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as Cilla would say. This should be a lesson to all clubs selling to foreign owners thinking where there's money there's security. Two clowns trying to make a few hundred million at Liverpool's expense not realising that the obscene wages paid to today's PL players are crippling to all but the most profitable and well financed clubs and even Man U operate at a loss because their wage bill is so high.

I wonder how much money Gerrard, Torres and the other underperforming monkeys at Liverpool are docked when they play like crap for a long string of games. How much? Nothing? Sounds about right. Put football players on performance pay and they might actually be able to pass the ball to each other (currently that's not expected of 'professional' footballers).

I'm glad Hicks and co got their comeuppance we don't need their sort in football anyway. But you can only run up those kind of debts living way, way beyond your means which is exactly what Liverpool and the vast majority of football clubs are doing. Something has to change.

Let this be a lesson to someone, somewhere, about something. Yeah

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*Wonders what team Prom supports* and no, my first team isn't Pool
The mighty Chelsea. Roman didn't borrow anything to invest in us. He could walk away tomorrow and we wouldn't be in the same sh*t Liverpool are in. It's not really about who you support though is it? It's a damning condemnation of the 'buy now pay later' approach taken by some foreign investors and of course a nice bit of petty bitching about overpaid over-rated footballers. Much more interesting than some thread about houses really 
Yes I know that but if they weren't paying untold millions a year to a load of diva pansies they'd still be in much better shape and wouldn't have need the Glaziers in the first place

Chelsea have the highest wage bill in the Premiership, lol.  With a lower turnover than Man U, I should imagine. 

Though of course having a minted oligarch does render those stats a little redundant. 
They make a net loss because of the interest they are paying on the Glazer loans.

Yes I know that but if they weren't paying untold millions a year to a load of diva pansies they'd still be in much better shape and wouldn't have need the Glaziers in the first place
For the record, I don't like Man U either 
Chelsea have the highest wage bill in the Premiership, lol. With a lower turnover than Man U, I should imagine. Though of course having a minted oligarch does render those stats a little redundant.
You are correct, Man U and Liverpool have considerably more income than Chelsea.  In a few years the Champions League will demand that clubs can't be bankrolled with year on year operating losses like Chelsea have been and still compete in the Champions League.  Can't come soon enough.
To be honest if I was one of the top players in the Premier League and I seen Sky Sports paying god knows how much in TV revenue to my employer to broadcast ME, I'd want my fair share of it. 

We all pay for it though, including myself.

As someone who watched the Npower football league, I would like more of the money filtered down to the levels below the Premier League.
I'd also like to win the lottery on Saturday but it isn't going to happen.
Crunchy  Nuts
Though of course having a minted oligarch does render those stats a little redundant.
Quite. For those same reasons I wouldn't have a go at Man City either. NESV have a distinct air of Hicks and Gillet about them and Mr Henry is abhorred in the US for reasons too numerous to mention. More comedy to follow even if the deal goes through imo.
In a few years the Champions League will demand that clubs can't be bankrolled with year on year operating losses like Chelsea have been and still compete in the Champions League.
I can't see it working, clubs will work there way round it... I recon the big clubs even have plans in place for when it comes into action. Not sure if it would work, but I think sponsors would just cough up more to clubs.
Man U and Liverpool have considerably more income than Chelsea.  In a few years the Champions League will demand that clubs can't be bankrolled with year on year operating losses like Chelsea have been and still compete in the Champions League
Er, Liverpool are currently massively in debt. Most clubs have operating losses and our goal is to eradicate ours by the time this rule comes in if it ever does. I really can't see UEFA holding any English club to that rule since Real Madrid and Barcelona make a mockery of it year after year. Platini and Blatter will have to be shot in the meantime for that law to come to pass.
I recon the big clubs even have plans in place for when it comes into action
They have. In Chelsea's case Abramavitch has already written off most of his investment and future financial input will be in the form of a loan which apparently fits with the rules. They'll bend the rules for Barca and RM anyway you can bet your life on it.
To be honest if I was one of the top players in the Premier League and I seen Sky Sports paying god knows how much in TV revenue to my employer to broadcast ME, I'd want my fair share of it.  We all pay for it though, including myself.
Don't you see the irony here? You would demand obscene amounts of money thus putting ticket prices up to the point where your average football fan can no longer go to the game. I'm sure you've seen all those empty 'corporate' seats at PL grounds.
Y'know when you look at Steven Gerrard, the guy is arguably the best english midfielder of the last decade, you look at what he's won, then you look at someone like Michael Carrick who is a good player but not fit to lace Gerrard's boots really. Compare what they've won in their careers.
I think Steven Gerrard will look back on his career and seriously regret not leaving Liverpool in his mid-late 20's, after the 05 CL final. He has a champions league medal yeah, an FA Cup and a few other bits and pieces but its nothing compared to what he could have won.

If I was him I'd be on to his agent trying to orchestrate a move away in the summer - probably to Madrid if Jose is still a fan of him (which i think he is). He's 30 now, probably his last chance to get a big move.

Torres will end up the same if he's not careful. But at least he's won everything at international level. 

