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Maybe someone deleted a post? Weird.

Hms are all dressed in Mexican themed stuff.....some have ponchos and sombreros on, others are dressed like burritos/tacos. Sounds like they've had to eat Mexican food for a task.
I think they're locked in the bedroom.
JJ has said 'it's early to be having a party'
They're super-paranoid.
Mario points and says 'if I'm evicted tonight, this pile of clothes is mine'
JJ reassures him.

Josie's straightening her hair.
Loads of sound dips.
BB tells them off twice.

Mario says it's a shame that next year there won't be housemates to talk about them.

John James is twisting wax through strands of his hair. He's got a lot of eyeliner on tonight.
He's talking about hair straighteners with JJ, saying he's got thin plate ones and wide plate ones.
Now talking about G-Star jeans and how expensive they are in Aus.

Mario goes and sits on Andrew's bed. Andrew looks tired.
Sam 'did you get cheered when you went in Josie'
Dave answers 'yes'

John James says he got cheers but will get booed on the way out.

They're talking about VTs and auditions.

BB tells them off AGAIN for talking about audition process and behind the scenes stuff.

John James tells BB 'I'm allowed to talk about my own VT so work it out'

JoeJ is discussing the Beckham lookalike connection with John James.

Josie says when she saw John's Vt he said he didn't like girls......but he explains again that he hates girls who are up themselves.
You're welcome, Bursar

John James and JoeJ are sitting on the grey stony area in the garden. John James is bored and once again talking about what BB should do this week re: evictions. It's sound dipped for the most part probably because of language, the last thing I heard him say was 'do something, evict Sammy'

Mario's in the kitchen.

BB reminds HMs not to talk about Audition and selection process.

John James 'Do something, Big Brother'

Sam is making a ball out of task leggings in the garden. They speculate on whether Corin is getting a task today.

John James 'do you reckon they called me in so early so they could air it on BBLB?' 'Sons of bitches'
Sam to JoeJ 'do you want to climb under that passageway in the snug and see where it goes'

John James is really antsy today. He looks like a cat in a cage.

I think all the HMs are in the garden now.
Corin's wearing massive sunglasses.
They're talking about what Corin's been saying in the DR, I think she's been asked about her feelings on Jo's eviction. Corin's not giving much away.
Corin's saying she was talking about her mum as well.

Corin compliments Josie on her makeup, something about having extra blusher/bronzer on.

Sam, JoeJ, John James and Dave play catch with the homemade ball in the garden.
The boys start throwing with one arm behind their backs.

BB tells them 'housemates must not play ball games in the garden as this may damage the fixtures and fittings'

I think John James says 'oh you can....' probably tells BB to eff off, not certain though.

BB warns again after they cover up a camera and carry on playing.

John James says 'SHUT UP'

they talk about the woman doing the BB voice, saying her name's Veronica.

The bored boys then go to the nest to check out the secret passage.

BB is frantically warning them to stop for safety reasons.
They really have BB on their toes this afternoon, lol.
Sam says 'it was dark and scary!'

BB calls Sam to the DR, the boys cheer. Sam slopes off with a grin on his face.
Dave says 'at least you get called in!'

Dave talks about the secret passage to Andrew, he said he got as far as the mangle before BB told him to turn back.
Andrew 'could you see anything at the end?'
Dave 'no it was pitch black'

John James and Josie in the bedroom now. John James laughing a lot about seemingly nothing.

Dave is saying he's being persecuted by BB. Calling them Pharisees. 'they want me to leave' 'why don't they call me in? they never call me in, Sam's in there every day. they don't want me here, they persecute me, i had to cry for an entire day before I got a message off my kids'

it's jokey.....i think.

JJ is saying Dave is moany. As moany as John James. Dave protests and gets Corin to back him up.
Corin is made up like it's an eviction night hair and makeup etc. she has a stripy top and military jacket on and looks nice.

