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The Hm's have been locked in the BR for 2 hrs while the ktchen and Bathroom have been cleaned, the camera has been taken down in the toilet, the BR is now being cleaned, the Hm's now realise that UBB is starting to tonight, Josie tell's JJ that she doesn't want to stay in
The hm's are being called to the DR one by one
Dave says he is glad he won't be the one staying in tonight, Josie say's she wants to go now she knows it's the last day she can't wait, she doesn't want to stay as she wants to see her friends and family
Dave tell's mario he thinks he has a good chance of winning if the lesbians and gays can be bothered to pick up the phone
mario thinks it would be funny if Andrew won it as he was marked the most forgetable on the board task
JJ thinks it's sad it's the last day, he doesn't want to leave
Mario talking about the sofa area, it's were all the arguements occured and evictions, he remembers where he sat on the first night dressed as a mole

Dave talking to Andrew he says it's such a shock (think he means the new show starting tonight) BB has told him it all starts at 8pm
Josie is in the bath, she has to get out as BB have called her to the DR
JJ and Dave pacing the LR floor
Dave and Mario talking about the good times they've had in the house, Dave say's Ben was in shock the first couple of hours in the house cause he was boo'd
Dave says Nathan became the boss from the first night
Mario says the house seemed huge on the first day, bob righter spoke to them that night as well
Dave talking about when Mario came in and fell down the stairs, he knew he was the mole staright away but he was told to back off by nathan and John cause they thought he was getting upset, they talk about the task mario had when he had the earpiece in

Mario teelling them that the TOT was giving him the answers throughout that task
Josie still in the DR
JJ and Andrew asking mario and Dave about the first night in the house, mario say's they were locked in the LR for the first couple of hours
mario stroking the parrot
Hm's put their cases in the store room and collect their lunch, they've got sandwhichs, fruit and crisps and drinks
Josie shouts from the Bathroom to get her some lunch
dave has a bad feeling about tonight, he thinks it's just cause he knows he's going out tonight
Dave ask's mario for a massage, he's a good boy
Dave, JJ and Andrew get called to the Dr together, Dave say's this is strange
Mario want's BB to hurry up and call him in
Josie eats her lunch while in the bath
Mario explains to joise why he nominated her, she says she don't care, he says it was never personal, he didn't do it for her to go
mario tell's Josie he thinks she has the best chance of winning but he thinks Andrew is the under dog, he thinks it's between them 2
mario talking about eviction percentages, it's sometimes very close between first and second place
Mario can't wait to see his friends and turn on his mobile
josie can't wait to see her firends, family on john, mario say's and johns mum, she laughs
mario says 7 more hrs and it will all start, he wonders if they will play the crowd noise
I dislike Dave with a passion....and everything he does and says just increases the loathing.
I think he is my favourite He seems like a bit of a git. The rest of them dont seem to have anything about them (but remember I have only watched this since last night and know nowt of what has gone on before).
Dave wants to know what is shown on BBLB and now they are going on about Sam and how he knew everything and JJ didnt even go on a website but Sam did. Dave says that Sam was wrong about John as he said he would be in the final.

Mawio and Josie come out the DR and they think they were talking to George Lamb as it was a BB they hadnt heard before. The other's start to interrogate them. 

Mawio says the BB told him not to get naked. Dave is not teling Mawio that BB told him that the first eviction will take place in about an hour.
Mawio is expecting to be first out but insists this is ok as the soner you are out the sooner you see your friends.

Mawio wonders why he always fancies married men,

Josie is parading round in a towel with wet hair.

And they are allowed back in the bedrooms and they have to take all the cases to the store room.

And BB have taken away all the bed covers.
Went and wrote up my Aims and Objectives while they were all discussing the prize money, Josie says she has promised so many people so much that she would be better off if one of the others wins and gives her ÂĢ1000. Dave is taken with this idea. Then the talk about Alex Reid and how cool he is and then a plane goes over and Mawio says it is a private jet and Dave thinks it must be Tom Jones coming to see him.
Crowd noise is being played into the house, Dave wonders if it's BBLB, JJ agrees that it could be an extended programme today but then changes his mind and thinks it could be a rehersal outside, Andrew can hear noises through the wall as he waits for BB to let him into the dr
Mario is worried cause everyone else has had a chat with BB he feels left out
Josie is wearing a rainbow coloured maxi dress and has just gone into the bathroom leaving the fellas to speculate about her winning and staying in another 2 weeks.

Dave is nervous about what is waiting outside

They are expecting the first eviction at ten past 8.

Dave wants to know if being in the final is a big deal. He asks Josie if she is a BB fan and she says yes but she didnt watch it last year coz she was having a bad time.

Dave tells Josie that if she doesnt win tonight he is very sorry as she deserves it and whoever wins instead would be embarrassed because it obviously meant that people thought Josie was going to win and so didnt bother voting.

Josie isnt bothered about winning, although ÂĢ100 grand would be nice though she has promised it all away. She then says she thinks the government will have done something about Steve's leg and Dave agrees that 'Channel 4 will have sorted it',
I just like to try and see the good in (most) people. 

Anyway after the adverts. It's Coolio.

I didnt watch much of the series he was in either. 

Oh dear he is rapping (is that what you call what he is doing). And he has ded weird hair going on. And a kilt. Which he just lifted up, but he isnt a true Scotsman.

There's a load of screaming coming from the living room when he comes down the stairs.

And now all the forum starts screaming coz here is Nikki.

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