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Originally Posted by Cinds:

OH Jesus Christ Ditts, if I send you a zip lock plastic bag, will you make him breathe in to it so I can get a puppy breath fix. PLEASE


I said please, so that means you have to.  (According to the laws of children and some husbands)


I'm afraid you might not like our puppies breath Cinds...     He came from the breeder being fed on the Fish4Dogs range of food -  He loves it -  only downside is his breath does tend to have a bit of a fishy wiff to it 


ok...   yesterday the sun was shining and we had some quality time in the garden with Pupster.. 


First off though...   EXCUSE ME BORDERS!!  I know they are borders of bindweed...  once they were beautiful, but nature is running riot there now...    we're gonna turf them over, gonna turf the whole garden over, then I can redo the pretty bits when Loki is older & things in my life are less hectic.


Back to puppy pics... 


"Thats my ball"


"Yep both those - my balls" 

"What do you mean 'Sit', 'Wait' - they are MY balls Daddy"

"Its mine!"

"So is that one...   Both Mine!"

"My Precious!   Hide this one up & go back for the other one!"


"Definitely Mine!"

"Nearly got it"

"Where'd it go?"




Thank you everyone  *proud*



& Cosi - yes, thank you.    Its really hard actually, MrD & I are still devastated over losing AJ...   I think this week the shock started to wear off and it really started to hit home.   We still cry everyday, some day worse than others..  I can't imagine what it would be like if we hadn't got Loki - unbearable probably.


Grieving for the loss of my AJ, watching Ma on the decline...    I don't know how I would be getting up & getting on with life if we hadn't got him.... Loki is my little life saver.    


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Thank you everyone  *proud*



& Cosi - yes, thank you.    Its really hard actually, MrD & I are still devastated over losing AJ...   I think this week the shock started to wear off and it really started to hit home.   We still cry everyday, some day worse than others..  I can't imagine what it would be like if we hadn't got Loki - unbearable probably.


Grieving for the loss of my AJ, watching Ma on the decline...    I don't know how I would be getting up & getting on with life if we hadn't got him.... Loki is my little life saver.    


I've loved looking at the pics of your baby boy....he really is blissfully beautiful!


Just going a little off-topic for a moment to ask if you might have tried any of the amazing cancer forums out there yet?  I'm also on a 'cancer journey' right now with someone very, very close to me.  Not my Mum - that particular heartache happened 5 years ago And now, history is repeating itself for me.  A couple of the forums I've joined have been an enormous help.  Everyone's story is different & a uniquely personal experience - but no one is judged and there's no one-upmanship.  Whenever I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, that's where I head for to get some perspective and a little dose of reality.  It can be a great place to just let rip & wail instead of keeping a neatly buttoned up facade, when (in reality) your mind is swirling and your insides are churning


Give Loki a tickle from me - on his rump, just above the tail, should do it!  

mrs darling
Originally Posted by mrs darling:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Thank you everyone  *proud*



& Cosi - yes, thank you.    Its really hard actually, MrD & I are still devastated over losing AJ...   I think this week the shock started to wear off and it really started to hit home.   We still cry everyday, some day worse than others..  I can't imagine what it would be like if we hadn't got Loki - unbearable probably.


Grieving for the loss of my AJ, watching Ma on the decline...    I don't know how I would be getting up & getting on with life if we hadn't got him.... Loki is my little life saver.    


I've loved looking at the pics of your baby boy....he really is blissfully beautiful!


Just going a little off-topic for a moment to ask if you might have tried any of the amazing cancer forums out there yet?  I'm also on a 'cancer journey' right now with someone very, very close to me.  Not my Mum - that particular heartache happened 5 years ago And now, history is repeating itself for me.  A couple of the forums I've joined have been an enormous help.  Everyone's story is different & a uniquely personal experience - but no one is judged and there's no one-upmanship.  Whenever I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, that's where I head for to get some perspective and a little dose of reality.  It can be a great place to just let rip & wail instead of keeping a neatly buttoned up facade, when (in reality) your mind is swirling and your insides are churning


Give Loki a tickle from me - on his rump, just above the tail, should do it!  

Thank you for this..   and sorry for the loss of your Mum and that you are having to go through this tragic heartbreaking thing again 


If I actually felt I needed to, I would go and talk to people on the cancer forums..   tragically yet beneficial to me, there are people on here that have gone through exactly what I am going through..    two in particular have gone through the exact same thing and I have a war & Peace length dialogs going on with them.


There are few silver linings to having to watch your Mum die a long slow painful death...   one of them however has been that I have realised I am blessed with a network of people around me, in real life and on the internet who make sure I never feel alone.    


I am trying to word this so it doesn't sound like a rebuke..   or a smug "I don't need it ta"..    I really don't mean it like this..      If I didn't have the support I have around here,  and from my husband (god I never realised just how well I married til this last year..  above & beyond the call of service) and my best friend (who I work with)..   then the cancer forums would be a life line. 


And, as of Friday, I have a MacMillan nurse - finally (parents resisted this one all year)..    I have yet to talk to her properly..   but I will.   She's already brought comfort & a new sense of calm to my parents world..    might need her to do a bit of that for me soon.

Anyway..   thank you.    And I am really sorry you're going through this.   I have said it before..    what I am going through is so unbelievably hard & painful it should be really unusual..   the tragedy is its not, and nearly everyone I know has a similar tale to tell.   


