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LiveCloud is being upgraded tomorrow, November 29th.  As a result of the upgrade, LiveCloud (and Gaga) will be down for about 8 hours.  We will be using our @livecloudnews Twitter account to communicate updates.

I'm not sure what time the upgrade will start, so can't give you that kind of detail, but I assume that it will begin sometime during or shortly before our business hours.

Remember that, once the upgrade is finished, Gaga will be a separate community from LiveCloud, although all of your links will still work, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting there (here?).

If you have any issues following the upgrade, I encourage you to put in a support topic at

Hope you guys will be OK....I know that 8 hours is a long time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quoting is not working as expected, shall we say?  You CAN quote, but you must open the posting window and THEN select your text.  That doesn't always work, depending on where you are on the page (does the posting window cover the text you want to quote?)--I've passed that on.

Low: You can find your private channel by substituting "" for "".

Zaph:  Does the quoting work in Safari if you do what I just said above?
Reference: Re usernames showing up in bottom left hand corner
But now we don't get the name we get a number.

That, along with the loss of post counts, means if you can still change your username willy nilly it's an open invite to cause trouble cos no-one will know who anyone is

Lori I posted this ^^^^ in another thread. My concern with this is because of what happened a short while ago that I told you about, and the only way to recognise was by the post count or hovering over the user name. Hopefully there won't be any sillyness on here, but just in there any way of getting the user name thingy back?

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