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Hope you're feeling better Olly

A.Stone has been talking to the HMs before he leaves, talking about how he tries to look after his skin, body etc. Josie points out that he's quite similar to John in that he has a skincare regime etc. She mentions the Beckham word for the millionth time

A Stone goes round the group asking how old they all are. Corin answers 36, AStone expresses surprise, then she says not really she's 29.

AStone goes to the Bedroom to pack some stuff and waits by the Diary Room door.
Another audition is going on. It's always 'Corin From Manchester' she says she was named after Coronation Street (it this a true fact?!!) She says 'never sung before in me life, people say I'm amazing'
Ben 'to be honest I thought you were pretty crap'
Corin 'but Simon I fancy yer'
Ben 'I'm gonna give you another chance, right? right?'

Corin 'you want one more or are yer fed up'
Ben 'no I'm enjoying it'
(Glad someone is)

Live Feed on E4 is now over. Gotta go guys hope you enjoyed the little snippets.
Dave and Mario discussing how many new HM's may come in..and are thinking maybe the clothes and other items Davina Mccaw took from them today are for the new Hm's to wear.

they are worried there might be an eviction and are nervous.

talking about first night and how they all told each other about themselves

Dave says this is the longest he has been away from his wife
Rachel tells jj and j that having got the laminate for a live show they now think they are all up for eviction.

Josie jumps up to get ready

jj says he knew and nobody listened to him

Mario ask about their gut instincts
they all feel it will be an eviction
Josie hasn't got anything to wear
she asks Rachel to pack her stuff if she goes don't let JJ touch my dirty underwear

