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Steve turns to Dave adn syas I now understand why you threw it. .I don't ever want to do that again

He turns to Andrew and says sorry mate if you get thru this and  next week and I am in the same position I promise you I will never do that again

Josie said he was going to pick her, she told him to,  the idiot..

[both her men up then. . ]

gawd I am not here am I 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Just read back to check typo's weren't too oturageous and spotted these. .missed them earlier 

Reference:  Ditts
Cracker outrage!! not digestive with stilton Olly... nooooooo! has to be a Carrs water biscuit!
nope. .gotta have the sweet digestive with the Stilton

or Hovis digestives are a good choice too..  

Reference: Joyron
Don't worry Olly. I've been checking around and no one has a result yet. Thanks for keeping us without LF informed.
aww thanks for that. .  sorry I missed it earlier. .was flitting from kitchen to puter and back

Josie is in bed with JJ and is wearing the wedding dress DAve had on earleir..

Rachel is wearing a dress too...  think it was JJ one...

sounds like there is kissing under the duvet...

arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhh all these weeks and no slobbering and we get it again which means it will invade our ears until one of them goes. .

I am not here btw
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario and Andrew are drinking wine in the bedroom, Dave comes in with a bowl of cereal and asks if he can join them.
Josie is in bed sucking her thumb. (John is in the garden with the boys)

Andrew doesn't think John will be evicted. Dave says I may escape one, but if two are going I might be going.
Andrew thinks it will be him first. Dave says he's gutted Andrew is up.

John comes in with JJ. John gets in bed with Josie. Josie says 'I love the smell of your jacket' (the leather look bomber jacket hes wearing)

Mario says John's not going anywhere, John says why would they want to keep me in all I do is sleep all day
Andrew coughs and shouts 'romance' mid cough
Mario says people will phone to evict people who do annoying things, and Andrew hasn't been in there long enough to do loads of annoying things compared to the others.

Mario says I feel bad saying this cos he's a good friend of mine, but I think it might be Ben.

Mario doesn't think Dave is going. 'I don't want Ben to go, but that's how I think it will go'
Andrew 'John James and Dave are the certainties to stay'

Mario warns the others that when he gets drunk, he gets naked. Oh joy.
Dave's banging on about religion now. Rachel's chiming in with her views......not sure how much more of this I can take.

Andrew is worried about his eviction interview and about how much Davina will ask him about fancying Josie.
Andrew says he's said stuff about her in the Diary Room and things will be weird and ruin their friendship.
Mario says he will meet a girl in the real world outside that he will love, and it's not the same in the house.

Mario 'for the first two weeks, I had an intense crush on Ben, but it just evaporated'
Andrew is all over Dave on the bed, snuggling him furiously. Dave is going on about the Lord and being drunk ...and Andrew says 'you know what else they say? Wine contains alcohol'

I can see a Glen style chunder session on the horizon.

Andrew gropes Dave I think he's starting to make Dave feel uncomfortable, lol.....the giggles are hiding nothing here.
Ohhh nooo Andrew is drunk next to Josie on the bench outside, he looks like a lovesick, droopy-eyed puppy. I'm sure I just heard him whisper to Josie 'i think you're the sexiest housemate in here' he stroked her chin and face.

Dave is watching this going on. He got called into the DR to collect laminates and was told to look after Andrew. he complains that BB still doesn't want a chat with him, lol.

Andrew lights Josie's cigarette for her.

Dave 'you realise how much he hates smoking don't you'
Corin 'but he's still sitting next to her on the bench'

Dave says Josie ate a whole cheesecake.

Josie rubs Andrew's leg. Andrew says 'you know what they say, Australians are half-faithful'
'what kind of a name is John James?!'

Dave, Corin, Laura go into the house. Steve comes over.

Josie is rubbing Andrew's back. She asks if he wants a glass of water. He's mumbling stuff to her. She keeps laughing.
He keeps pawing at her face. She hugs him and rubs his chest.

Andrew asks her if her and John will get together when they leave the house, she says no and then comically starts saying when they get out he'll be like 'rack off Josie'

Josie walks Andrew over to the toilet, she holds his wine glass and waits outside.
They walk across the garden, Andrew wobbling a bit.
Andrew lying on the bed, then he gets up and lunges at John, stealing his hat, he runs round the garden with it laughing.

John is grinning,  tries to keep Andrew in the garden by barring the door, Andrew is jumping about hysterical.

BB calls Dave and Andrew to the Diary Room......think they're worried Andrew will fall and hurt himself if this carries on.
Great work Katerina 

Laura has left the building this morning.. I knew I was right yesterday thinking her staying was only temporary. 

The HM's aren't aware she has gone yet tho..

Breaking News: Laura's Walked!

Breaking News: Laura's Walked! BREAKING NEWS!