Mario's eating crisps on the sofa. so is Steve. Dave's telling them about his telling off in the DR. He's going on and on about BB not wanting him in the house.
Mario 'what did they say to that'
Dave 'nothin, they can't say nothing cos they know it's true, I never go in there'

Mario 'maybe you're so entertaining they don't need to call you in'
Dave 'rubbish they don't wan me in ere'
Mario 'stop worrying about it, come on'

Mario 'only problem with these crisps, as soon as you finish them you want another one'
Steve agrees.
Sam 'i don't like crisps, well i like ones like Monster Munch

Josie says it would be good to have a Tropical Big Brother
Corin says what d'you mean by Tropical
Josie 'like a beach'
Corin 'ohhh that'd be lovely'

They're now talking about what Ultimate BB will be like
"It's a bit of fun, isn't it. To pass the time of day," says David. "Don't try this at home, kids," adds Steve. "Jesus. Why would you want your gonads bashing with a ball?"
Sam gets hit again. "At least I can start having unprotected sex now," he says, heading out to the garden. Clearly in pain, he appears to be retching. "Put it there dude. That was a good game," says David, offering to shake his hand.
The girls ask what it's like for men to be hit in the crotch. "It's like being winded and there's nothing you can do about it," explains John James. "If you hit someone hard enough you could put them down for a good 20 minutes."
"I'm not playing that game ever again," says Sam, as David challenges him to a last round. He relents. "We'll go more distance on this one though," he says. "Yeah, a trickier shot," agrees the minister. "Don't do it really hard Dave, you're going to really hurt him," warns Corin.
"Let's increase the stakes," he suggests, as the group discuss Jackass. "Oh dude, that is sore," says David, still recovering from an earlier shot.
"That one's going to take a lot of recovering. That really hurt, that was my right testicle proper bad. I feel sick. Actual sick. That hurt," says Sam.
Mario has stepped up to the plate complaining that he's got a definite disadvantage owing to his notoriously larger-than-usual left testicle.
"If you get hit in the balls and move, you're out," says Sam, as the other boys deem the new rules "impossible".
"Me and Corin are going to have a go at f**** ball in a minute," jokes Josie.
The boys are still playing 'C*** and Ball' and Sam suggests that they will have to up the speed of the shots. Andrew gets "the money shot", as David calls it, and Sam writhes around in agony. "I'll give you a revenge shot," offers the maths student.
The group are talking about viewing figures for the current series, and for Ultimate Big Brother. "That'll be massive ratings. They could even smash the ratings record with that," says JJ. "Depending on who they put in," muses John James. "What, so 3 million people know what your name is?" asks Josie, incredulous. "I feel a bit faint when I hear that."
"Let's think of a less painful game to play," suggests JJ.
David and Andrew are playing an innovative game whereby they have to throw the ball at each other's crotch without flinching until one of them gives up. David hits the target and the maths student looks like he's about to cry. "That hit the spot, alright," he complains.
The housemates are watching Dave and Sam play a game where they have to try and hit each other with a ball.
Sam says that the vegetable currry has "a kick."
Dave comments on how spicy the food is.
The housemates are wondering when the next eviction will be.
Steve says "thanks Big Brother" for the Thai meal.
Sam says he's never had Thai food before.
The housemates are tucking in to their Thai takeaway.
Big Brother announces that the store room is open for housemate to collect their Thai takeaway.
Sam is offering advice to JJ. "Just let people have their own go Sam," says Josie.
Dave suggests that the housemates play a knock-out Jenga tournament.
The housemates are rebuilding the Jenga puzzle ready for round three.
Steve takes his second go at Jenga.
Dave is having his go at Jenga.
Dave comments on Corin's "strong perfume."
Corin asks the housemates if any of them have ever played Jenga before.
Sam says the "slightest breeze" could knock over the Jenga puzzle.
Sam says the "slightest breeze" could knock over the Jenga puzzle.
The housemates begin a game of giant Jenga.
The housemates are discussing the rules of Jenga.
Big Brother announces that the store room is now open for the housemates to collect an oversized 3D puzzle game.
Steve says he'd be stuck on an island Josie, take Ife home to his Mum and get naked in front of Corin.
Sam asks Josie who she'd want to get naked in front of, take to meet her Mum and be stuck on a desert island with.
The housemates are playing 'Marry, Travel and One Night Stand.'
Corin tells Mario she's upset that John James was adamant that the answer to what JJ had said about her was 'false'. "The whole thing is ironic because that makes him false, if he's trying to imply that you're false... I wouldn't worry too much about it," he reassures her.