general panic..
Mario says that he had a run-in with potential housemate Sam during auditions. "You know that girl who had one leg? He went up to her and said, 'Why are you here? Why are you bothering to dress up, you've only got one leg'." David and Andrew agree that they are glad he didn't enter the house.
JJ tells John James and Andrew that he knew he wasn't going to get in to the house on Launch Night after John James was called, because their names were too similar.
Big Brother reminds the new housemates that they are not permitted to talk about the outside world, for the sixth time since they entered the house.
John James, Ben and David are talking about the new housemates and those who weren't chosen. They agree that it's good that more girls came in than guys but Ben and David say they would have preferred Leon to JJ.
Josie tells Jo: "We're looking for a new Baroness." She explains that Steve is called the Baron because he's in charge of the house. Jo replies: "I don't think I'd be very good at it. I hate responsibility!"
Big Brother provides four bottles of champagne for the housemates. After they have all got a glass, Mario leads the housemates in a toast: "To the new housemates!"
Ben and David are comforting Rachel about the fact that three of the six potential housemates said they disliked her.
The housemates are trying to establish who will sleep in which bed. Mario says: "I think we should just let the new housemates choose and fit round them."
Josie is talking about Sam, one of the unsuccessful potential housemates, and how he called her "Miss Piggy" in the auditions and made several offensive comments to other contestants. "Govan hated him," she adds. John James laughs: "I'm glad we didn't pick him then!"
Corin is telling Jo about how good it will be to have the whole shopping budget. She says that it is lovely to have new people in the house, saying: "It's like you've had a day out and met some new friends."
Mario comes over to David and says: "Five times champions then." David asks: "Italy won it then? You're such a good mole."
Ben and David tell Laura that they both wanted unsuccessful housemate Joel to come into the house instead of Jo.
Laura is telling David and Ben that they're not disliked outside, that David comes across as very genuine and Ben comes across as "absolutely hilarious".
Jo is telling Andrew that she had to take a numeracy test in order to get on an access course at college, and that it was terrible. Andrew says that he wants to be a maths teacher.
Rachel is showing JJ round the house. She takes him to the bathroom and points at the Tree of Temptation and says: "That's the chest, you know what that does, don't you?" JJ hesitates and says: "Yeah."
Big Brother announces that the kitchen and bedroom is now open. Most of the housemates head to the kitchen. Jo, Josie and John James head to the bedroom. "Does it look bigger on the outside when you're watching it?" Josie asks. Jo says it is.
Rachel is questioning JJ as to why he said he doesn't like her in his video. He says it was nothing personal.
JJ is talking to David and John James. JJ said he found out at the start of the week that he may be coming into the house.
Omg I'm on holiday and came for a quick fix.. and no LUT and it's all changed with new people in.....
LUT'ERS u are brilliant.. please please keep it up.. u don't know how much people rely on it.. no pressure of course !!! ... I think when I get home in 3 weeks I will be watching a different BB cos I don't know how these new peeps (how many ?) have gone in ..  oh well, will keep looking for updates xxxxx
Steve has started to snore in the bedroom.
"I love you," says John James. "Aww I love you too, John," responds Josie.
Josie and John James are still whispering in bed together.
Corin, Laura and JJ have gone into the garden.
Jo and Mario are talking across the room to each other as Josie and John James snuggle up in bed.
John James and Josie are whispering to each other in bed.
Jo is out the Diary Room and joins the rest of the housemates in the bedroom.
Jo has been called to the Diary Room.
Mario is in bed with John James and Josie as he jokes around with the pair.
JJ and Jo are debating whether they should shower nude in the house.
The light is off in the bedroom as housemates climb into their beds.
Josie claims after a while in the house people become like Brother and Sister.
Most of the housemates are getting ready for bed.
John James says he would have been unhappy to be evicted and not meet all of the new housemates.
JJ is called to the Diary Room. The housemates cheer loudly.
Josie is laughing at John James for flexing his muscles.
The majority of housemates have entered the bedroom.
Josie tells John James that she feels "lucky" to have found someone that cares for her.
Dave and Ben in the nest talking about nominations, Dave wonders who will be up this week as they won't be able to nominate the newbies, Ben wishes tubs had got in (the black guy) Dave would had liked him, he ate 15 bags of crisps in one sitting at the auidtions, Dave asks ben how much sleep he got last night, he thinks it was about 2 hrs, Dave think's they need an early night soon, ben say's the new JJ say's he any needs about 4hrs a night
Mario, Steve and Andrew doing the shopping list, Andrew think's they've done a good job, Steve say's it's best when another people don't interupt
Josie telling the new JJ that she has said several times she goes for boxers and they've sent him in (a boxer) she tell's him she's not trying to crack onto him or anything, he say's no your just trying to wind John up i know your game (they all laugh)
josie talking to JJ about how many boxers there is in Bristol
Ben think's josie will be showing off for the next couple of days, he think's they have swapped wicked for westlife, we have a boyband now
Corin and Jo talking about perfumes, Corin's fav is flowerbomb
Ben telling Jo that Mario loves being in the DR, he's tried for the last 10 yrs to get into the house, it means the world to him
Jo's dad is a lay preacher
Jo complains about how cold it is in the BR, she tell's ben he has really long eyelashes, they are so wasted on a bloke
Andrew says he was called into the DR at 3am to see if he had any gossip
Ben thinks it smells fishy in the garden
Dave talking about No 6 sam the lad that didn't get in, nobody even thought about picking him, Josie says he was really annoying at the auditions
Dave calls Ben a magpie, if anything goes missing Ben has it
Laura and Jo telling Corin she has a really good figure
Hm's have to walk round and find all the fire doors
Most Hm's sunbathing
Rachel asking laura what size bra she is, she say's she's a F, josie thought they was fake
BB talking them through the fire drill
Dave talking about his kids being on school holidays now, he thinks his wife will take them away for a few days
Lauras bum on view as he microphone is pulling her bikins bottom, everyone laughs at her
JJ talking about tattoos he wants to get, Andrew wouldn't get one as he doesn't like needles, talk of everyone getting a BB tattoo
Josie want's to know how john feel's meeting his No 1 fan JJ, John say's he remembers him fron the auditions, JJ mentions he met Sunshine, Nathan and Josie on launch night
JJ say's he knew he wasn't going in when JJ went in, Jo felt the same when Ify and Rachel went in