At 08.52 Laura left the Big Brother House! She's been talking to BB and her fellow housemates about leaving over the past couple of days and it seems it's just got too much.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben is having a word with Dave about John James and Jose being hidden  under the duvet on a permanent basis acting like kids and sleeping all day and being up all night and how others are starting to copy them

Dave doesn't know what the answer is

Ben says you know I ahve kept quiet the last few nights but they even got to you last night didn't they

[I fell asleep on the sofa and woke to Josie cackling like a witch with a really false and very loud laugh around 3am. .Dave shouted at the pair of them to no avail. .then he started waffling on as well adding to the news]

BB has just told the HM's that Laura has gone

John says oh. .I didn't even get to know her. .

[well she never visited the Duvet tent did she. .and who'd want to really. .talk about never making an effort ]

Ben isn't too thrilled at the news. .he felt she was one of the few people that understood him..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben needs to have a nest chat with Dave cos he is upset Laura has gone as she was one of the few that understood him and he liked talking at  to her also  Mario is being weird with him again him it seems and Mario pinched his bottom earlier and Ben told him he was upset abotu Laura adn Mario told him he wasn't really and got bitchy and personal again..

JoeJ says that Mario is going to try and stop his sexual innuendo for a day..

they aren't sure he can do it..

Corin is taking a while to get ready and has convinced Jo she will have plenty of time before the task starts

BB calls them to the Sofa's 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
a postman has walked in the door

they all whistle..

he's well nice some one says

Mario has taken the letter

for the shopping task HM's must do nothing at all..

whoop they all go

Mario shushes them..

Various events will occur over the next couple of days.. and the HM's are not allowed to react to them at all

BB lists what is a reaction . .pointing gawping laughing jumping ,smirking. .and a laod of sound dips too

The only place a HM may discuss a random event is int he DR..

in the bedroom is a safe and in it is a laminate stating the maximum number of fails they are allowed. .[each point, smirk etc.. by any HM is a fail] 

if they pass they will all get a messages form home as well as a luxury budget

The postie is doing a strip 

they are all trying to ignore hjim   

I bet mario is peeking tho

ooh nice bottom postie...  I can look the others are running away from him  trying not to respond at all... hahahahah  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a quickie. .Ben has told Rachel to ignore the others having a go at her for not being able to stop reacting..  she was shouting out where's the postman which is a rule break..

this after the others had explained to her how important it was for the long termers to receive a message from home and her reactions to everything could spoil that for them

Ben is being told off for undoing the work the others had done and telling her to not worry about it. .effectively he is dumping on his mates by telling her it's all ok and to not worry..

Dave is really angry with Ben and accusing him of shafting his mates by not telling Rachel to be careful in future..

Ben accepts he was in the wrong and apologises..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben apologises again to DAve BUT

says he was not nice to suggest Ben was trying to shaft his mates..

Ben said he wasn't aware of things with Rachel  didn't register he zoned out.

Dave says well if you can;t tell her she was wrong and you have to understand we are in a task now and the result is something everybody is waiting fro the messages from home

Ben is annoyed Dave told him off in front of the others. .

DAve says sorry I did that. .I will cover up for you. .[why should he!!!!!!!!!! ]

Ben tells him to shurrup anyway as Mario is coming in..

Mario goes up and pokes Ben and says what does that feel like..

Mario is acting like a robot and very weird

asks why Ben didn't make him a tea..

Mario is either on a task or has completely lost the plot..

They think he is on a task. .Ben says no he is just trying to wind me up

Dave is still banging on abotu Rachel asking where the postman was and that she has to know if she keeps making boobs like that the others will pull her up for it and to not be so sensitive about it. .she has not been in there as long as the others so isn't  as desperate as they are to receive the messages..

Dave is also adding fails to the list cos he keeps mentioning the postman too..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
actually one last thing.

If I was Ben I would slap Mario into next week. .

he is following him around and literally just poking him with his finger all the time..

it is mental behaviour..

Ben has gone to the DR.. .I wonder if it is to talk about Mario cos it is now bordering on physical harassment..

Josie is sucking her thumb in the bathroom talking with Rachel.. about the usual JohnJ subject *yawns*

Dave and the rest are talking abotu how Ben always says he doesn't understand or didn't hear when really it's cos he can't be bothered and they  are not accepting a guy with his intelligence is that thick and  it is  him being selective what he understands and doesn't...

they are pretty much guessing what temptations will be put their way..

Andrew asks Dave what he'd do if his wife was laying out on one of the beds.. 

Dave has a quick word with Josie abotu the late night whispering

she says we can hardly hear ourselves [[it's the white noise constant mumbling sound that can grate ya daft bint ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
a brass band is marching thru the garden.

they are trying hard to ignore them which is pretty difficult as there are about 30 of them 

Steve has hold of Rachel and his trying to keep her in check..

the ones that were out in the garden are making meaningless conversation to try and ignore the people tramping around their heads..

The band is marching off

Ben got up to go somewhere . .oh twas outside

Andrew is standing with hands on hips..

Jo is staring either at them or into space..

they are now marching around the living area..

Steve and Mario trying to talk and looking straight at each other

all trying to keep straight faces..   it can't be easy cos tis a full on brass band playing in their ears...
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I dunno how they can not look at them unless they all clsoe their eyes cos the band is everywhere..

Rachel just ran inside looking fraught

the band have stopped and the HM's carry on as if nothing happened..

