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JJ said 'that is my fave JLS track' and now they ask him about his JLS friends and he says he doesnt want to talk about it and he has 6 friends and his JLS friend is one of them and it is ded weird and (I dont know what JLS is) oh they said X Factory and well he doesnt want to talk about it as he talks about it some more.

None of the fellas no who they are either Tho Andrew just said ' so they are massive'....

Mawio knows what it is like having friends in the limelight

He was at the X factor final sittng next to Max Clifford and Jerry Springer. Who is very good looking in real life. And Maria Carey does it now. And Sam gave the JLS away. And how do we defrost this?
The blokes were going on about families the morra night and then Dave called to DR and Mawio thinking of the people who he asked to come down etc etc how cool if all out friend meets wahwahwah and Mawio started picking at his arm and he might have mutilated a mole and he didnt have a TB scar there and made his own. He thinks he ought to see a doctor.
Dave thinks there is going to be a massive shock, even though they think Josie will win.  And now they are talking about last year saying Sophie was the fave but then so were Charlie and Seabass (?) Dave keeps saying that people have to vote but oh they might not...and JJ saying that Dave should win coz of the money but Dav says she will win but there could be a shock and Dave thinks JLS fans will vote for JJ and John James has gone so the girly vote is up and JJ is happy to win if he gets to go to UBB but he would rather Dave has the money to do good blahblahblah
Josie asks Mawio about how he makes money to get his stuff and he says he has all these wealthy friends who take him to art galleries and all sorts of stuff, they always pay his way. Josie asks if he sleeps with them, he says no way they just like my company as a friend. Josie says you go for rich older men then and he says no...bit of a dip...but he likes power, ambition and success and they go hand in hand. 

I have deja vu sure I heard all that before one time. Maybe a dream.
Mawio is telling Josie about some very cultured fella he likes into opera etc that he hopes will still be available after his bad break up.

He has battled all his demons now and is ready to back to his life.

Josie says 'I bet Gareths missing you?' Mario says 'Who?' Josie says 'Your flat mate'.

He hope he ll be there tomorrow (even tho he didne know who he was )

Josie asks if Mawios ex bought him the BB chair. He says yes but for both of us. Mawio says they share it. Josie asks a bit more and he changes the subject and oh BB moves to Dave talking about his wife in the shed thing.
Dave promises to keep in touch with Andrew but then he says he might not have time to stay in touch and but well he doesnt know about clubbing the wrap party and well thats different but going out in London and getting hammered and drinking hammered and well Dave doesnt like that and Andrew well a nice cocktail bar with big chairs and and

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