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Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

OMG! I love that Loki photo too! What a beautiful boy he is! Seriously, I'm not a pet person but he is beginning to turn me. My Dad's carers have just adopted a Shih Tzu mix puppy and that has only made this problem worse.  If only I could walk one.  


The puppy looks like this one. Awww.



awww.  shih tzu crosses are usually fantastic lap dogs..   


 we know one on our dog walking circuit called Muffin.   he bloody hates going for a walk,..     his owner has to drag him round 


mind you Xochi..     puppies!!   I will never ever again encourage anyone to take on a puppy!!  


they make your feral fox friend look like a teddy bear!   



Our house is pretty much rubble!    sleep - pfft!    apparently sleep is for people that don't have a Springador puppy in the house!   



I have just been out & bought a stairgate for the stairs..    that will make a huge difference..  we had been barricading it with furniture..  which he would just leap over 


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

OMG! I love that Loki photo too! What a beautiful boy he is! Seriously, I'm not a pet person but he is beginning to turn me. My Dad's carers have just adopted a Shih Tzu mix puppy and that has only made this problem worse.  If only I could walk one.  


The puppy looks like this one. Awww.



awww.  shih tzu crosses are usually fantastic lap dogs..   


 we know one on our dog walking circuit called Muffin.   he bloody hates going for a walk,..     his owner has to drag him round 

I can understand that!  I hope Loki will enjoy the walks with MrD soon though. 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

if I am gonna spam I might as well go for it..  


this pic was taken one evening last week by MrD..  I was working over time most evenings last week..    so he'd kindly text me a pic to show me what I was missing..   



I missed his first wee outdoors..   a monumental moment..    but MrD thoughtfully captured it so I could share from a distance.. 



and if you think by posting a pic of my dog having a wee I am taking the tone down further than its ever been before...  


he had his first poo outdoors last week also.     again, I was at work, again MrD was concerned about me missing the milestone.. 


so he sent me this.. 


hahahah!! That last one !

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by erinp:

thanks for that ,cheered me up seeing Loki.

aww..  wassup Erin?   

I have a summer cold and it's a pain in the ass,no Gym makes me grumpy.

funnily enough there is a bit of that going round in my world too.    the boy has gone down with ear-ache tonight (& nothing to do with me for once)..    Ickle was sick last week (thankfully didn't turn into a full blown glandular fever flare up)..   and MrD has been a snotty grumpy monkey for days (though hay fever & a cold sore are to blame apparently).


Hope you feel better soon and are able to get back to feed your endorphin addiction 


I might be joining you soon..      I am about to commence in "Plan Ditty; as life is bloody difficult anyway..  may as well make some of it result in improvement"


I go on Champix in 9 days..   stop smoking date set for 2 weeks after that.   On that day the summer hols will have started, so with no school run to do I am planning on ditching the car & cycling to work.


I have decided..   if this year is determined to kill me - then I am sooo gonna go out looking hot! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by erinp:

thanks for that ,cheered me up seeing Loki.

aww..  wassup Erin?   

I have a summer cold and it's a pain in the ass,no Gym makes me grumpy.

funnily enough there is a bit of that going round in my world too.    the boy has gone down with ear-ache tonight (& nothing to do with me for once)..    Ickle was sick last week (thankfully didn't turn into a full blown glandular fever flare up)..   and MrD has been a snotty grumpy monkey for days (though hay fever & a cold sore are to blame apparently).


Hope you feel better soon and are able to get back to feed your endorphin addiction 


I might be joining you soon..      I am about to commence in "Plan Ditty; as life is bloody difficult anyway..  may as well make some of it result in improvement"


I go on Champix in 9 days..   stop smoking date set for 2 weeks after that.   On that day the summer hols will have started, so with no school run to do I am planning on ditching the car & cycling to work.


I have decided..   if this year is determined to kill me - then I am sooo gonna go out looking hot! 

Good plan ,not sure about the Chapix.I was on it but came of due to the terrible nighmares I had .Managed to stop smoking using the inhalators. As for joining a Gym ,you will never look back.

This sounds like your year to look smoking (no pun intended)

Good Luck.



he is a heeeyooooooge dog!



its like that Digby the giant dog film round here!! 



puppy proofing is proving to be challenging when he can already reach up to the dining room table..    


last night..  on a quest for MrD's dinner..   he just hopped right up onto the table!!!    bold as you like! 


He pretty much flew back down again though 

Originally Posted by erinp:

oking hot! 

Good plan ,not sure about the Chapix.I was on it but came of due to the terrible nighmares I had .Managed to stop smoking using the inhalators. As for joining a Gym ,you will never look back.

This sounds like your year to look smoking (no pun intended)

Good Luck.

The nurse did warn me about the sleep disturbances..   nightmares for some..  though she tried to sell it to me by saying some of her ladies actually had porn dreams (think I'll have the nightmares ta!   got enough on me plate without MrD with the horn )...   


