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they are putting her leg up higher so are getting loads of pillows to rest it on..

Josie asks Jj if he is ok

Jj says yeah I just felt sorry for her aye..

Josie likes when he says aye at the end of a sentence

Josie thought it was funny when he had Dave were carrying Keeley to the DR.. something abotu not knowing where to put his hands

Josie is giggling a lot. .she seems to find this funny. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
from the C4 website . .looks like they are still waiting on the Doc..

Exclusive:Save and Replace Task on Hold! This week's Save and Replace task is currently on hold. During the girls' attempts at climbing the 'bath' in their spider costumes, Keeley fell on her ankle. She was forced to stand down, and began to cry.

Big Brother has taken the decision to stop the task, and is currently seeking medical advice. She believes she has sprained her ankle and housemates are applying ice to her foot.

How will this affect this week's nominations? Make sure you tune into BBLB at 6pm for all the latest on this task and Keeley's injury.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a quicky

keeley is thinking of 'walking'

Corin tells her to wait and see the Doc first  and get treatment . .then see how it goes from there before she makes up her mind..

Dave says ehr foot is probably exciting a million people now online. .  eh?  I aint got no foot fettish.. he may have but I haven't . .bliddy cheek of it

Ben and Mario are making sausage and mash for dinner..

and defo gorn now..

dashes back as just spotted lal . .thanks
Mount Olympus *Olly*

The Doc must have arrived cos Keeley is getting carried to the DR..

Meanwhile Ben instructs his comis chef Andrew on the making of the dinner..

Ben wants unpeeled green spuds for his mash despite Dave telling him they would be better peeled. .

Ben insists his mash is way better than Natahn's water and potato mash. .[cept for green spuds maybe?  ]  they have to trust him tho..

Ben is miffed cos they sent him in to get started and thinks tis cos they wanted him out of the way or the bedroom or to stop lounging around

Andrew says no tis cos they were getting hungry..

they are both peeling onions now..

and am orf again
Mount Olympus *Olly*
John and Dave have just carried Keeley into the Diary Room, the others have said bye to her.......I think she might be being assessed by a doctor or something, it's not definite she's going, but Dave has just said 'she says she's gonna go'.

The Hms gathered some of Keeley's personal belongings and her suitcase, which all went into the DR with her, so am not sure whether she will come back or not!

There are loads of sound dips. Could be because they don't want us knowing, could be because of Steve's/JJ's potty mouth.

Steve goes to the bedroom and lies back on his bed, clearly upset. The camera whirrs round, and he puts his hand up to block his face before getting up again.
Keeley is off to the Hospital I think ..she's got some overnight stuff and her makeup bag..

Ben and JJ were fighting cos JJ had a go at Ben for laying down with cucumbers on his eyes when his friend was hurt.. someone who he purports to love to bits ..

Ben says the bed was crowded as it was and he uses words different to John anyway. .  ie his Love is not what JJ may be nor what Dave's 'love' is either..

Andrew is is a right mod and has been struggling all day and now he hates his BBphoto cos it makes him look as if he is being portrayed as some sort of pratt..

Mario and Ben have also had niggles..

Corin is still worried that she carried on. .[I saw it on BBLB .Rachel carried on too ..they didn;t know how bad it was at first..

Steve is hiding his face from the camera cos his Baroness has gone..

Rachel is weepy...

Mario says I am sure she'll be back

Josie thinks that once she has made her mind up she won;t..

bluddy hell two walkers in one day.. that's a first..

unless Keeley changes her mind once she gets some pain killers and the foot strapped up..

all in all it's been a  very pleasant day in the BB house
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Mario 'if she decides not to come back she can always remember that you guys had the coolest entrance into the house'

I think he's trying to cheer Rachel up, she's a bit upset.

Rachel 'I'm sure they must be havin an absolute nightmare now' (talking about producers possibly losing two HMs in one day I guess)

Rach 'she was proper in pain then'
Corin 'you just want to be at home, don't you....maybe when they get it strapped up she'll be like get me back in there'
Corin is hugging Steve on the sofa. He looks really drained.

Corin 'she's a trouper, though aint she'

Ben complaining to Dave about John.
Ben ' I think my point was over-zealous but it was a true one'
Mario says it's over now.

Mario's talking about possibly getting a replacement girl tonight if Keeley doesn't come back.

Ben still going on in the kitchen. 'he's got a major jealousy, bitterness issue with me, it's got to stop'

Corin comes in, she and Dave agree it's been a crap day.
Corin 'plus as well like, me and Caoimhe weren't the best of mates but I really liked her and didn't want her to go, I knew her on the train down here and you feel like a little bit like you knew them on the outside'
Ben gives Corin a shoulder massage. She tells him to do it a bit harder.

Corin hopes they open the garden door soon cos she's dying for a ciggie. 'today's been stress, stress, injury, stress'

loads of noise of plates and cutlery banging about.

