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Dave asks Laura if everyone seems the same as they are seen on TV, she says yes, he says there is alot of love in the house, it wasn't always like this
Talk of nominations, Andrew wishes they didn't have to nom, John wishes they only had to nom 1 person, he could do that, Josie brings up Rachel and asks if he will apologise to her when he gets ot, John doesn't think he did anything wrong, it was her that was giving out dirty looks and she thought she was the bees knees
Corin thinks they will all be in bed by 12 and get a good nights sleep
John still on about Rachel, he didn't like the way she rolled her eyes
big thanks to everybody keeping this up

Sorry I ahve not been around  much am trying to rest my eyes and having to limit screen time to a couple of minutes here and there so not able to LUT.. got fed up of getting migraines every day..  

am not used to constant screen time after such a long break from LUTting.. hopefully they'll sort themselves out soon and I can get back to helping again..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sorry guys, wish I could do more, life annoyingly gets in the way of LUTing for me......if there's no-one here The Sun do rolling updates(often not as in depth as here but still worthwhile sometimes):

BB voice asks the usual 'can housemates ensure they wear their mics at all times' but the HMs laugh when the bloke has a slightly exasperated tone....he's obvs had to ask them more than once this morning.

JJ is making tea and coffee. Mario asks for a milky coffee with two sugars, he thanks JJ.

Mario says he doesn't want to abandon John, because their friendship is improving and 'that nut has almost been cracked' ......not sure if he's talking sexually now.

Rachel says she will try and turn Mario. Mario isn't averse to this suggestion and says girls have tried to straighten him out in the past.
Rachel says 'I don't even want to be around him anymore to be honest'

She's talking in hushed tones to Josie. 'one minute I was one of his good, good mates and the next...' sound dip

John is in the garden with newbies JJ and the blonde girl.....don't know her name yet.

John is telling them how BB punished them for talking noms by taking away hot water and luxury food.

Back to BR
Josie 'i've never had anyone like that who cares for me like that'
Rach 'he's not gonna say anything in here'

I can't hear what Rach is saying because Jos is rummaging in her makeup bag and the noise is too much.

Rach is now telling Jos something she saw on TV about John James, sounds like she's telling her how the highlights portrayed it when all the girls gossiped during the superhero task.
Rach is telling her because she thinks she's going to be evicted this week anyway.
JJ 'you've got a set of lungs on you, Corin'
Cor 'yeaahh just a shame I aven't got the voice to go with it'

They laugh. they talk about the Glee video they did.

Rach and Jos hug in the bedroom, they're sitting by a mirror doing makeup. Jos is wearing a white towel.

Steve comes over and Rach says they've been 'having a bitch'
Mario comes over to Rach and she asks if she's got too much makeup on, Mario says no you look gorgeous. She says she's making an effort today.

Jo's the next to offer compliments saying she's got a lovely face.
Aww thankyou Mentalist

Jos 'if you're feeling a bit low that's what you do, to get your confidence up'
Rach ' i need to sort my clothes up, they're everywhere'
Jos 'last three days I've been almost passin out I've been so tired'
Jos is feeling better today.

Corin and John are telling the newbies about past tasks, they mention the basketball task(I don't remember it, lol).
JJ 'if I get nominated and do that task(S&R) I'm gonna try my hardest'

Ben Andrew and Dave are in their fave place, the nest.
Ben 'Rachel's being funny with me at the moment'

There's lots of switching between cameras and sound dips today, arrrgh.

Dave says he has a lot of testosterone coursing round his body right now. Andrew says I hope I'm not in the hotel room next to you when we get out, Dave says there's not going to be much effort involved, LOL.

Corin comes in quick to give Dave her coffee, she says she doesn't want to waste it but it gave her coffee breath.
Ben says what do you have for me and Andrew, he says ' you went to Roy's Rolls for coffee and didn't bring anything else' she says 'I'm off to Rovers'
They're talking noms in the garden now.......sound is dipping frequently, it's difficult to get a handle on the convos.