Mario appears to be upset by the revelations unearthed in the
After more clues the housemates pass their task, correctly identifying the central vertical word as 'prisoners'. They will be awarded with a Thai takeaway for 9, and a giant 3D building game for a limited period tonight.
Another clue is: "JJ said that Corin is what?" Corin guesses: "Orange?" JJ admits: "It could have been", as the group suggest angry, drunk and false as potential answers. Clue number 9 comes next. "Dave said that Sam is like a what in this house?" asks Davina McCaw. "B****?" suggests someone. "No, David doesn't swear," says Sam. "It's got to be something about me winding people up or something," he muses.
Clue number 7 is next. "Sam said that JJ is what in here but wouldn't be like this in the outside world?" Sam guesses: "Nice".
"Corin said that John James is like a what flying around her head?" is clue number 6. David guesses a crow. "A wasp?" suggests JJ. "A bird?" asks Sam. "I was in the diary room ranting on," remembers Corin. "Maybe it was wasp?"
Davina reads out clue number 5. Andrew said that Mario is a bad what?" The group all shout out: "loser!" Mario is upset that lots of the clues are about him. "Davina, I thought we were friends!" he objects.
Clue 4 is: "Josie said that Mario was what because he didn't get to do the pantomime horse task?" The group guess words such as jealous, upset, devastated, bitter and gutted, before deciding upon devastated. "Oh, I can't remember," says Josie.
John James was talking about which housemates when he said: "She isn't a smart cookie". The group try to decide whether it is Corin or Josie.
They fail to guess the word and move onto question 2. Davina McCaw says: "Mario said that John James has two names because he has two what?" The group chorus: "Personalities!"
Davina McCaw will read out clues and the housemates have to find the missing word to write on the board. The bird springs to life and says: "Steve has said he doesn't like it when Dave acts drunk and thinks that it is what?" David look a little put out. "Have you said that Stevie?" he asks.
Sam reads the instructions from the hatch aloud. "Davina McCaw has asked Big Brother if she can set the house a word puzzle. Big Brother has agreed to this. When instructed to do so, housemates should nominate one housemate to act as the scribe." They choose David.
Big Brother announces that the group must gather on the sofas immediately, putting an abrupt end to the game. "Does that mean I'm champion?" asks JJ.
David has so far won 7 games. "This is going to be the end of my orange," warns JJ, as they begin another round.
"Josie-Jo!!" exclaims Corin, as Josie wins yet another game. The Bristolian does a gleeful dance and then bowls a left-handed shot with the jack.
"That orange didn't see that coming," laughs Corin, after a particularly fast-rolling shot.
The game continues in the garden, as Sam demonstrates some tactical bowling.
"I'm out of this one, I'm having a smoke," announces Josie.
Corin wins a game and fires off the jack – an apple – in between two plant pots. "Crevice shots are the best," says JJ.
Josie wins for a second time. "Come on Jose!" exclaims David. "I haven't got many talents but bowling with oranges it one of them," she says, grinning. "That's two I've won now, isn't it!"
Sam wins the next round.
"I won!" shrieks Josie. "Well done Jose. You've finally won something!" says JJ, as David instructs her that it's now her turn to roll the apple – which is acting as the jack.
"I feel like I'm making a bond with my orange. Like, me and my orange are becoming one," observes Sam.
Big Brother announces that the main house will be out of bounds in 5 minutes, as Corin bowls a successful attempt. "Nice ball Corin!" exclaims Mario.
Josie and Corin have now joined in with the fruity game in the garden. "That's not bad, Jose," JJ tells the Bristolian as she takes her first turn.
"This is gonna separate the boys from the men," says Sam, bending down to take his shot at bowls.
"I quite enjoy a good tidy up sometimes, do you?" Josie asks JJ. "And yeah, I'd love for you and John James to get a flat together. You'd get on so well," she remarks. "I know he genuinely does mean it, and so do I, but you just never know what's going to happen, do you know what I mean?" replies the boxer, adding that it's one thing planning another doing
may as well post this in here from earlier. .I ended up LUTting in another thread so am C&P'ing this to here in case people want a catch up

and now Sam this morning is winding them {JohnJames, JJ and Dave]  all up again and turning them all against Corin including Dave [who reckons she's a mate] who's annoyed at her cos she told him to stop banging on about the game last night when they were trying to sleep, cos he's upset she answered him back and told him to leave her alone and Josie told him he was bullying Corin cos his pranks had gone too far...

