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Chantelle is telling Makosi about her sun bed habit and they head into the lounge and Makosi says to Josie that 'somebody looks tired'. Josie says she is always tired after eating.

In the bedroom Ulrika is still comforting Nikki and they are talking about Josie and Nikki whispers 'it must be must harder for her' and Nikki says she thinks each day will get easier. Ulrika says she gets panicky about how she will cope with everyday and she hopes it will get easier. Ulrika hated staying ay other peoples houses as a child, her father farmed her out a lot. 
Nikki has mascara all down her face.
Brian is sacred of Bob Righter. ANd now they are talking about the robot, Josie says she was scared of the robot.

Chantelle wants to know fi she imagined BB saying that they would get a drink tonight.
Bedroom - Nikki is now inconsolable and someone has spoken to her in a way she doesnt like and Ulrika says she should tell him. Ulrika says loads of people love adore her outside and she is very special to be back in and remember all your good times and mad moments (Nikki whispers a tearful 'who is she').

Garden - John, Coolio and Preston talk about music in New Orleans.
Brian is rummaging through Nikkis bag and examining the stacks and stacks of waxing strips she has brought into the house. Nikki is doing that tired pathetic little whisper voice.

He started to suggest waxing John but the sound dipped.

It's pissing it down where they are again.

Nick is explaining to the others about the Back to Reality show he did with an indoor house.
Brian tells Nikki that the first day is over. She says the first day was the worst day last times.

She wonders if there will be an eviction on Friday, Brian isnt sure as they havent nominated yet, unless they are all up. Nikki doesnt think that will happen so soon.

He comments that she doesnt wear much make up and asks if she likes getting her make up done. She likes the end result but hates people touching her face.

In the lounge they are discussing if it is too early to go to 8 pm. They are all complaining about the sheets.
Nikki would like the see Brian in panto but she will be in Austrailia. Brian is dressing Nikki up in her necklace using it as a belt and then a Jodie Marsh style bra. He is now admiring her dresses. Asks if she has an eviction dress, but I think she said she didnt.

Preston comes in to the dressing room and the tell him how blind he is.
Preston thinks that John felt really bad after what he said to set Chantelle off. Brian thinks he may have learned his lesson last time. Preston thinks that they havent made friends based on age groups, in his one it was old and young. Craig thinks they had a lot of group in his one.

Now Nikki is telling them about her coat hanger issue.

Chantelle and Nadia are talking and Maderia, Nadia would feel like she was going backwards if she went back there and has been in the UK for 14 years.
Chantelle tells Nadia if she was at home she would fine on this day. 2 years ago she was in Spain on this day and felt weird...

jumps to bedroom..where Preston has told the others that Pete Burns got up at 5 am every morning to put his slap on and BB werent allowed to show it and that Pete and Barrymore lasted on 2 hours a day.

Some one is being sick or has the runs or something and Nikki is blaming herself for the chicken.

Now they are talking about Barrymore - Preston says he was 'on' constantly in the house.
I am not sure what the problem with the chicken is but Nikki was talking about washing it

Nikki has just told Makosi that she 'washes an awful lot'. Makosi says she showers twice a day - Nikki says that is so good. 

Nadia is considering a shower and thinks the water pressure will help her cabin fever. She thanks Makosi for inspiring her.
It's not like I have anything else to do

Josie comes out the DR and says that BB have get her make up case for her. Nick wants to know how BB sound, do they sound bored with them all yet?

Now they discuss with Ulrika how weird it is talking to BB with all the long pauses.

Nick and Ulrika are now giving Josie 'lessons in media' to teach her how to answer difficult questions.

Nick asks Ulrika 'Is it appropriate to leave your kids to go in the house?'

Ulrika says 'I am being paid to do a job and would you ask me that if I was a man'.

 They are telling her that she doesnt have to answer all the questions and dont give too much away at press conferences when you can hold stuff back and sell it to the highest bidder.
At the sofas Ulrika is having a bit of a go about Coolio...Nick is not sure about that 'casting'.

Josie says that Nadia and John upset her today talking about John James (stream keeps sticking).

Nick tells Josie it doesnt matter what people think it is what they do. Ulrika says this is a good lesson for Josie to learn that people will comment on her relationship but she has the right to keep it private and the only people who can comment are her girlfriends.

Ulrika says it must be awful not to know what is going on outside.
Josie thinks they will bring Sam Pepper back in, so does Preston.

Josie wants to see him bring Coolio down. Ncik doesnt think that that would happen, says those boys are quite vocal.

They think something will happen to shake things up, Nick says 'but this is meant to be a celebration' and Preston says 'yes but what is it a celebration of'.

John seems to have gone missing. They dont seem to be saving him any drink on the grounds that he 'probably only drinks sherry or port' (neither of which Nikki or Brian knows  what it is).

Josie seems to have collapsed on the bathroom floor and is making a loud clicky noise that hurts my ears.

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