And...  from experience,  I can tell you if you ever feel desperate to talk just post on here..    sadly so many of our forum lot have "been there"..   but this means that when someone else is going through it they are there & they understand xxx


Ditty   I'm really glad you have a terrific support network: here, there & everywhere  Mercifully, I have that too, whenever I need it.  Horses for courses, I guess; I like the anonymity of the places I go to.  All of us, virtual strangers, yet bound together by the one common denominator: this vile, cruel, unforgiving disease.  With friends, I'm less inclined to wail (quite so much) - because I don't want to bring the mood down. Besides, when I'm among friends, I actually need a bit of light relief & a laugh with them.  Having said that, I do have a lot of laughs with my 'cancer buddies' too!  We can be very decadently outrageous and irreverent sometimes  And laughter is, of course, 'the cheapest medicine' on the planet 


Talking of laughter - back to Loki time again!  Sorry to have taken you off-topic  x

mrs darling
Originally Posted by mrs darling:

Ditty   I'm really glad you have a terrific support network: here, there & everywhere  Mercifully, I have that too, whenever I need it.  Horses for courses, I guess; I like the anonymity of the places I go to.  All of us, virtual strangers, yet bound together by the one common denominator: this vile, cruel, unforgiving disease.  With friends, I'm less inclined to wail (quite so much) - because I don't want to bring the mood down. Besides, when I'm among friends, I actually need a bit of light relief & a laugh with them.  Having said that, I do have a lot of laughs with my 'cancer buddies' too!  We can be very decadently outrageous and irreverent sometimes  And laughter is, of course, 'the cheapest medicine' on the planet 


Talking of laughter - back to Loki time again!  Sorry to have taken you off-topic  x

nah..  no apologies necessary..     the thread may be titled Loki, but AJ and my Mum...    they are all part of the same story really.


and yes..   laughter  -   I still manage to laugh pretty much everyday..   sometimes in the worst possible taste!    It actually helps sometimes..   to have the darkest of things as the subject of humour 


In other Loki related news... 



Today he is the devil dog! 


He's asleep at the moment -  but from the 5 hours of rampaging we have already had today...  we dread him waking up!


Weather here is crap!!!    everywhere else is sunny..   East Anglia is covered by a  cloud & its freezing out!   So..   shut up with the oversized gremlin!!  


We are having to take him on short car rides everyday...   cos he hates the car.   He cries like a bitch the whole time he is in the car...     normally I feel a bit bad when its car ride time (but we have to do it..   cos he has to get used to it)...


today I am going to be like mwaahahahahaha when I harness him up  

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Awwww Ditts I am so in love with him.  Our Angus still whines on car rides, Gloria just joins in because I think she likes to sing.  (Although when she sings she sounds like a cow mooing)

took him down to see my mum yesterday...  just me & him in the car...   cried like mad all the way down there (harnessed into the back)...  put him in the front on the way back - not a peep out of him! 


Alf is going to be relegated to the back seat on the school runs from now on - he's not going to like it 


And..  Loki outdid himself at my parents..     he was ripping around their (way bigger than ours) garden like a mad thing..  and was all excited and all sharp puppy teeth with Dad & I..  but whenever he went over to my Mum he was so gentle with her.   He sat & watched me help Mum inside (she's not very steady on her legs) with his head cocked to one side.   once I had settled her on the sofa he jumped up next to her & snuggled up to her.  No teeth..     proper made her day he did 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Awwww Ditts I am so in love with him.  Our Angus still whines on car rides, Gloria just joins in because I think she likes to sing.  (Although when she sings she sounds like a cow mooing)

took him down to see my mum yesterday...  just me & him in the car...   cried like mad all the way down there (harnessed into the back)...  put him in the front on the way back - not a peep out of him! 


Alf is going to be relegated to the back seat on the school runs from now on - he's not going to like it 


And..  Loki outdid himself at my parents..     he was ripping around their (way bigger than ours) garden like a mad thing..  and was all excited and all sharp puppy teeth with Dad & I..  but whenever he went over to my Mum he was so gentle with her.   He sat & watched me help Mum inside (she's not very steady on her legs) with his head cocked to one side.   once I had settled her on the sofa he jumped up next to her & snuggled up to her.  No teeth..     proper made her day he did 

I struggled with my emotions reading that I know what you are going through and it's heartbreaking.Love to you and mum

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I struggled with my emotions reading that I know what you are going through and it's heartbreaking.Love to you and mum


thank you..  


 I am struggling too at the moment - and I'm not sure if it'll get any better now..  


I think we've just started on "the end game" 

You'll get through it ,there will be lots of tears but laughter too.It's almost as if your body goes into auto pilot.My mums meds made her say and do some funny things,she was a devout catholic and some of what she said made us all go

One evening we were all visiting and she was ignoring us because she said we all buzzed her off when she was singing on the XFactor.


awww Erin....       bless her!   



Molly, Loki & I are off up to Mums this morning.    My friend (who is also our hairdresser, and has been a star visiting Mum throughout all this) is meeting us up there.    I am having my haircut..    and so is Mum.    Dunno what Sam is gonna be able to do with Mums...   but the long straggly bits have got to go.


I predict the recurring discussion whereby my Mum tries to convince us all to let her have highlights will occur..  (she can't have highlights - and even if she could she really doesn't have enough hair to highlight) 


I have to get "firm" with her...  


its a conversation we must have had 10 times already 


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