Dave runs in to check the rules..

Andrew spotted something he or Dave did  against the rule...   think it may have been Dave. .someone is shouting rookie error... Dave is laughing his head off.. he's in the BR toilet with Andrew

Mario asks what they are doing

Dave says I can't believe I did that

Mario says lets not talk about certain things

Dave adn Andrew come out with Dave still laughing and he says we're not..

[DAve picks on Ben then fecks up himself ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
In the nest Dave is telling Ben he found himself whistling..

Ben tells him oh that's ok but lets not talk about it

so they talk about the dynamics changing with Laura leaving now strenghtening the JJJ axis..

Dave says you talk Ben I'll listen..

Ben says she cut my hair. .I liked her.. he asked if Dave can understand why Ben liked him

Dave is still laughing and wants to get the message for Steve so bad but it's difficult

Ben says yes I like Music so much and I struggled to hold it together

now we are on to Mario. .he asks if Dave saw Mario with the laminate this morning. .he says he is going nuts.. Mario not Ben..

Dave thinks it will be a single eviction this week

Ben says they all over access the situations adn he feels it will eb nromal but the BB obsessives like Mario think they know everything..

bitch cam moves away to Sofa area..  and back again

Dave saying 'he' knows what is going on with the Mole

Ben says but he ticks me off if I do anything wrong yet never says anything to the Mole

Dave says he knows what is going on don't worry {Steve I think is the current subject]

Dave continues to go on abotu not believing what he did just then thereby continuing to mention it..! !
then onto talk of Laura and her panic attacks..

and now tot he garden and Jo who hasn't been able to get to her make up as the bedroom is closed all day it seems . .chatting to Josie abotu the usual JJ claptrap .. Josie repeats for the zillionth time he's probably got BB eyes yooo narrw...

*mutes LF *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I had to nip out and I comeback and the bedroom is open and guess who is play lets hide under the Duvet..

I'd be pretty hacked off living in a house where people were so rude as to do that all day long..

Not checked if there have been any more non events

ah just looked up and there is a bathroom attendant offering towels and goodies to Ben...

he's smiling as Ben ignores him

and  am not sure but he may be someone's mate...  maybe Bens cos he keeps having a look at the guy..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a quick catch up while I was out

In the Nest Dave and Ben tear into their fellow HM's  well mainly Ben

Ben is not impressed that Dave called JJ and JoeJ the hunks of the house and Ben wasn't included as  hunk..  as he stared at his reflection in the mirror opposite and messed with his hair every 10 seconds..  He wonders what JJ has to offer other than spending all day in Bed with Josie. .he thinks JoeJ has more depth to him

Dave adn Ben think that Ben gets on better with the women than the men..

the bedroom is open and Dave wants to go get dressed. .as he leaves Ben tells him to send Andrew in.. worra bluddy cheek!!!
[ .gawd does he think the Nest is his office and the minions shoudl come and go at his beck and call  . .he is irritating me immensely with his Lord of the Manor and the Serfs doing his bidding   attitude today. .it's not even funny anymore.. or maybe I am just less tolerant today  :d]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
in real time Josie is going to clean the house.. she is actually going to leave the bed to do this.. nope now she is going to take score of the game they are playing otuside....

Ben mentions to JJ abotu the laying in bed all day thing

Jj says I'd be laying around on the sofa's or the pool area so I'd rather lay where I am comfy

Ben says well yes but I'd rather not lay in a place I then spend all night in..

Ben is getting dressed, think Mario ro someone has told him to get dressed.. could be steve as I just heard him say it's good they are all outside getting some fresh air..

seems they are going to play rounders now..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
current HM statuses.

In the gardem

Josie and JJ going over the whole you said you this . .I said that. .blah blah for the zillionth time

In the Nest

Rachel and Ben going on about why he never made time to have his chat with her..

Rachel telling Ben off and not allowing him to make his excuses why he was avoiding her..

the rest of the HM' s are not making the camera time atm..  either snoozing or singing..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
two Gorilla's ran around the hosue

they made a racket

Ben was in the garden and said gawd it's so quiet in here it'd be nice to hear an Ice cream van..

Now he is trying to get Dave and Steve to 'get his point'  about being in the right over what Rachel said about him not chatting as he promised.

Neither of them will agree with him tho and tell him he promised and never did talk to her so tis his own fault..

Ben isn't happy to be told he was in the wrong..

he's gone to the nest to wait to talk to her now..

in the Kitchen Jo is telling her to go listen to what he has to say and report back.. she'll then tell her if what he is saying is just him trying to smooth her over..  Joise is there too and agrees she should go listen...

Rachel says I heard it already

Josie thinks it's just Ben likes to be liked so hates that Rachel has the huff with him..

Jo is giving her opinion abotu guys who may or may not be playing them and hopw to tell,

in the bedroom Dave tell JoeJ about Bens 'friends' outside and how he uses them..

He invites one friend over who then cooks for him. .. another friend who has a shop so brings bits and bobs like groceries.. and sound dip on the remaining friends he uses for their services..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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