want Aaron to be up this week  What part of Aaron has got the most vote do they not understand?

I was thinking that they would put up another big character too see if Aaron would survive again but this lot haven't got a brain cell between them 



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