Liverpool = big club my arse, more like laughing stock who are still living off the success of 30 years ago.
Crunchy  Nuts
If Torres was to leave Liverpool, I can see a huge price tag being stuck on him... its a big gamble taking him. He will prob be priced around ÂĢ50mil+. Judging by current form, hes not even worth ÂĢ15mil. Someones going to get mugged buying him, unfortunatly theres a big chance its going to be us

He's injury prone and f*cking lazy.
Steven Gerrard, the guy is arguably the best english midfielder of the last decade
Arguably the most inconsistent more like. The press only talk about him when he's scored a goal or two and ignore the fact he goes missing for long periods. He's largely useless for England and more a motivator than an achiever for Liverpool. He's wildly over-rated imo.
Don't you see the irony here? You would demand obscene amounts of money thus putting ticket prices up to the point where your average football fan can no longer go to the game. I'm sure you've seen all those empty 'corporate' seats at PL grounds.
That's not strictly true to be fair. The TV income allows PL clubs to charge peanuts to get in. In the north of england you can go and watch Premier League football for less than it costs to watch football league matches. It costs me more to watch my league one team than it would for me to go and watch Bolton Wanderers, Wigan Athletic, Sunderland (probably N*wcastle but wouldn't if they were free) every week - Seriously.
Yeah the likes of Man United and Liverpool can and do charge a lot because they have fans coming from everywhere willing to pay it. If all of a sudden players wages decrease, i don't think for one minute that they'd go 'ahh well, we'll just put the ticket prices down now, might as well'.

Ticket prices for Premier League clubs are just a tiny tiny fraction of the clubs income, so they can really charge what the hell they want whether they pay a player ÂĢ2,000 a week or ÂĢ200,000 a week - it doesnt make any difference.

What I was saying is from a footballers point of view, the money is going into the club regardless because of sponsorship, TV etc, and as the footballers are the main attraction, I'd feel entitled to my fair share of it rather than it going to people in ties sitting on their arses.
Crunchy  Nuts
Last edited by Crunchy Nuts
Arguably the most inconsistent more like. The press only talk about him when he's scored a goal or two and ignore the fact he goes missing for long periods. He's largely useless for England and more a motivator than an achiever for Liverpool. He's wildly over-rated imo.
Lets overlook his international performances, they haven't been anywhere near his club performances overall, but lets face it they are a hundred times better than Franks England performances. Personally I think Scholes, followed by Beckham are the best 2 english midfielders of the last decade, others will argue and say Gerrard. I think Gerrard is up there as well but probably not quite there with those 2.
Crunchy  Nuts
as the footballers are the main attraction, I'd feel entitled to my fair share of it
My point is footballers are getting more than their fair share of it, much more. And for a lot of clubs, it's crippling. They also forget they are employees and play crap week in week out and still expect a multi-millionaire wage. Torres as an example looks like the very last place he wants to be is in a Liverpool team and plays as though he couldn't give a flying. If you can't see what the problem is with that picture I can't even begin to explain it to you mate
I totally see your point and I do agree that they get paid too much, I'm just saying that if i was a footballer, I'd take the big pay and not feel guilty at all.

Also your point about performance related pay, well I agree with that. But I suppose as a footballer if you perform poorly you'll end up being sold or released, and end up playing for a lower club on less money.
Crunchy  Nuts
I'm just saying that if i was a footballer, I'd take the big pay and not feel guilty at all.
lol who wouldn't? I'd be quite happy for people to find my wages obscene but I'd kind of feel duty bound to put in a bit of an effort on the pitch. Call me a cynic but I wonder if our 'superstars' can't perform in an England shirt because they're not being paid millions for the privilege of representing their country.
They are paid more in one week than we could earn in a year
Well you see, I could take this if they actually had genuine talent. Nobody begrudges actors or pop stars making incredible amounts of money because they clearly have something to offer. Depressingly average footballers are made multi-millionaires in a year or two thus being rewarded for having no discernible talent at all. It really does beggar belief.
Nobody begrudges actors or pop stars making incredible amounts of money because they clearly have something to offer.
I can name loads of folk who have made millions on the back of TV programmes who had nothing to offer.---Jordan,Jade,Chantelle,Nasty Nick..... etc..... the list goes on. Where and when will it all end??
I think Steven Gerrard will look back on his career and seriously regret not leaving Liverpool in his mid-late 20's

This is something I just can't grasp about Soccer. Is a player going to a club to chase fame and trophies really just a hollow victory? I know that Gerrard has had a few transfer rumours in the past, but I respect him for sticking with his club through thick and thin, and I would say he would never experience the same euphoria with any other club in this world than he did with Liverpool in 2005. Carragher used to play for Everton and then transferred to Liverpool although I have a huge amount of time for the man I can't understand how he moved from not only one club to another but crossed the line of one of the biggest rivalries in English football. Like with the Gaelic over here you play for where you are from and 100 defeats with the club you grew up in and the place you were born and bred would mean more than moving to a successful team and winning something the first year.
I respect him for sticking with his club through thick and thin
So do I, but I wonder if the move just wasn't right. He was supposed to be coming to us at one point (Chelsea). I'd like to think it was loyalty that kept him at Liverpool but in my heart I know players stop having fan loyalties as soon as they become pro footballers. Joe Cole (lifelong Chelsea fan, allegedly). We all know who he plays for now.

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