They're speculating about whether there will still be a public vote between Corin and Rachel I think? And whether Keeley will come back in a task.

Corin 'i've seen it before where 4, 5 housemates have left all together'
Dave 'did they replace them'
C ' not always, maybe in a few weeks they put more in'

She says there'll be too many men if more girls are evicted as the house is now.
John James, Mario, Steve on the sofa looking depressed.

Mario 'the best case scenario is she comes back, and the worst we'll see her in seven weeks time, or sooner. we'll all be here for final night one way or another'

John James now banging on about how he wants to go up for the public vote, says he feels like he's cheating the system because he's not getting nominated.
Mario 'do you feel you keep missing getting struck by lightning or something'
John 'I'd rather be out if they want me out'
Steve 'you had proof the other day when (sound dip)
John 'be interesting to see what cat they pull out of the bag, maybe they're setting up another task right now'
Corin comes in the kitchen looking for baccy papers.

Ben and Andrew discussing how they're going to mash the potatoes.

Ben tells Andrew to 'get mashing' and then says 'sorry am I annoying you' Andrew says no.

Ben ' i think also what most people forget is that this is a game, it's a TV show'
A 'it's more than a game'
B 'no what I mean is you don't form relationships in here like outside, like schooldays....tell me if you disagree, but some people take it very seriously'
'the people in here aren't going to be your lifelong soulmates'
Andrew stone from the tv show pineapple studios has arrived (never watched it, so have no clue who he is)
Rachel and Corin are very excited about this task and meeting someone famous, Mario tell's them he is only just become famous, he is abit like them
Dave butting in trying to tell Andrew everythin about him
Hms have been given PE outfits to wear, Andrews case has arrived, so he must be staying
Ben and Andrew chatting in the BR about which pop stars they like
Rachel ask's Mario if he fancys Andrew, he say's no he likes men with dark hair
BB announces that Keeley is in hospital and is being well looked after, she won't be returning to the house today
Steve tell's Ben to at least try in this task, Ben say's he will because he respects Andrew, Andrew think's they are all lovely
Hms were woke up to the song Fame
Ben apologies to Andrew for all of them looking at him like goldfish, they love seeing new people
Ben think's Steve get's jealous when new people arrive, he then tell's Josie he loves her
A new ear piece has arrived for Andrew and BB asks a HM to help him attach it, Steve shouts what with my stick
(i think they have to get so many hits on the website to pass the task)
rachel tell's Andrew Stone she get's all her clothes from TK max
JJ ask's Andrew S how long her has known he was coming in SD
Andrew S asking JJ what job he does and if he is going to stay in England, he say's his mum is looking for apartments over here so they may be staying her for good
Rachel tell's Andrew S that the HM's are going to start up a facebook page so people can contact them, she tell's Andrew S that he can join them, he say's he will them his contact details
Andrew S tell's them he can't really go into too much details as he will get into trouble
Andrew S told to go to the dance studio
There's a piano in the studio, Andrew S thinks it's great
Mario can't wait to see Ben dance, he ask's him as a friend to try in this task
Mario think's they will get at least 100 thousand hits in an hour, Andrew say's no way
Hm's are wearing t shirt's saying BB high
Josie is going too try really hard in this task (said as she is laying down getting dressed)
Mario telling ben off for not offering everyone some cake, Ben tell's Mario he is being a bitch today
mario is glad Andrew S didn't come in on Monday as he would have been paronoid he was something to do with nominations
Andrew think's it's a shame Ife isn't here, she would have loved this
Mario thinks Ben should share a bed with Andrew S, ben say's no i don't know him
(i don't know how Steve is going to do this task)
Josie is making everyone fried egg sandwhichs, Steve is sweating already (they haven't done anything yet)
Mario styles Daves hair, he call's him a good boy (i'm sick to death of him saying that)
Andrew the Hm suggests they call him Andy while the task is on too stop any confussion
Talk of how Ify has missed the task she would have liked the best
Steve has never heard of Andrew S, Mario explains the programme to him
Talk of how many hits they will get, JJ say's his friends will keep voting for them all they do is sit on computers all day
Dave winding Ben up about doing nothing for himself
Everyone still waiting for the task to start, Mario think's the songs will be from grease, Dave think's it will be JJ and Josie dueting, Mario want's it to be a fair audition
Dave say's it's week 7 boys and mentions how much money they've earned (didn't catch it)
Mario wonders when the animals on the walls will be brought into the show
Mario tell's Corin he suggested to Andrew that the video should be of the Hm's running around naked he say's Andrew told him he was strange
Dave wonders if Andrew knows much about them, Ben say's he probably watched a few shows
Dave say's people think he's from America with his accent
Hm's are called to the dance studio for dance class
Screams of my god
