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John tells her people are mockign her accent and making fun but that her family should be very proud of her. He tells her that the nice decent people win who might be boring and dull (oh then says you are not boring or dull) and then he calls Andrew an awful creature.

Inside Nikki is twisting her face and asks Makosi if she has a boyfriend. Makosi says she is seeing someone but they havent defined their relationship.
Nikki doesnt have a BF and doesnt want one but she pulled a 21 year old at the weekend.
Coolio doenst do girlfriends because he doesnt do girls olny women.
Makosi asks Chantelle if she has a bf but I didnt hear the answer coz Coolio was scrounging a fag.

Back outside John is still expounding the last series to Josie, Coolie has joined them outside, Preston is there as well.
Makosi and Nadia are talking at the table but it's gone very bird tweet. Nadia is asking where she buys clothes to fit her boobs. Makosi asks Nadia what size she was and I think she said 6

Outside they are discussing how they cant smoke in the house and John doesnt smoke in his car coz of the smell.

Coolio asks John if he is married. John says yes to the booby and I am sick of her he is old and her body is saggy and I am sick of her clinging on to me.

Josie is telling him off.
She says the Booby is lovley and John says she is lucky to have what she has got.
Nikki is eating crisps.

She tells Preston she heard a rumour he waa going in but she didnt think it would be true. Preston said he couldnt turn it down.

BB says the bedroom is open and they all rush for the beds. Chantelle asks Preston to go next to her because she knows he doesnt snore.

Nikki suggests that Johhn share with Nadia which leads to much shreiking.

John says that it is wonderful to see the young love birds back together (Preston and Chantelle). Chantelle adamant it is coz he doesnt snore.

Nadia is shouting very loudly and now they want to know whose bed was whose
Nikki is talking in that moany whiny voice about the towels as they are all the same colour and she wont know which is hers.

Brian comments that the house is very clean. Nikki tells him it is because it was cleaned professionally this morning.

Chantelle really doesnt look very comfortable.

Brian is asking why JJ shaved all the time and Nikki says it is LOONASSSEEE to have your own name tatooed on you.

Nikki asks Josie if she was excited about seeing her friends and family again.
Lost my connection for a bit.

Ulrika is telling Josie that Coolio hasnt brought in any cigarettes and was the same last time.
Interupted by BB asking Josie to go the the Diary Room.

Preston has chemical free cigarettes with him, Nadia describes them as 'healthy cigarettes.'

Makosi feels stressed by all the colours and how busy the house. Preston thinks it looks like a tv studio. Nadia is flattered to have been asked, as is Preston and Makosi. Makosi thinks all the ex housemates deserve  to be involved, Preston says not the crap ones but doesnt name a crap one.

In the kitchen Brian is telling Ulrika who Makosi is and what she is like. She thinks Makosi and Coolio know each other.

In the living area Coolio is asking Chantelle about starting a family. And now she wants to eat some more food due to being on a diet for 2 weeks.
Night I will be off soon back to work in the morning.

Preston thinks that the housemates are a good bunch and he was worried about John but he seems fine and less of a misogynist.

In the garden Nikki and John are talking about gambling addictions.

And back in the bedroom Preston is saying he enjoyed this years BB and thinks that BB can throw all sorts of things at them. Makosi asks what happened to Corin.
Josie asks Nick if she can borrow a cigarette.

He tells her not to listen to anything that the other say about John James.

 She says she wont let anyone slag off her HMs.

Nick tells her he has been writing about BB since the start of the series and tipped her for the final.

They go outside , John gets up and gives 'Bristols' his seat. He says that all the people he was in the house with were terrible. Preston says he had Maggot and John describes him as a character.

Josie is dying to see John James. Preston makes a comment about him having a new girlfriend by then. Then they are talking about the other day when they got their hair done and all the stuff that happened that day.
Nadia is sitting with her legs crossed. Her skirt is very short.

John asks Nick who was in his year. Preston didnt watch it till the year after. His dad is 76 and he is a huge BB fan.

