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We live for when he falls asleep 




Apart from now..  when we would rather he was awake..   but no...  he crashed out about 90 mins ago..    perfect..     he'll be wide awake either when we go to bed..   or the moment the first bird starts to sing in the morning! 


MrD & I are having a competition - who's got the darkest bags under their eyes...    he's winning..     cos he is a lightweight 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I remember feeling really tired the first 2 weeks with bramble, it's not easy is it How's he doing at night ditty?

he's really good actually.... 


unlike when we first got AJ (who we shut in the dining room/kitchen, with water, & newspaper down, at night)..    we shut Loki in his crate (he was already crate trained..  & we already had a crate from when we had to crate rest AJ)..   the only downside to this is, that if he needs the toilet in the night he has to call... 


So..   he settles down good as gold..  no problems..    then we get a little whine at about 3am..  MrD goes down & Loki is straight out to the garden, wee, poo & straight back in his crate & settled.  No probs..  


However..   he wakes at 5am!   Not his fault..   its when the breeder used to let them all out for a pre breakfast play..   breakfast was given at 5.30am..   so he is just used to this routine..  


for us..   5am is a bit brutal.   especially on work days..    


But as soon as he is fully toilet trained we won't shut him in the crate anymore..     will let him out for a wee..   but then scurry back to bed & let him please himself 



Keep telling the kids..  "this bit doesn't last long..   don't worry"

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I remember feeling really tired the first 2 weeks with bramble, it's not easy is it How's he doing at night ditty?

he's really good actually.... 


unlike when we first got AJ (who we shut in the dining room/kitchen, with water, & newspaper down, at night)..    we shut Loki in his crate (he was already crate trained..  & we already had a crate from when we had to crate rest AJ)..   the only downside to this is, that if he needs the toilet in the night he has to call... 


So..   he settles down good as gold..  no problems..    then we get a little whine at about 3am..  MrD goes down & Loki is straight out to the garden, wee, poo & straight back in his crate & settled.  No probs..  


However..   he wakes at 5am!   Not his fault..   its when the breeder used to let them all out for a pre breakfast play..   breakfast was given at 5.30am..   so he is just used to this routine..  


for us..   5am is a bit brutal.   especially on work days..    


But as soon as he is fully toilet trained we won't shut him in the crate anymore..     will let him out for a wee..   but then scurry back to bed & let him please himself 



Keep telling the kids..  "this bit doesn't last long..   don't worry"

Puppies are fab eh? 


I treat mine like I treat my kids. They do good things they get rewarded. They do bad things they get punished. It's hard when you've got big puppy dog eyes looking at you but it needs done. Don't keep going to him when he whines. Don't show him any attention. I know it's hard with those big eyes looking at you but he'll end up being the boss of you. xx

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

He seems like so much fun 


He almost makes me want a frikkin puppy!! But no  i dont need another deoendant living thing!

yeah you do!


what's one more Jen..  


GO ON..     you know you want to


I'm sure the kids will help out  

I havent worked out how to bold txt on tablet yet.


Lmao @ the kids will help.... my house is a mad house at times anyway!! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Have you flapped his chops yet - it's the burning question of the day

hard not to..   got more loose chops skin than a bloodhound at the moment 



He is the most ticklish dog I have ever come across..     even an under the chin tickle can set a back leg off air cycling 

Oh when he does that you have to say,

"Are you starting your motor bike?"

Sounds very good ditty! At such a young age too, that's a great head start on his training Hopefully it won't be too long before he lays in a little bit longer and can hold his pee until morning We were very lucky with bramble in that she never went to the loo in her crate, but she did howl at 6am if we weren't up first to let her on the garden. Now, on our days off she'll go on the garden and then come upstairs for a lay in I love doggies!
~Sparkling Summer~

He's a bloody menace    (though only to himself)..  


he has no shortage of toys...    we had boxes full of them from AJ..  and he has some new ones of his own..  


but what rocks his world?   anything gopping or decaying organic matter, bits of turf he has managed to tear up..   and SNAILS!!! 


the latter means that we have to proactively de-snail the garden, watch him like a hawk (cos he goes sniffing them out)..   and if he gets lucky get over there & hook em out of his mouth.  Risk of lungworm & all that!    As soon as he is a bit older I am gonna do some hardcore training to get him to leave them alone.


In the meantime ....    Oh & for the record..  this is the most unkempt part of my garden..    you can just see there is a doormat embedded in the lawn..  it was AJ's..   he liked a doormat to scratch his jowles on.     this whole strip was AJ's..   he liked to nest in the grass..  & hide his treasures there. 





Oh yeah...  you can keep your premium priced puppy kibble, training treats & sea jerky dental chews..    nice bit of stinking dead turf..   mmmmmm







Hello Mummy..    stop pointing that phone at me & come down here...  

"Better, my head got heavy..  I needed something to put it on"

"oh.. yay..  a hand-me-down squeaky burger..    yes of course this is nicer than the wonderful odourful squishy gooey bit of turf I had found all for myself!"





Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

He's a bloody menace    (though only to himself)..  


he has no shortage of toys...    we had boxes full of them from AJ..  and he has some new ones of his own..  


but what rocks his world?   anything gopping or decaying organic matter, bits of turf he has managed to tear up..   and SNAILS!!! 


the latter means that we have to proactively de-snail the garden, watch him like a hawk (cos he goes sniffing them out)..   and if he gets lucky get over there & hook em out of his mouth.  Risk of lungworm & all that!    As soon as he is a bit older I am gonna do some hardcore training to get him to leave them alone.


In the meantime ....    Oh & for the record..  this is the most unkempt part of my garden..    you can just see there is a doormat embedded in the lawn..  it was AJ's..   he liked a doormat to scratch his jowles on.     this whole strip was AJ's..   he liked to nest in the grass..  & hide his treasures there. 





Oh yeah...  you can keep your premium priced puppy kibble, training treats & sea jerky dental chews..    nice bit of stinking dead turf..   mmmmmm







Hello Mummy..    stop pointing that phone at me & come down here...  

"Better, my head got heavy..  I needed something to put it on"

"oh.. yay..  a hand-me-down squeaky burger..    yes of course this is nicer than the wonderful odourful squishy gooey bit of turf I had found all for myself!"





Absolutely beautiful Ditty 

aw thank you I love him to bits but I have to admit I think he's a bit odd looking - funny as you like though - but definitely a bit odd. MrD is smitten with loki's looks - I just don't see it - he's a puppy - with a saggy too big face. He does have a beautiful physique though and gait (if you overlook the rear legs mincing and the jaunty bum wiggle). His coat gleams in the sun. - Tis v cool
ROFL ditty, love the photo commentary I had forgotten that bramble had a liking for slugs when we first got her, we couldn't leave her unsupervised for a moment and started the "leave it" and "drop" commands right away! She also tried to eat a couple of cigarette butts on the street during those early weeks Loki looks gorgeous, and full of mischief
~Sparkling Summer~

sharp. puppy. teeth!


I think we can safely say Loki has settled in..   feels extremely confident & secure in his environment, has no concerns or fears... 


He's all a bit lary! 


He keeps "mouthing" us..    with his razor sharp teeth..    so we're having to do the old 'immediate firm "no" & then turn away & ignore him"


He looks so gutted when he suddenly finds himself on his own, cos whoever it was that got a nip has moved away from him .... 


Has to be done though..   before one of us loses something we actually need 



Tomorrow will be a good day for him..    we bought him one of those rigid clam shell paddling pools/sand pits..  (but will just use it as a pool for him)... 


Gonna be a wet dog day 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Does the cat not like him then? 

She hasn't even got close enough to decide.... 


she's not scared of him.   When her & AJ were getting aquainted AJ was quite full on..  and she used to go all arched back & fluffed out & spit & hiss at him... 


none of that going on...    She just took one look at him last Saturday & retired to the bedroom..


Today has been much better..   she has had a good old sniff round his stuff..    belly walked up to him whilst he was asleep to have a little stare at him     


I do know think its all going to work out ok..   I think they'll end up getting along really well (they are both v young)..    


I think she thought he would be leaving at some point in the week..   now she is realising he ain't going anywhere 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Awww he's beautiful and thats from someone who doesn't like dogs 

awww..   thank you for this... 



I love him to bits..    Its just this saggy face skin business -  depending on which way up he is..  and which way gravity is pulling -  he can look really really different 

 glad the cat is coming round  I love the, she thought he wasn't staying 

Originally Posted by mrs darling:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Is he quite sturdy? Cos you can wean him onto a mild thrashing from a young age. I know - i've done it.


got to be the second/third time you've mentioned this here. Are you for real, or is this your dubious attempt at being a smart arse ?  If so, spectacular fail I'm afraid.

Oh well . . .


Major milestone this morning..    twas 6am!!  


So much more civilised than 5am   (even on a Sunday)


so today was paddling pool day...      he definitely likes it..  though I have a feeling he might think we have just given him the biggest drinking bowl ever!


Right photos..    (& be warned..  some of these are my absolute fave pics of him so far!)








and finally my all time fave (along with the first one of this lot).. 


this one..   cos he had just reclaimed his ball from the pool..   and is sticking his tongue out at us 


Originally Posted by suzybean:

Oh no Ditty, so sorry about AJ. I know how cherished he was. 


Loki is ball of fluffy cuteness.

Ok..  I have just read that thread with the boring political title that I never bothered reading..     only to find it contained pages of mentalness that has meant I have spat out more of my mojito than I have actually swallowed!   (someone really should have changed the thread title so that those of us not interested in such topics could share the fun also )


However,  I have now read a bit more about your boy..   and I just wanna give you a massive hug!   I know your boy takes it in his stride..   from where I am sitting so do you!     Its not fair you've all got more shit to deal with.   I am really sorry Suze xxxx


I am so touched by your post above...    I know to some people AJ was "just a dog" and that's fine..   but with what you are going through I would have completely understood if you'd felt it was a sad but not tragic thing to happen.  


So, once again..  thank you xxx    



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