Andrew is going to teach them a little routine, he tell's Steve he can sit down if he get's tired
Andrew get's them to stretch
Music being played so all Hm's are dancing (SD)
Hm's have got costume's, Steve,Dave and JJ are dressed as sports stars, Corin is a cheerleader everyone else are geeks
All the Hm's have got to learn a song to sing to Andrew, they have 10 songs to choose from, he will then pick a lead girl singer and a lead boy singer, 2 more will be back singers and 1 will play the guitar
Dave think's Josie and JJ should do a duet as it's what the viewers want, he say's keeley let it slip that the papers are full of the Josie and JJ romance  (dave is really getting on my nerves) he think's they will have to go out and sing to the crowd on Friday, Josie hides under the covers and say's stop embarrasing me Dave (she's loving it really) she think's she would have a panic attack
Ben ask's Andrew Stone if he would like to stay and become a real Hm (SD) he say's he has thought about
Andy loves his Geek costume as he really is a geek on the outside, Josie think's him and her are the biggest geeks in the house
Andrew comments on how there isn't many girls in the house, Dave say's we had a walker and a limper yesterday, Corin say's there will be even less girl's come Friday
Ben has tried to flatten his hair down in a side parting (it's not really working though)
Hm's are practising their songs
Josie wishes she had slept last night instead of talking to JJ all night, she is shattered now after the dance class
ben and Corin in the nest learning their songs(SD thank god )
Ben clutches his throat as he sings
Mario tell's Andrew he thought they would be singing one of his sings, but he probably didn't want it mudering 9 times
Andrew telling Mario, Andy and Dave that he is very ambtious, his career has took off pretty late in life but he has never gave up trying, he's been in boy bands and all sorts
Andrew say's it took him along time but he now has 10 songs in the bag
JJ telling Andrew about the crowds booing on a Friday night, it's not very nice when you hear them calling your name
Andrew say's sometimes you can be misread
Andrew say's he's 37 and can still dance as good as he did when he was 18, Mario think's he looks 10 years younger, JJ ask's him if he is in a relationship, he say's no, you never know if they after you because you are famous (WHO IS HE, WHO IS HE)
Andrew talks about people asking for autographs and picture, he still catches the tube and everything, fame hasn't changed him, Dave ask's if he has had chart success, he says yes he fan base is growing all the time
Dave say's him and Steve are the only parents in the house, he finds it very rewarding but it's a tough job
Andrew seems to be loving this
Dave asks him if he is a night or day person, he say's night, Dave say's well we don't go to bed till 4/5
Andrew say's good luck everyone as the Hm's get ready to audition
Theres another bloke in the task room he's the piano player
Andrew tell's the pianist that the girl's have choosen boy's songs
Rachel ask's what went off in Josie's bed last night (SD)
Dave say's rachel is so special, he doesn't want her to leave
Andrew has to take a photo of each auditionee when they leave
Andy is first in to sing he's singing i can be your hero and off he goes, he's waving his hands about as he sings
Hm's are practising their singing in the task room, the sound they are singing is can't stop believing, Dave is with Corin in the BR crying, this sound means so much to him, he has so much love for everyone in here, he see's the good in everyone, he hopes he doesn't have to sing it with Rachel cause he knows he will break down as she is so special
Corin say's what a brilliant day they've had today, she thought it was lovely when they all sang round the piano together
Dave was hoping there would be food waiting outside for them when they came out of the task room
He think's Andrew want's Josie and JJ to do the duet but JJ needs alot of work
Thanks Aimee, Katerina and Olly.Great job!

Hm`s called to the rehearsal studio where there`s now a 2 level sparkly stage. 

Andrew S gives them their positions on the stage.

He asks them to put on their best faces.
It seems that they`re being filmed by BB while on the stage. The camera goes to each of them individually.

He reveals the roles for the High School Musical task.

First male lead vocalist...Steve

First female lead vocalist...Rachel

Second male lead vocalist... Mario

Second female lead vocalist...Josie
(I think they`re performing duets)

Support vocalists. Dave and Ben ( Ben? )

Backing vocalists. JJ and Corin (Corin?

On screaming lead guitar. Andrew ( he`ll be miming to the solo from the record )

They`re going into the recording studio to record the vocals tonight.
They`ll also be rehearsing the dance routine tonight.

They`ll be shooting the video tomorrow.
Andrew S explains that they`ll be filmed individually dancing around the house... windows..polishing or whatever they want to do that suits their character. (Josie under the duvet? )


They break for a meal.
Quick post.

Of course JJ and Josie under duvet. Really cuddling and stroking.

Josie "You're proper good at snuggling you are. 10 out of 10". More nestling and duvet rustling.

Meanwhile breaks back to various HMs doing their recordings of the song with Andrew S, with the inevitable SDs. But the camera soon returns to JJosie in bed.

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