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Sorry, don't buy or read mags so I've never known what happens to HMs once they leave unless it's reported on a CH4 show.

Do they ever know how much they are disliked? Even when booed on the way out Davina reassures them that it's all panto. Then, the boos tend to fade as they make their way past the press and no matter who it is the fans want to touch them. Then the eviction interview is never too harsh for the majority of them.

I am sure that they are de-briefed and given some sort of counselling very shortly after leaving too. This will also probably re-enforce the notion that any negative feedback is all part of the panto that is BB - that EVERYONE receives it to some extent. No doubt they are warned about this before they go in too. AND BB will do everything it can to put a positive spin on things - they wouldn't want anyone attempting to sue them for ruining their life. Didn't someone attempt to sue once?

The baddies pop up in shows such as BBLB seemingly unchanged - that thing Luke was on BBLB this year as smarmy as ever. If I knew I was disliked so much I'd never show my face on TV again.

The BBLB audience and presenters don't seem to share this forum's likes/ dislikes. Why no booing of Kris on BBLB when his name is mentioned?

I keep reading comments on here about how people can't wait until Kris gets kicked out as then he will "know" what we think of him - but will he? Even if he got 100% of the vote he would put this down to anything other than his wanker behaviour and his friends and family won't enlighten him - they will (quite rightly) be supportive.

They will have even more of an excuse this year - since there is no live feed - to say they were edited badly.

The other excuse already being used in the DR is that Freddie's game plan is to provoke them into disliking him and then playing the victim.

Kris has been swanning about Shreswbury and now Manchester for many a year and I've read reports that people who know him think he's a dick so he must already be immune to any comments made about him to his face - no doubt everyone who doesn't like him is jealous of his looks and pulling ability.

I very much doubt he will EVER know what we think of him - which is a great shame after all the effort we've put in slagging him off. Big Grin

If he did he might, just might, get something out of his BB experience.

....I would love him to read OHG's thread. Big Grin

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his friends and family won't enlighten him - they will (quite rightly) be supportive

Hmmmm... dunno about the "quite rightly" bit. If he'd not been clearly brought up to think he's god's gift and that anyone less popular deserves to be persecuted, he might have turned out an OK person.

I think if I had a son who behaved like him, I'd be "quite rightly" ashamed of him, and ashamed of myself for not doing a better job.
There is some truth to the 'its all panto' Every BB series needs its vilans and if there isn't a strong candidate, then a fairly dislikable type such as Kris will be blown up into a monster. Early on it looked like being Lisa, but she showed great self-restraint and has not been in major arguments since her one with Marcus and Freddie! Kris is in fact no nastier than last years Dale who had the good fortune to be overshadowed by even worse types such as Alexandra, Dennis, Jen and Luke!

Ex- BB types rarely learn from their behaviour and admit to being nasty or misjudging others in the house. Their friends both inside and outside the house will only see their side of the story and will rarely challenge them.!
Good, well thought out post BB. I think the only time that they may get an inkling is if they do a bit of self googling to see what the online reaction was or if they pick up some bad vibes from the PAs that they seem to make most of their money at.
It is funny how we quickly forget these objects of our loathing several short days after their return to reality.
captain marbles

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