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Caoimhe si going to bundle her clothes together but not bring her case out. . she asked BB not to cos it will cause too much fuss..

JJ asks if she is sure.. 

Looks like she is

JJ will have to be doomy ion his own..

Dave's bible is ready for collection..

Josie asks if he's off for another sleep them

JJ is glad Keeleys noms are cancelled . .he heard her say it and had a go straight away.. and then she has the nerve to back chat him he says..

Mario asks is that as bad as indicating who you did nom

Jj says she straight up told a person she didn't nom them..

JJ says that is the proper way to handle it not switch off hot water. .invalidate the noms..

Caoimhe tells Mario if he loses any mroe tasks she wants him to thro more temper tantrums..

Jj says we can be doomy and temper tantrum and wear capes..

Caoimhe tells Mario and JJ this is the tackiest thing she has ever done in her life

Mario won't be pleased at that. .Mr dress designer/arty person 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Caoimhe is gonna go abroad next week

She wants to work as a DJ in Ibiza..

She wonders if she should give each HM a parting shot..

They reckon Andrew is close to blowing. .he hates smoking and that is getting to him. .
he had a go at Dave last night.. .and JJ and Caoimhe when Keeley had the blow up too..

JJ is gonna wind him up

Caoimeh mentions Rachel motor mouth. .[can't deny it she isn't wrong there]

wish they'd hurry up

Caoimhe asks JJ if he will shed a tear..

Jj laughs..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
from the BB site

At 13.04 today Caoimhe left the Big Brother House. After much deliberation with both Big Brother and her fellow housemates, she came to the Diary Room saying that she had made up her mind.

This is not the first time Caoimhe has asked to leave the House, but she has stated that it has now just become too much. She said she can not continue being away from her loved ones.

She has commented that her recent fall out with Josie has been the catalyst this time round. Will Josie feel responsible for her departure? What effect will this have on the House? Stay tuned...

JJ wants to be alone . .Josie asked if he wanted any company he said no..

she's left him to it..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie is in the bedroom and wonders if they will get a new HM

Andrew says they may just cancel the eviction..

Back to BB then. .

Dave reckons the shoudl be allowed to re nominate and take it from there. .still stop Keeley nom'ing cos of her punishment

Rachel asks why not let Keeley vote

Dave tells her about Keeley getting her noms invalidated..

Rachel asks if it was the same when Shabby left

Corin says yeah it's always a bit sad..

JJ is sniffing snot bubbles int he nest still.. all alone..

Dave is talking religion to Andrew and that is my cue to go. .

laters guys
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb announces that Caoimhe has left the house

Keeleys' noms are null and void

all Noms for Caoimhe are null and void

HM's Up are Rachel. .Keeley and Corin

SAR task  to take place

Dave does not believe that. .seriously. .he does not believe it. . [liar pants opn fire]

Andrew is being comforted by Josie. .he's not even up

Corin is gutted. .

Rachel isn't looking happy either..

Dave can't believe Rachel is up...

Dave says we were talking about this the past few days and non of us foresaw you lot being up.

Corin has gone out for a ciggie..

gawd what a load of fake twaddle coming from that man's gob

Ben has gone out to talk to Corin.. [she better be careful she is looking too desperate like Mario has. .not a pretty trait ]

Corin wants to concentrate on doing the task. .she doesn't want to talk about it. .she just wants one week not having to stress about it. .

she reckons she is disadvantaged cos they've, Rachel and Keeley,   only been there a week

Mario and Ben tells her on the flip side she has built up more fans

Bens strokes her ego..  tells her she'll be fine..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Keeley comes out adn says she is fine.. she's just worried she may ahve offended someone..

Corin says she thought she could  pretty much count  who she reckons would have voted fro her.. but she thinks cos she's up people she thought were friends have voted for her..

Ben says Caoimhe would have had a lot of votes you lot probably only got a few

Keeley says how embarrassing.. I am going to go after only  one week..

Dave is shocked that they are up in case people haven't heard him already..

Mario thought the newbies would escape this week as there were still unresolved issue between the oldies..

Corin is going to wash her eviction knickers she  hasn't done them after last week..  she just wanted a week free without eviction looming on her head..

Keeley is worried abotu her job in case she has come across bad..

Ben says  no you've been fine..

Keeley says but you won;t say if I had anyway. .

Ben says I would

Corin, I would too.. not in a nasty way tho..

JJ and Josie hug in the background ..lucky escape...

Dave and Ben gone into the Nest to discuss the noms

Dave reckons Caoimhe had 7-8 votes..

Polly Pocket got about 4=5 then the rest were shared out. .

he reckons Corin and Rachel may only have had 2 each and the rest had 1 here and there

Ben wonders where Rachels votes came from they thought if anything Andrew would have been up..  Ben is not too pleased Rachel got votes...  he works out that JJ would have been in if Keeley's votes had counted..

this appears to have upset their strategy plans and is a shock to them. .and the are completely wrong anyway.. Rachel got most. . [3] Corin and Keeley got 2..

Ben wants to know who Steve votes for and tells Dave to look it up on wiki when he gets out and let Ben know. .[do it yourself ya lazy sod]

Mario and Andrew join the post mortem..

Andrew thinks Rachel will pick him if she wins SAR. .something to do with a row they had earleir in the week..  Keeley he thinks will go for JJ and Corin too..