Rach in the kitchen telling Jos she needs to go out with John James. Jos 'i think so much of him, I know i got jealous of Caoimhe but that's cos (SOUND DIP)
Rach 'I'm his friend, but it's not like THAT' talking about how he has something special with Jos and not anyone else.
Rach 'Ben said to me that he's changed his mind'
Jos 'shut up, he don't look at me like that '

Rach 'when you sit next to each other you have to touch each other, it's sooo...'
Jos explains the fact he cares about her is enough for her.

Jos 'he's NOT, he's already said it Rach'
Rach 'he's just, sometimes, you shouldn't listen to what guys say you should look at how they act'
Jos 'at the moment I just wouldn't want it any other way, if someone said Josie you could win this or you could have a relationship with John James, I'd take the relationship.
She quickly adds 'not that I think I can win this. I feel like I've already won'
Rachel says 'do I sound like an E-harmony advert'

Josie says Rach is living on a cuckoo planet, seeing things that aren't there. 'there's def a connection but it's the fact he cares'
Rach 'Jos you deserve to be cared about like that'

They're saying the same stuff over and over.

I'm not dressed yet.....LOL must go and make myself decent, might be back later guys
Steve sitting on the sofa cuddling laura (he's been busy with the girls today)
Ben and Andrew in the garden, Andrew saying he can't wait to get his piano back it's at his dads house at the moment, Ben asks if he see's his dad much Andrew say's no
Dave saying the fat boy got alot of cheers on Friday night when his VT was shown
Ben talking about his piano teacher, they didn't get on
Ben still going on about Andrews task, he didn't understand what the rules where (they seem to think that 5 people are leaving) Andrew say's he can't really talk about it, Ben ask's if he should be worried, Andrew say's no
Ben and Andrew talking about Rachel, Ben ask's if he should be worried about the way she has been with him, Andrew say's no it's all fine, Rachel said she wouldn't like to be in the house if Dave left, Ben said it makes the rest of us feel like sh-t on her shoe, she doesn't even spend alot of time with Dave
Ben thinks rachel is going round the house telling everyone he is a pervert
Andrew say's BB asked him if he fancied Laura, he doesn't
Andrew ask's ben if sharing a bed with him last night was ok, Ben say's it was fine
Ben say's he is getting more like a child the older he get's
Ben say's he is less stubburn and more flexiable as he gets older
Steve talking to Corin he think's everyone should get to walk out and get an eviction interview
Corin, Steve and mario talking about Andrews secret task and which 5 are leaving (they are winding themselves up over this)
Mario is surprised the tree has never spoke to Corin as she spends along time in the BR
Corin is pleased that BB haven't told her not to wear her sunglasses inside, BB annouces that corin should take her glasses off
Corin and Steve talking about falling asleep while smoking, Corin thinks they should make a fag that goes out, it would save alot of lives
Talk of the film silence of the lambs, Steve tell's corin it's a true story, she can't believe it, lots of oh my god
Ben think's John will be a teenage heart throb, Andrew thinks he will get alot of attention when he gets out, more than anyone else
Laura gets in the pool and BB say's it's out of bounds
Mass panic in the house, they've convinced themselves that there is an eviction, Dave say's theres a massive crowd outside, BB have called them into the house, Dave say's he could hear people shouting shabby shabby shabby and then get someone out, he didn't hear the name though, BB has called John into the DR, they think Shabby might be coming back in, Ben think's she can't she walked, Josie say's they can do what they want, she would love Shabby to come back in
Mario has a quick shave and washes his hair, Rachel is thinking of putting her eviction outfit on,
Johns back and Dave tell's him theres a wild crowd out there, Steve ask's John what BB wanted, he say's he can't say, Josie want's to know why he was in there so long
JJ thinks they will all have to pack their cases soon, he thinks one of the new people will go, Mario thinks that would be unfair
JJ says he said he wouldn't get into this conspiracy theories, Mario says well theres nothing else to do, no t,v, music or porn
Ben thinks JJ is nice, Mario thinks he's gorgeous but he's straight but that doesn't stop him trying
Ben asks Mario if he thinks theres a secret agent in the house, Mario says yes he thinks it's 1 of the old housemates
John has a go at Ben for not getting up in the task, Ben says he didn't understand the rules (from what i can gather, andrew had a tot task and he asked for 5 volunteers, the hms seem to think the ones that stood up have put themselves up for eviction, John doesn't like it that Steve stood up but ben didn't, even though he's been going on about leaving)
Dave is hoping he goes tonight now he's worked himself up for going
Dave having a go at Ben for not putting himself up for eviction, ben states he was talking to Laura at the time and didn't hear what Andrew said, Dave say's everyone else heard the instructions but you, you state you want to go home but then didn't volunteer, Ben is upset that Dave doesn't believe him, Dave knew that Mario would never had stood up, even Corin stood up even though she has tried for years to get on the show