John says he has been asked to go in the jungle but has always turned it down. He thinks the tasks shouldnt be awful and once someone walks BB have won, then he starts slagging John James off for being a cry baby.

John again said Josie was nicest person in the house, Josie is embarrassed and Nadia tells her if someone compliments you just say thank you and dont make excuses.

John runs John James down a bit more.
Thanks Soozy Only for 17 days

I just got in from work and Nadia Preston and Chantelle are in the (not sure where it is actually is it the bathroom or some sort of dressing area?) talking about hair, hair products, the fact that Nadia's hair 'is really fick innit', Chantelle loving Nadia's big Playboy sunglasses (Chantelle didnt bring any sunglasses in 'didnt even fink to be honest'.)

Nikki is eating and telling Makosi she can only drive and automatic and Makosi also can only drive an automatic.

It is interrupted  by Makosi telling Nadia her dress is too short and that she should wear tights with it. (It looks like a long t shirt)

The Nikki expressing surprise that Anthony isnt in the house. Makosi tells her that her 'who is she' was legendary and Nikki says she should have copyrighted it. 

Nikki is twiddling with her hair and my dinner is ready. Probably be back later on depending on if I get a bit of work done.
BB called the HMs to the sofa, and McCrirrick started going on and on and on about Chantelle and Preston gerring back together and recreating their honeymoon in Morocca. Makosi pointed out that Preston has a GF, and then Chantelle stated to cry - Josie took her out of the way, then Preston went to see what was wrong and Chantelle said she just got upset. John has gone and apologised for making her cry, she is adamant it wasnt anything he said.

Back the the sofas Makosi wonders if it was her mentioning the girlfriend that made her cry.
The cupboard asks John how he is finding being nice. John says he has been humiliated. The drawers say he hasnt smoothed things over and cant help sticking his gnarly oar in.
John says no more messing with the nominations etc.

The drawers say he has to go complimental now. John is arguing with the drawers, he says he has done the deal, deal done.

The drawers say 'Listen Womble I make the rules'.

John tells the drawers to shut up and walks off. The drawers say John will experience the ful wrath if he doesnt do what he wants, he says John got his paper so he has to go complimental.
John says he has fulfilled his part if the deal and the drawers said no interference with nominations or votes if he complied. John says he humiliated himself and he wont do it anymore. The there is a sound dip, John storms off and the drawers shout 'filthy mouth' after him.
Back in the living room Brian, Makosi and Nadia are talking about how their perceptions of people have changed - ie Nasty Nick is really nice. The John comes in tells Makosi how intelligent she is then goes on to tell her why she didnt win and Anthony did.

Then it shifts to a discussion about how the lay the table.
Josie goes outside and asks Preston if Chantelle is ok. He says he thinks so but that people seem to think it is ok to talk about 'it'. Josie says Chantelle is a sweet little thing, and that she didnt want to fuss over her too much and make her more upset.

She says she feels the same as Chantelle the way that people keep rubbishing her and John James, Preston and Nick tell her to take no notice and Preston thinks it's gone on too far now.
Josie worries that John James might start dressing like John Mc and calling her the Booby.
The she tells a story about John James and JJ dressing as Batman and Robin or something.

John goes out now and is complaining about it being wet, and then he starts apologising to Preston for his behaviour earlier and upsetting Chantelle (apparently it is their wedding anniversay or something).

Preston says that he and Chantelle dont feel arkward and John thinks this is tremendous and not many other couples could do that.
Nikki and Ulrika are in the bedroom talking about hair extentions. Nikki would never get them they ruin your hair, Nikki's hair is all her own work.

The discuss various bad hair habits (ripping hair out, hair twiddling etc)

Ulrika told her son he would go bald if he didnt stop twiddling his hair. He has very think hair because 'his dad is Mick Jagger'

And now all of a sudden Nikki is crying about over whelmed and it is so hard not to be upset as everyone expects it of her and Ulrika goes to give her a hug and sob sob overwhelmed and everyone is lovely and I feel alone and over whelmed.....
Ulrika says it is when it goes quiet you feel a bit flat (and then my bloody internet dipped again)

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