Ben warns them not to chat to any of them that are up cos he got a rocket off JJ for talking to Iffy last week

Dave reckons if anyone puts Steve up it will suck for the others [cos Steve is safe they think ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Steve is comforting Racehl

She is scared of going back to the outside world..

she needs an hour to think about it then she'll be fine with the being up

she reckons if tis her and Keeleye it'll be 50-50. .she doesn't want Keeley to go

Neither does  Steve

Rachel says wouldn't be the same without Corin..

am sure this will run and run til the task starts. .

got a blinding headache again....

   will stop for a bit  til the task..  or unless  anything controversial happens..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
hahaha just one final thing ~

Racehl is  worried as being portrayed as a bitch

Mario says don;t worry you'll be fine. .remember the document of Doom we all had to read before coming in . .it said if you don't want to be portrayed as a bitch don't act like one

Rachel reckons a convo they ahd recently may be seen that way

Mario says no you've been fine

Bb calls all HM's to the Sofa [damn I need to rest my eyes my head is banging ]

Keeley asks Rachel how she is..

Rachel is gutted and worried abotu how she'll be portrayed. . [gobby? interferring? Stirrer? ]

BB puts the blinds to the garden down but Ben is still outside cos he is taking for ever as usual to gather on the Sofa's ..

presume they'll get their task stuff and have to wait til the garden is set up so time for a cold flamnnel on my yees
Mount Olympus *Olly*
still waiting for the task to start. .

BB are extra slow setting stuff up this year..

So far we've had tears from both Rachel and Keeley. .both have had cuddles for their tears. .Corin has remained stoic and got no cuddles..

JJ has told them to put him up..

Josie sucking her thumb says she feels sorry for them that are up. .

Yeah right ..all the ones not up have been happy as larry apart form Doom  [his name for himself not mine . .JJ that is ] ...

Josie and JJ asleep on the sofa

Ben talking Bond with Andrew...

boring BB... get a move on..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Bb tells spiders to stand on the central black line

Corin says you gotta do what you gotta do girls. .good luck gilrs..

determined and worried  looks on their faces..

keeley feels stuck to the floor. .

they wait and wait for the klaxon

they are quite close together. .there is nothing up the side except a slippery wall..

Corin's bum has gone numb. .they all get off it..

BB tells them to return and put one foot on the black line..

Corin doesn;t mean to be rude but can BB hurry up she says.. so do I..

coverage has gone to library shots
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin may still try .. she needs some water.

it si very humid here today plus they have great big thick costumes too..

back to library shots

Bb may have to rethink the task if one is hurt..

Ben brings Corin a glass of water..

Dave says they are knackered now [BB] what are they going to do?  Anotehr task?

Mario says maybe Rachel and Corin will have to try without Keeley

Corin says I had to carry on there I want to stay.. she wasn't crying she'd just hurt her ankle and said she was fine apart form that. . I'll look like I am heartless but I had to carry on

Mario would have done the same

Corin still couldn't get up the slope tho..

Well that was an anticlimax as they all troop back inside..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben goes oh the drama today

Josie says well done to JJ for carrying Keeleye into the DR

Jj says am used to sprained ankles with footy..

Josie has got a bowl of Ice for Keeley..

apparently it needs something else we are not privvy to cos it's SD'd and Stock shots are shown...

dunno why it's not like we don't know she'll have seen the doc etc..

looks like they are getting a cold towel/compress/bag of peas for her
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin advises Keeley to concentrate on her face to focus away form her ankle

she is still apologising..

Corin says don't be daft ou couldn't help going over on your ankle

Keeley reckons it could be done..

Corin tried to pull herself up but it was impossible . .she got hold of the edge but getting over was the problem..

just seen Keeley's  foot it is black and blue
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Keeley is in agony..

Corin tells her BB are going to get an Ice pack for ehr

Rachel tells her she is doing well. .says the swear words that would have come from her mouth if that was her..

She won't put any ice on her foot..

Steve has a look and says you can see it swelling up

Bb tells them to put some ice on it but they shout back that Keeley won't let them..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
they've got her foot up on a pillow and are filling pillowcases with Ice..

Josie said there is a funny side to it. .when you fell we thought you may have been faking it... ..

Keeley says she just went over on the side of it. .

ouchy they are really sore them types of sprains sprains.. even worse the next day

Ben is now cuddling her.. she still looks in a lot of pain.. she can't bear it .. it is making her cry. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie joins Ben for some cake..

Josie laughs and says I don't like to crowd around her..  she hated it when she broke her leg and too many peopel were around her..

ben laughs and says I'd like loads of  people around me but it is making me laugh that JJ is stroking ehr after bitching about her 10 mins earlier. .  [Jj was comforting her as you do if soembody is hurt even fi you aren't keen on them ]

Ben is such a caring person..  ffs she is in agony..

anyway he and Josie take great joy in laughing at the people actually trying to help Keeley..  it's actually quite, no not quite, VERY nasty.. am not impressed at all..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ and Corin now go to get some cake.. and a glass of cold coke for Keeley..

Corin is still going on abotu the task and whether she would have done it.. [desperate to stay or what ]

Jj tells Keeley to concentrate on her breathing. . it will still hurt but that may help .  say if she needs to move her leg let them know and they'll help her..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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