I have scrounged some zopiclone off me mum..     maybe they will help if the dreams get too much ..    (& yeah, no shame me..    I will scrounge meds off a terminally sick person     actually she pretty much pushed them onto me..    she's like a walking pharmacy)


Bit of Loki spam for you before I hit the sack... 


these were taken this tonight when he went for his evening bimble... 








Right prepare to feel conned..    the above pics make him look so grown up... 


it took many many photo's taken to get those shots..    in amongst the hundreds of discarded pics of black blurs & a leg in one corner or just a bit of grass sans hound, there was this... a more realistic representation of the goofball baby dog.. 




Hope you are all enjoying BB..   I have given up even pretending I will get round to watching it...   not enough hours in the day anymore..  


And now I wish you goodnight 


ello Mrs 



Well..  apart from today, where he is all heartbreakingly cute cos he is ill..   




I swear I never want another one....   not from puppy size 


Big breed puppies are horrible 


I have never had any of my previous male dogs neutered...    I cannot wait to get Loki down to see Charlotte so she can whip off his nads..,       apart from the 'tude,,,      its the nightly full-on, hour long, no shame, porn show we have to endure...      he takes the draft excluder (now HIS possession..  and he can bloody well keep it)..   and lays it against the arm of the sofa, up against the sofa, on the beanbag..     and goes for it..   i mean REALLY goes for it.


Then he stands there wimpering for another 20 minutes...  after the act is over..   cos he has what looks like a full size chorizo sausage stuck to his undercarraige..      we are all tense until we know its going to 'go away'  (we'd read if it doesn't then we have to keep it lubed til we can get him to the vets...  We'd be drawing straws as a family to see who gets that job).



Right..  I will go see if I can find any more recent pics of the monster....  


(the dog.. . not his willy) 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

ello Mrs 



Well..  apart from today, where he is all heartbreakingly cute cos he is ill..   




I swear I never want another one....   not from puppy size 


Big breed puppies are horrible 


I have never had any of my previous male dogs neutered...    I cannot wait to get Loki down to see Charlotte so she can whip off his nads..,       

Right..  I will go see if I can find any more recent pics of the monster....  


(the dog.. . not his willy) 


somewhere I did bring this up but as you had never had a large dog before guess it has hit you harder ... I just had forgot how much hard work puppies were and it was a shock 


I know people have varying views on having their dogs done but we had no choice - we lived in fear of another one getting killed on the main A road in front of us and never wanted to go through that again [ ours didnt hump indoors - just used to escape and wander for hours   be prepared though even after the snip it isnt instant - the urge takes a while to go away  all the dogs we have rehomed had already been done thank goodness 


look forward to seeing more pics 

Originally Posted by MrsH:


somewhere I did bring this up but as you had never had a large dog before guess it has hit you harder ... I just had forgot how much hard work puppies were and it was a shock 



the big breed thing has made a huge difference..     ALL puppies are hard work..   and AJ was a full on nightmare (he drew blood with us all) -  but just the fact that he was smaller made it so much more manageable.


Also..   when AJ was snappy & snarly it was exactly that...   unacceptable aggression, naughtiness..   and so I could justifiably bollock him for it. 


Loki is just playing..   half the time he doesn't know why he's on the naughty step..  and he's definitely forgotten why by the time we let him out of time out. 



It'll pass though..   I know this phase will pass 



it might mean I have to take him to work with me for a while though...    gonna buy a BIG crate..   one big enough for him to walk around in, and have a water bowl down in etc..    that I can have in the office with me...     


Dunno if Dad is up to having Loki for me when Ickle goes back to uni, well, Dad doesn't know if he is up to it.  I think it will do him the world of good...  certainly keep him occupied..     but he's wallowing () a bit,,     


forgot to feed Chuffley & everything!!!   (not happy about this....  grief is not an acceptable reason not to look after those that are totally dependant on us)..   if things don't improve I may end up having to take Chuffley in for a while

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Loki looks lovely Ditty and his coat is soooo silky. He must be lovely to pet


Your poor Dad   

Yeah, I know...  


I am going up there shortly to see how he's doing...  


tis really tough cos he doesn't want, won't accept, any help from 'us kids'.    So for now all I can do is just keep going down there, as often as I dare without it doing his head in, checking the fridge has food in it, the bin has scraps in it, everything else vital to normal domestic living is ticking over,  and the dog is alive...  


I hate this...     I hate having to approach that house now, and go in.   Knowing she isn't in it, but he is - at his most difficult.


hey ho..   big girls pants day n all that

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):


Yeah, I know...  


I am going up there shortly to see how he's doing...  


tis really tough cos he doesn't want, won't accept, any help from 'us kids'.    So for now all I can do is just keep going down there, as often as I dare without it doing his head in, checking the fridge has food in it, the bin has scraps in it, everything else vital to normal domestic living is ticking over,  and the dog is alive...  


I hate this...     I hate having to approach that house now, and go in.   Knowing she isn't in it, but he is - at his most difficult.


hey ho..   big girls pants day n all that

Oh it must be terribly hard   Its very admirable how you're trying to stay strong for others  


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