Jo talking about No 6 same, he was bang out of order yesterday with some of the things he said, his main target was Laura, she told him he was fake, Josie think's she would have ended kicking him out of the fire exit

laura say's he said some bad things about Ify but she isn't allowed to say

Josie ask's JJ if he shaves everywhere, he says yes, Josie ask's John if he's getting any ideas he'll be running into the bathroom to copy soon
Hm's are playing a quiz game, Jo is the quiz master
(don't think Steve likes Jo)  she's being very bossy, dave doesn't look too impressed either
Jo asks a bible queston, Dave gets it right
Jo asks what the capital of England is, mario answers London and she say's no that's wrong  she say's the answer is Britain  everyone laughs, she still is standing by her answer that it is britain  Dave tell's her to stick to questions she knows the answers too
Jo is now miming out a TV show (god knows what this will be)
JJ and John are arm wresting with Josie watching thumb stuck in her mouth, JJ wins
Next it's Corin and Rachel, Corin wins
Wheelbarrow race next, dave and andrew v Laura and Mario, Dave think's Jo has had a task from the TOT, she says no, she just can't lay around being boring all day
JJ think's it's funny that the quiz master doesn't know the answers to her own questions
Andrew is struggling to left Daves legs
(don't think Jo is going down very well with Dave and Steve)
Mario and Laura win the race
Corin think's this is hilarous
John winding Mario up that he's at last won something, Dave offers mario an arm wrestle, Dave wins
Jo ask's if Ben has gone to bed, Mario say's he's probably gone off to pinch something and make out it's his
Corin want's a magazine to read
Corin telling Jo it's like xmas when the shopping comes
Josie think's Jo is really funny
Ben ask's laura to do his nails later
Ben ask's laura to tell him about her life
Ben and Dave discussing the shopping, they shouldn't have let Steve do it, he's ordered all fast food stuff and 80 cans of lager, he hasn't ordered any goodies like crisps and sweets, Dave think's he and Josie should do it from now on
JJ takes part in the housemate v the public task (think JJ won) they are hoping for a chinese meal
Clean laundry as been delivered
Jo is doing the girls make up for them, Josie is loving the new housemates
Dave trying to work out why they put new housemates in, he's trying to reassure Steve that he will feel better later, Dave tell's Steve that if Ben had been evicted over Govan he would have left, as soon as he isn't enjoying it he will leave
Dave tell's Steve it's not only him that is feeling low, Rachel was also upset when 2 of the 6 said they didn't like her, he say's people can boo you when you leave but the viewers don't know how hard it is in there, he tell's Steve to come to him if ever he needs a chat, Steve want's a chinese it's been 8 weeks since he's had one
Josie want's a lie down and thena drink and a laugh tonight, Jo tell's her she's got lovely eyes
Dave worries that his family is ok, Steve think's it's worse for them cause they can't see them, their family know's what they are up to
Dave say's he hated the first few weeks in the house but he came over it and he think's steve will too
Steve talking about Keever he thinks it sad that some people feel they have to leave, he think's he will be ok he's just having one of those days
Laura cuddling Ben on his bed, she can't believe she is going to be able to go to the rap party, Ben wishes they could fast forward to the rap party now
Talk of nominations, Steve say's he could never put Dave up he would rather put himself up
Dave is shattered , he only had about 2hrs sleep and then he did a work out
Ben talking about the BB auditions, he really didn't think he would get through and then it just snowballed
Ben says his friend told him not to do the show as he likes his privacy and he has done some naughty things with girls, BB tell's Ben not to talk about the auditions
Corin says it was an amazing experience last night, the crowd where going barmy, she says it was a big thing for Andrew to do, she asks if the crowd looked bigger than when Ben when out, Dave say's it looked packed
Dave ask's if it's a long walk down the stage when you leave, Corin say's it would take about 1 min

Is anyone reading this? (feels all alone)
corin think's are Dave and Steve are proper nice caring family men, she think's a few people are feeling abit low today, it's half way now, they've been there along time now
Ben telling Laura they will probably get a treat tonight as they normally do on a saturday night, Ben think's they will get a physical task tomorrow, he says he's not very good at this, Laura laughs and says thats just you though and it's funny
the new hms had a secret task (i think it was just her) she's passed it and they have won a treat, Dave say's he knew she was doing a task  Laura says she is a terrible liar, Dave say's he knew what they where up too and he told Steve
(Dave is nearly wetting himself that he guessed their task)
The reward is a party later tonight

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