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Dave has enjoyed all his experiences and his wife and his kids and travel and this BB has beent he most sustained experience, 11 weeks of amazing journey that has brough out aspects of his character and he took a risk coming in but he wouldnt change it, oh cool people, oh cool tasks, and meals. Oh and sustained.
Josie wants a drink before she answers another question and the food has 'annihilated' her and maybe she will have a fag. And now they are speculating about when Ultimate BB starts (they think Friday) and Josie asks her mates to stop voting for her and she says she isnt staying if she doenst get the chance to go out and then BB tell them to get another question out the tombola (which is a bit wooden twisty thing).
They are muttering of screen about how they dont want to d UBB - at least Josie and Dave dont tbut the others so.

Next question is who was the sexiest HM.

JJ is saying he doesnt know all of them but he says the first Rachel judging by her photos.

Dave says JohnJames is the sexiest and he doesnt understand how he isnt in the house with all the 12-14 years texting to keep him in.

Andrew says he is the sexiest housemate. Then changes it to John James and his amazing hair and great body.

Mawio says he d chose Dave but he is married so he will chose Nathan without going into too many details. He had a good manner, personality and gruff voice, and a sexy brain.

Josie picks John James. Not only was he good looking but he had a sexy personality.
Funniest HM
Andrew says Josie.
Reels off an anecdote that means nowt to me.
Mawio's is Ben. He says people didnt get his humour and got himself into situations becuase of it (I wonder if he has a toaster party trick as well )
Josie says Andrew coz he is a big wind up merchant.
JJ says Josie. Says she says things she doesnt mean to be funny (Andrew said similar)
Dave says...everyone.
Sorry I didnt know what any of them were talking about so I wandered outside.


All these cards are pretty much the same.

JJ tells the others that the highlight was them picking him after he didnt get in in the first place.

Pick him a new jumper

Dave was happy he escaped his 5 evictions and he was always shocked the public kept him in especially last Friday when 4 went and for him to beat John James despite his massive fan club and well yes etc etc but with ALL HUMILITY.

Andrew kissing, singing, entrance, couldnt go to the 81 coz of his maths exam but then he came in in a space ship (did he )

Mawio (sorry have to call him that in 'tribute' to Luke) magic task, public, fear of public, crowd nice, back in, woo 

Josie (asks for a break after this coz she needs a fag) fave moment was ticket to the final.
Hello Rexi...sorry for the Alex Tweet I should go and post it else where...

They seem to be back form music and all lying round the sofas.

I think Josie had gone for her smoke, well they are all talking about her. They all think she is going to win and wondering if BB will let her out for a few nights coz she she wants to get drunk and run wild...they are sure UBB starts on Friday so that they think she will be allowed to do that.

Josie reappears and says she wants out. Now they are talking about the hotel arrangements when they get out.

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