Ben an dave are still rowing, Dave is annoyed that ben said to rachel that he knows Dave is rachels No1 but he's going to change that, ben says that is a lie, fetch her in here, Rachel comes in and confirms Ben did say that but not in a mean way, he said it in a flirty way, he would do anything to get in a girls knickers, Ben is stunned by this and asks what she means by that, she said he was all over her and telling her she was his favourite and he loved her but then Laura came in and he's all over her, Rachel was upset and Ben didn't even check she was ok, he was too busy pawing Laura, Ben is asking if she is still is friend, she doesn't like men that use girls, she thinks her knows exactly what she means
Rachel doesn't want Ben touching or tickling her anymore, she doesn't like men that use girls, Ben says he doesn't want a relationship in the house and he isn't trying to get in anyones knickers
Ben trys to make friends but Rachel says it's her problem not his
Rachel has heard all about how Ben trys to get girls, to see if they will sleep with him, ben says that was just tongue in cheeck banter with Andrew, Rachel didn't think he was that sort of man, ben says he flirts with Rachel cause he liked her, Rachel say's he does it with everyone, ben thinks people are making up lies about him
Ben tell's Rachel that his friends on the outside would tell her he's a nice guy, Rachel say's it doesn't matter we will all be out soon, i'm just been trying to avoid you, yesterday whenever i spoke to you, you blanked me and carried on tickling Laura
Steve comes in and asks whats going off, he thinks ben is flirty but so is he, Rachel says it's different with Steve, Ben says of course it's different with steve he's a married bloke with kids
(Dave is sitting back enjoying the fall out) he wants to know why people where shouting for Shabby, he liked shabby and wouldn't mind her coming back (yeah right)
Ben can't understand why he's become Mr Sleaze, Dave say's you was being intimate with her, Ben say's she was as well it was equal
Dave say's he hugs the girls in there but he doesn't do it in a flirty way
Dave thinks Rachel has jealousy issues, she thought Ben really liked her and then he started to flirt with Laura, Ben says he doesn't fancy Laura, she's like a young sister to him and they have alot in common
Dave still carrying on about ben, he's telling Rachel and Andrew he can't get his around why Ben didn't stand up and volunteer to leave when he's been banging on about leaving for 2 weeks now, he's his best frend in the house and he doesn't want to talk about him but he will try and get one over people if he can, he takes peoples things when they aren't looking and then says's it's not him, Andrew sticks up for Ben and say's he really thinks Ben didn't hear the instructions and if he did he would have stood up this his character, dave disagrees, how does Andrew know ben's character in just a few weeks, Andrew say's i think i know he would have stood up, Dave still doesn't agree
Dave talking to Jo about hearing shabbys name called, he wonders why BB let them here this, he asks jo if she thought someone was going, she say's no i thought it was a task
Dave asks Andrew if the chanting about getting shabby back in was part of the TOT, Andrew say's he can't say, Ben thinks the public probably loved shabby but it would be abit strange to put her back in
Rachel tell's Dave she think's everything will be ok between her and Ben, it was all her own problems with jealousy
Josie asks Ben if everything is sorted now, he think's some people take the game too serious, maybe they want something out of it when they get out
Andrew telling rachel he has a split personality, he's got 2 minds it just comes over him, he has to go into the DR sometimes till it passes, Rachel ask's if the public know he say's yes it was on his VT  (think he's winding her up)
Andrew is winding Rachel up big time  he's telling her he has a split personality and when his other self comes out he's jack from 24, he can't help it, he just turns into him, Rachel is hugging him and telling him he is so brave to come into the house when he doesn't know when jack will come out of him  she hopes jack won't come out in the middle of the night
Dave and Rachel still bitching about Ben, Dave hopes he is pure and honest but he's not sure, Rachel say's Ben said he don't flirt with anyone in the house but he does, Rachel also say's Mario feels he has been played by Ben
Ben in the hut with Andrew going over what Rachel said to him, Andrew think's this has been his best day in the house, talk moves to people talking in the bedroom, Ben think's they are at their worst at about 3am
Mario talking about a gay guy coming in the house, he wouldn't want a relationship but he would flirt with them
Laura is in bed crying, Corin is comforting her, think she's worried about the crowd booing her when she went in
Corin telling Laura not to worry everyone has cried in here, she say's it's hard being a newbie cause everyone in there has already bonded

