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Ulrika is talking with her mouth full.

Preston was contemplating a nap. The alarms are going off now as Michelle and someone one else (maybe Chantelle I dunno who is missing from the lounge) are in bed.

Nikki is dozing on Vanessa's arm.

 Brian was in bed as well and it was Chantelle and Michelle has amusingly bad bed hair.

Now they discuss waking up when you are falling.

Michelle has a wrist band thing on that she has lied to Chantelle about what it is for. She told the other girls but they have gone.

She is demonstrating something by trying to topple Chantelle over and she says she is well balanced and no one else has ever been well balanced.

I have no idea what they are doing but it involved putting Michelle's wrist band on their heads.
But now Vanessa is blethering on about her husband leaving her and the next day she had lines on her forehead that she could see in shop windows and she (reckons) she was only 37 and she had been botoxing ever since and the more you have the less you need and she has it twice a year and she doesnt think her face is expressionless and she doesnt feel imobolized but she is scared of collagen fillers which Chantelle has had (WHY says Vanessa WHY)
Chantelle is talking about keworn, I havent actually heard her say kerworn yet. And I cant say I missed it.

(Quorn by the way).

HMs ordered to gather in the sofa and they all think they are going to have to watch the nominations. Vic and Mich both say that if anyone nominated them it doesnt matter and Nikki asks if anyone thinks it is cold.
They have to attend and produce a day time talk show 'Feltz'.

Hosted by Vanessa nd produced by Vic.

Brian Floor Manager

Michelle Show Runner

The rest are in the audience.

Michelle has to do everything, she is the only one allowed to prepare food and drinks etc.

If they pass they get an after show party with nibbles and cocktails.
Nick has named the livign room cameras.

He and Vic are speculating about why the parrot hasnt spoken.

Vic says everyone thinks someone is on a secret task - Nick thinks they should follow Cross Check (Brian) tomorrow and pretend it's a task.

But then they discuss cigarettes and how many Nick took in.

Nick asks where Michelle came in their series, Victor doesnt reply under the table he answers 6th.

Nick wonders why she is an ultimate HM. Vic says she was getting her kit off and in the bedsit.

Nick cant see anything entertaining about her (has to agree with that!)

Vic says she is nice and homley and very different now, he likes her but he can see Nick's point of you.

Nick then wonders why Brian was allowed to sleep this afternoon without the alarm going off.

Nick then goes for a smoke with Preston and enquires after Chantelle.
Preston has lost his hat. 

It's the most interesting thing he has done in 2 series

They are wondering who will serve the cocktails. Vic suggests Jason in his thong and bowtie.

Mich says it wont be him.

Brian asks if he will like him and if Jason will like him.

They are thinking of 'hunks' who might serve the cocktails.

So there is a sound dip.
Ulrika and Preston are in the kitchen and Preston is seeking advice about the Chantelle situation as he says everything was going well till the Feltz show yesterday which opened everything up again.

Then he congratulates Ulrika on 'noms' (ie not being up) but she was surprised as she was expected to be.

Then they discuss the nominations yesterday and what they had to do.
Now they are discussing Brian and how he will definitely be in the final and Preston (with a decidedly sulky face) says he will definitely win.

Ulrika says Preston will be in the final as he is nice and an unoffensive (and paint dryingly dull spit it out Ulrika ) and all the girls will fancy him and he will be like this lots JohnJames. Preston doesnt like being likened to JohnJames and she asks him who he is like and he says Andrew, maybe.
Ulrika struggles to remember what happened during her Feltz segment last night but Preston cant remember either as he was dealing with his own stuff.

Chantelle is up now and Preston helpfully tells her that is the last week and he cant remember real life anymore.

Ulrika admits that as she got this far she would like to go right through to the end as it would be more annoying to go on Wednesday.
Chantelle tells Preston there is strawberry jam and he loves it, he says he doesnt actually like it very much actually.

Now they are discussing the sugar content of various cereals and the dreams that they had, Chantelles was horrible and Ulrikas was nice and Chantelle doesnt want to say it out loud and it was about family but Ulrika thinks she is just thinking about her family and Chantelle says it is her dads and grandads birthday today and Ulrika dreamed she bought a big house and now we get the watch Vanessa in the shower.
The kitchen conversation has switched to Organ Donation and Ulrika said she didnt want to give her eyes but now she thinks that is quite selfish. Preston wouldnt want to be given to a student to practice on. Ulrika says that is the only way that they learn new procedures and tells him about her daughter who was very ill and needed 3 operations and she starts to tell a story about a little French girl who needed a transplant but now we are watching Nick sitting on the end of his bed.
Victor is wandering about the garden in his dressing gown 'good morning brave world' he says.

The he goes into the kitchen where Ulrika is talking about being anaemic and they are pressing their feet to see if they are anaemic and Preston asks if he needs fish and Chantelle says iron and then her and Ulrika start discussing IRON TABLETS I HAVE TRIED AND LIKED THAT DONT UNSETTLE YOUR STOMACH.
Ulrika tells the group that you can buy antibiotics in markets in India and people there dont finish the course and thats why we have so many strong resistant viruses.

Preston tries to tell of a similar thing in Mexico but Chantelle starts talking about the 14 separate courses of antibiotics  she took last year and she worked out on her own that she is allergic to yeast.
BB calls Ulrika to the Diary Room and she worries she has said something bad.

Preston says they will ask how she feels about not being nominated.

Chantelle asks Victor if he wondered what she was doing with a box in the middle of the night. Ulrika saw it to, but Chantelle was just moving the box to avoid a trip hazard (so I wish I never bothered starting to lut it).

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