 Josie has told Sam off  and to get out of John James arse

John James is now going on at Josie saying Sam was given a task by BB forums {Sam's lies from a [true] suggested jape on BBLB to a massive forum Poll vote [more lies built on the BBLB thing] ]Josie said they hardly told him to bang on and on and on at her til she was in tears and ruin her last few days..

Josie told John to not speak to her for the rest of the program cos John has got involved cos Sammy ran to them in the task room to say he was upset about Corin telling him to leave her alone..  Josie is fuming

oooooooh  josie in the kitchen with Mario and Corin saying they are winding her up and she hates John.. and that is it. .  pauses. .yeah that is it now she says..   oooooooooh 

Corin tells her to not be daft they'll be talking later..

Josie says no that is it now that's it.. .. .if only..

John is angry now... sitting looking fiece by the pool. .sam tells him not to argue with her... hahaha

Josie walks out of the kitchen smoking a ciggie and Sam asks if she was smoking int he house. .Josie says don't talk to me pepper. .

Sam continues to dob her in to BB..

gone quiet and Josie and Corin sit on the carousel and John James screws his face up.. eyeing the fire escape maybe?


they are all gathered around the kitchen table to see the next bit of the task.

John as far away from Josie he can get. .his face in hand and you can virtually see his brain whirring at the  thought of not being able to speak to Josie again and his next move.

My bet is defo Fire exit again..

or Josie will give in and and soon as the bedroom is available under the Duvet to make up

Task is for Dave to be Chef for a day. .missed what choices of food he had to cook but similar to the Come dine with me day.. [edit: tis dried insects]

the three amigos. John, JJ and Dave wander off into the garden. .Jj tells John she'll calm down in a bit give her an hour or so..

and Sam has followed them out to fill them ion

He says she said he shouldn't give what he can't take. .but he was careful with her wigs he took them and put them in the pillow cases carefully.. [he shoved em in with no regard and bashed her make up case really hard as he tried to get it under his bed]  Sam says he didn't care about his shoes that someone filled with shaving foam in the night.. dunno who did that tbh. .tho Corin has said she wouldn't do anything to people's things..

Sam said Corin and Josie annoyed him cos he felt they were looking for a row..

for once the boys have all gone quiet... oh no Sam is pipping uop again about Josie saying ti will be alright

John thinks not cos she is nto like that if she says don't talk to me she means it..

In the Kitchen Josie tells Andrew she doesn't want someone like that she wants someone who treats people with respect and is Loyal..

1.05 pm

anyway they are about to enjoy a brekkie sprinkled with various toasted insects...

Sam is trying to tell Josie to speak to John..

she says no. and go away..

Sam says no I want you to talk to him..

Josie says go away Sam you caused it...

Sam no.. well maybe I did which is why I want you to make up

Josie so go tell John that you lied when you said we were ganging up on you..

Sam says you are ganging up on me again..

Corin hasn't said a word.. so where he's getting that from I dunno... Josie laughs at him and says are you kidding.!!!!.

Sam wants to make up with Josie but not Corin.. Josie tells him that she piped up cos she was sitting there listening to Sam going on at Corin.  and threatening a night of hell form him to her.. .

John tries to get involved..

Josie tells him to shurrup... him and her are over...

Sam doesn't want them to fall out as they are both his friends. .

Jsoie gives him the brush off...

he refuses to make up with Corin and had said earlier he picked on her cos she annoys him. .even tho she never did anything to him.. just that she annoys him

Josie and John now arguing cos she was annoyed he came out to the garden to accuse her and Corin for picking on Sam..

John says he never did that.. he came out to ask what they had said..

josie says John isn't as good as remembering as he thinks he is he accused them both..

Sam is trying to mend things but making it worse..

Josie tells John that  Corin she is going to have a night of hell.. as Sam had said that earlier..

Corin says he did say that..

Sam tells her she's doing it again.. [what I don't know all she did was chip in and agree with what Josie said]

Josie tells John again they are finished.. she has no time for horrible people..

