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Well I dont know if anyone read it but that was the last night of BB11  

I havent watched a second of the show up until tonight. I dont know if I missed anything or not

Theyve woke up now I said I was off, they are so excited by the frosting of the shower she they ll be able to shower naked and one of them farted and Josie wonders if Andrew and Mawio are wanking each other off.
Well I dont know if anyone read it but that was the last night of BB11 I havent watched a second of the show up until tonight. I dont know if I missed anything or not
I did Angel. I don't have Live Feed so I don't know if you missed anything either, but I reckon you've done a good job considering that you haven't watched any of it up to now.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
wooooo *pompoms*  good to see you back Angel

Meant I didn't have to go look at the DS ticker feed for an overnight catch up this morning..  Yay!

you did well considering you hadn't a clue who was who

ps the 'shed' is a nest in the garden and BB frosted the shower glass yesterday in preparation for the 'celebs' going in tonight

*gets comfy chair in corner ready  for UBB Angel LUT *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I just switched on and there is a continuation of last nights conversation about what will happen with UBB and if they will be allowed out tonight if they win.

Josie doesnt want to stay in for UBB, she needs to get out and see people etc.

If Mawio wins he says he will stay in and do it but he will demand that they let him see his mates in the DR for 10 minutes.

Josie thinks she wont win so it's all academic.

Now they are talking about the furniture like they did last night.
JJ and Josie are arguing about if she will win or not and she thinks that if things have come out about her then she hasnt a hope if winning.

Dave speculates on the number of Welsh people who might support him, only those in the South East.

Dave asks Josie if she has been lying like a dog all the time in the house, she says she hasnt, he says then that means she's won.

Josie wishes they would stop saying it.

Dave is bemoaning his lack of clothes now, he hasnt got anything to wear tonight
Someone is misquoting Star Wars but I dunno which one.

Josie wonders of they will bring John James back if they are having the most influential HMs. Andrew doesnt think so, he says they asked the winners first and then asked others (and then asked who would do it for free). 

Half of them think that the UBB will start tonight because BB is cleaning the sofa but someone thinks that C4 would rather have 2 lots of big ratings.

Speculate speculate speculate.
Josie says the a hundred grand would be nice but she wants to see her friends and family.

Josie asks Dave what he would do if he wins and he is asked to stay in. He says it isnt going to happen, ie he isnt going to win, but he would stay on as he signed the contract, but he'd rather leave and have a few days out.

Dave is sure that it isnt happening tonight as they are 2 huge separate programs and it would be on the tv for hours and blah blah blah Big Mouth Press conference etc
JJ is being logical. He wonders why they have done the frosting and cleaning and stuff today if UBB isnt going to start. Andrew speculates that they are cleaning it for BBLB interview.

One of them says lets wait and see what happens. Yes, please do. You are all pissing me off now. 

But of course they dont blah blah speculate blah.
Any serial exercisers?
Dave the pretendy Monk who buys wheelchairs off ebay to con people into his 'ministry' was an exerciser..  until the last few weeks.. now he's piling the pounds back on again..

but he was exercising around the time of the constant camera watch on Josie and the Aussie under the Duvet so that's all we really saw..  I think I'd have preferred the exercising tbh
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave and Mawio are discussing packing. Mawio wants everything as tidy as possible so that he can transfer it from one suitcase to the other with ease. Dave suggests that 'they' might do that for them but Mawio would rather do it himself so that he knows where everything is. He is a fella after my own heart as he intends to iron every item of clothing as soon as he gets home.

He is started saying that BB is the best experience of his life, after being born, the logic being that if he hadnt been born he wouldnt have experienced anything.

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