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Nikki has given up now and is going about ploating the others with straw and mking Nick make a very funny noise and she made Chantelle scream and jump up.


Preston has had enough now as well.


BB calls Vic and Mich and tells them it is time for them to enter the house. They are to go and sit on the edge of the pool in the garden and put their heads on.
Nick looks ded confused.

GARDEN - vic reminds them to say they have been there since Tuesday. Mich hopes they dont ask too many questions coz she doesnt like lying - Vic says he is more than happy to do it.

BB announces -

Nadia 1 minute and a bit
Nikki 56 minutes
Preston 61 mins

Preston wins.

Nikki is having a bit of a gurn about coming second.

Ulrika predicted before hand that Nadia would be first out, Nikki would moan most, Brian would be closest to the 60 minutes, she got one outcome correctly and they will get special treats tonight.

Much shrieking.

Just noticed that the shutters are down - I did wonder.

Mich and Vic are still sat in the garden waiting.

Ulrika says she was talking about the glue to try and make Nikki moan more.

Nikki is chuffed that she got so close.
Michelle has about 17 make up bags and is putting her slap on at the moment.

Victor is trying to work out what the point of vegetarian shower gel is.

He also wonders when he will get his photos. Michelle doenst know if she wants hers in case they break her and she has to leave by the back door. Vic says they are all too sensitive. He didnt bring any photos last time and only really spoke about his son after Fight Night when they thought they were all going to get chucked out and put in jail.
Nikki still crying about her task, the other Hm's think it was wrong to give her that task as everyone knows how fussy she is about hygene, they think she will be given another task to do, she thinks she is up for eviction instead, Nick tell's her not to worry if she is up she won't be going anywhere, Ulrika says she is pooing her pants to see what her task is
Nadia has been calling Josie, Victor told her that Josie wan't happy about some of the things she said, Nadia says she only won cause she had no competiton in the house, she is an unforgetable winner, she's a cameron or a rachel
Preston has been to the DR to nominate, he had to the ice shots task, he got brain freeze and his teeth hurt
Nikki in the garden trying to get a suntan for her eviction, she tell's Nadia that her fate is in BB hands, she doesn't know if she's going to be punished for not doing her task
Brian tell's Ulrika his poo is like putty already, he feels like someone has put a lighter up his bum
Ulrika is called to the DR for her task, the others are trying to see whats in the DR, Ulrika shouts theres nothing in there, she's worried that someone will come in
Brian is winding nikki up saying her task will be horrendous, they are flying tigers in as they speak
Brian can't believe all nadia had to do was spell something out
Victor thinks BB has sent Sven into the DR
Nick is worried what his task will be, Brian tell's him he will probably have to nominate live
Chantelle tell's the others that they have a secruity guard each watching them while they are in the house
Nadia say's she didn't know who Marcus bently was at the mock funeral they did for the BB advert, she asked him if he was an actor and he said yes
Ulrika back from the DR, she's had cream poured all over her, she says she's fine with it as she was expecting worse
I've not been in long and got live feed on while trying to formulate my selection and disposal policy.

There's games afoot, Nikki was hiding in the cupboard with the crisps.

In the bedroom Michelle is complaining about a mink factory that smelled of mink.

Now they are playing a game which just seems to involve naming as many ex HMs as possible while eating crisps.
Just switched back on, they are in the pool, moaning.

They = Nadia, Michelle, Makosi

Michelle is having a little bitch about Nikki not going in the pool with them (but I didnt hear what she said coz someone splashed)

Makosi thinks that British people are quick to forgive unlike Aficans (hmmm not sure I agree with that).

Half of Africa stoned Makosi verbally last time when she was naughty.

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