Corin tells Sam   that  he hates it when things are done to him back..

Joise says  that John said he liked Sam better when he was being horrible. .John says I never said that josie tells him Sam told her he said that.. .John says he never meant it like that. .

Sam is desperate to get them back together..

but he is still hating on Corin.. 

Sam is annoyed that he overheard Corin say she was going to enjoy her last days and not let certain people get to her. .she never mentioned names but Sam overheard and took it to mean him. .that started off the earlier row which then sent him off to moan about them in the task room where the 3 amigo's jumped on the bandwagon cos Sam was upset. .tho he said he wasn't they just took him wrong..

same old argument going in circles now. . Sam annoyed cos Corin said he was immature  and that is why he called her orange and  a tangerine freak... he said she insulted hiom first. . Corin said I bit back cos you upset me and she was crying in the bathroom cos of it. .and yeah she can give it but she can also get upset too..

Sam is bricking it now he thinks he's ruined the 'relationship'.. .Josie is more annoyed at John James behaviour which Sam has only proved to HL anyway..

and that's roughly it.. missed a few bits out from earlier talk in the bedroom including some pertinent comments from the other HM's stirring.. just couldn't type it all at the time.

they have all just munched on their beans on toast with insect sprinkles.. 

Corin got thru her's much tot he disappointment of those wanting to see her struggle. .

off again
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
dunno if I am right or not but John James looks like he's on a I wanna leave mission

Just put all his outside clothes on, Jacket included, and gone to the Dr.. aka the nest..

Dave telling JJ what Josie said about she's now thinking John stood by Sam for the public  and Tv purposes and she can see right thru him now. . he's all about the show..

JJ reckons John won't be too happy about that  . .oops

BB telling the HM's to go to the taskroom. .aka the bedroom..

they all think tis cos John wants a rant in the nest/DR to BB and BB don't want them to hear

Josie just gave him a mouthful as she walked inside. .said go on rant and bitch about me all you want..

there's trouble in paradise..  never mind I'm sure once the proper bedroom opens up it will all change again
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj tells the HM's that he thinks John could go. .

he's only just clocked it now cos he saw John getting dressed and putting on his jeans and jacket. .he thought he was going to the garden but now he's gone to the Dr he thinks maybe he'll go

the other's say he won't he's done this before and never went..

Jj says  yeah but he's said there's nowt he wants from the show. .he's not interested in the eviction stuff..  [really?  ]

Josie tells Sam he's only got himself to blame for the fallout..   manipulating her friends with lies  to think she was bullying him when her and Corin weren't..  and Josie is upset to think John and the others would think she would do anything as nasty as that..

Sam protests but Josie ain't having any of it..

Corin tells Sam to give it a rest

Same says there you go again you two.. [he's pulling a bullying card. .typical of a faux bully]

Yup I am using the bully word cos a HM (Josie) living with the guy called him one earlier and based on that and the evidence I have seen of his  constant dig dig dig at one target until they cry just cos he wants to see them pop is bullying in my books..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Thanks for the appreciation I will try and LUT as much as poss but am at work Monday and Tuesday, boooo Maybe someone else will step in during the day......not that there's a lot going on in the house, it looks so empty today!

Hms are in the bathroom minus Dave who's in the DR. They're playing a game involving former housemates, where they have to:
Break someone's heart, Break their trust, Break their leg.

Josie says 'OMG imagine breaking John James' trust, he's never speak to you ever again'

Josie looks like she has John's grey hoodie on, she has the hood up and is constantly sucking her thumb.

Josie 'I got one' Then the sound is dipped! Adult stuff, bah.
Josie doesnt want to win, she has said it about 40 times now. And of of the fellas said she wont have any choice in the matter.

They were talking about how the winner will have to stay in the house, get interviewed by Davina, then stay for the next bit.

That Josie has had enough tho she dont want to stay.

Oh there's a task.
The one with the big ears is waffling on about how he applied to BB loads of times and how he was full of sadness and the BB house has saved him and helped him find him again

They have to give a speech about their time in the house.

Josie is up now saying its one to tell the grandkids, reels off some of her experiences including being loved up by really x 100 hot austrailian.

I think this next one is JJ says he has met lifelong friends.(He is wearing a very dodge jumper). And it was special.

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