John and Josie talking about chatting people up in clubs, she think's he would never chat her up, he say's he never chats anyone up, he think's she would be very hard to approach, she say's thats not true i'm really shy, Josie say's she never's kisses in public
Dave talking to Andrew about his weight, he think's he has lost about a stone and half, he wants the scales to find out
Steve laying down in the garden with his arm round Rachel, they want to watch BB on their plasma screen, Rachel want's to know what the task was all about today, Jo tell's her it was just aload of nonesense
Josie trying her chat up lines on john

Andrew has received a 'special prize' in the Diary Room, following his 'Jack Bauer'-themed task earlier today, orchestrated by the Tree of Temptation.

In the early evening, Andrew managed to convince Rachel that 'Jack' is a character he "can't help" but turn into every now and then, as part of his "double personality" issues. It is unknown whether this was part of the task, or whether Andrew was just making an elaborate joke in order to turn away suspicions that he spoke to the Tree.

Andrew was then called into the Diary Room, where he spent around twenty minutes. He returned to the main house, acting sheepish, and quickly walked into the kitchen. Ben asked if he was okay, and Mario spotted that he had a lipstick kiss mark on his cheek.

Andrew quickly wiped the mark off, and said that he had been "never better", when Rachel asked if he was okay. He then went to the bedroom and got into his bed, looking rather flustered and overwhelmed.

Mario asked if he was alright, but Andrew just said: "I'd like to be left alone for a few minutes." As Mario left, Andrew laughed to himself and lay back, looking satisfied.
Thanks for that jackson

Josie is cooking chicken and chips for dinner
Talk of gameshows, Mario would like to win 1p on deal or no deal, JJ say's he has applied for a few gameshows to fund his boxing, he was on the cube, Andrew say's he remembers him now
Laura tell's Jo she's having abit of a breakdown, she hasn't eaten or slept, she's been into the DR and feel's abit better, she feel's overwhelmed being there, Jo is surprised because she think's she looks like she is having a good time and everyone likes her, there's one thing on the outside that she is worried about but she doesn't want to say, Jo tell's her to come and chat to her if she feel's down
Jo thinks laura should hang out with Corin she will lift her
Laura asks if everyone knows she is upset, Jo say's no i just saw Corin comforting you
Ben and Dave cuddling in the nest, Ben going over the row he had earlier with Rachel, he feels awkward around Laura now, he feel's he can't hug her anymore
Dave starts on about the chants for shabby AGAIN, he thinks that she may be loved on the outside and if the show is becoming boring BB may want her back in, she wasn't evicted she walked so it wouldn't upset the viewers if she came back, he's going over different theories as to why BB didn't mask the chants
Laura comes in the nest and ask's for hugs, she's missing her b/friend and her family, there are alot of big characters in the house and she is nervous she is finding it very stressful, she has only had 5hrs sleep, Dave say's he went through all this when he first arrived

All the girls are in a group in the smoking area cackling away, whilst JJ and John are sitting together by the pool.

The boys are talking noms again. John 'you might find yourself dragging up stuff from 3 weeks ago cos you don't want to choose your mates'

The girls are talking about pole-dancing. Jo has a friend who does classes, and when she first did it she looked silly and realised there's an art to it and it's quite difficult.
Corin says it hurts.

might not be here for long, sorry guys the feed keeps stuttering for me.
The rest of the boys are in the bedroom.

Dave, Mario Ben and Andrew all on one bed sitting & laying in different directions.

The boys are daring the girls to do stuff......not sure if it's a bet, or a trade situation.

Rachel suggests 'wet T-shirt competition with bras on'
Er, that kind of defeats the object, love

Corin says 'I'm not doing any of that shit'

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