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Someone suddenly shouts out ANDY! and Andrew answers angrily, then goes quiet again.  Camera remains on Keeva and JJ can hear screaming in background from living room, also loud conversation.  Keeva and JJ talking quietly to each other.

Back to living room Josie sitting on her own as Rachel and Dave enter the room then go to the kitchen, Josie gets up and follows them.  Camera on a deserted living room so why do we need aeroplane noises.

Back to Keeva and JJ.  Other voices in the background, but can't make out what they are doing/saying, someone laughing as well.  Keeva talking to JJ her face covered partly by the duvet.  {Wish there was someone who could hear these conversations with me, best I can do is describe it!!}

Keeva now lying on her back {she hasn't bothered to take her eye make up off!}
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Oh Keeley and Keeva are having words.  Keeva saying this is my bed and excuse me....

She has now got out of bed and it looks as if JJ is going to start having a go.

Keeva leaves the bedroom.  JJ and Keeley are starting to argue..{we could be here all night now}  Think it's because her and Ben are trying to sleep.

Keeley said she was feeling uncomfortable could they take it somewhere else and says she doesn't know what is going on.. JJ says exactly.  Ben is now joining in.  Could be a long night now.  Think Ben and Keeley were trying to sleep and felt uncomfortable with the conversation going on.   JJ says he thinks Keeley is totally out of order.  JJ says that's fair enough but... but Keeley is saying she is trying to get some sleep.

Jj says it's something about her boyfriend and Steve hugged her and something about people in here... could nt catch the rest, but he has sat down preparing for a long night now.  {Keeley handling herself well here, stating her case and not shouting}  JJ saying you should have done this and you should have done that and you were right to say this but we were trying to talk.  She has actually managed to shut JJ up for a couple of minutes.

JJ leaves the bedroom and Keeley and Ben are talking.  JJ goes out into the garden.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
JJ has gone outside to smokers and is now telling Keeva and Dave about what he has said to Keeley.  He is saying everybody has a right {Gawd this bloke is REALLY getting on my nerves}.  Keeva adding to the conversation.  I can't repeat JJ's speech at the moment, there is much to many F words, he is saying between the F words that people shouldn't talk behind each other backs.  He is saying that she didn't hear the conversation and she doesn't know what is going on, Keeva has as much right to be in the bedroom as anyone else.  Now Steve starts with the F words

JJ has his mardy face on now as Josie joins them.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Steve is rolling some item of clothes through the mangle and talking about orgasms!  (UGH).  JJ still going on to Keeva with his mardy face on, now Keeva starts with the F words.  Keeva sits on the bench, yawning with a duvet wrapped round her and a black top on Josie joins her as Steve and Dave continue putting some white jeans through the mangel.  I certainly wouldn't do that.  JJ has gone back into the house again, Keeva follows him and now the jeans look dirty after going through the mangel (!)

JJ in living room saying she hadn't better have an f'ing go at me!  Josie rolling a cigarette on the smokers bench while JJ carries on moaning ~ he has come out now to tell Josie about it.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
JJ is STILL going on.. don't know how much of this I can take.

Keeva sitting in a deckchair smoking and drinking a cup of coffee.

Opinion:  I can actually see Keeley's point of view here, her and Ben were trying to sleep whilst JJ and Keeva were having their conversation and it is annoying when you are trying to sleep and someone is going on and on.  Think that until she started to apologise, she was doing well, but now JJ is making it all about him.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Keeva on camera with a mardy face listening to Josie, now she is going back into the house and we have sound dips.  Can hear shouting, sorry singing.

Rachel, Corin (who have both kept out of it) are sitting at the dining table Corin with her leg up on the table talking to Dave.

Bedroom Mario, Josie and JJ are now in there talking quietly. Josie is talking to Ben, think Keeley may have gone to sleep.  Rache is now in bedroom and Keeva has come back in there.  Mario and JJ are lying on a bed, Mario gets up and goes out of the room.  Camera goes back on Keeva who is in bed again, all seems fairly quiet.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
JJ is sitting on the edge of a bed with his mardy face on. All is silent now in the bedroom, he gets up and goes out of the room and the camera moves across to Ben and Keeley who are nearly asleep.

Living room:  Steve, JJ and Dave are standing up. JJ talking again, lots of F words from him, he seems incapable of speaking a sentence without using them.  Mario joins them, Dave is sitting down and Corin moves across the room and is standing by the settee trying to lighted the mood.  She takes her shoes off and instantly becomes tiny.  Camera on JJ again who is standing at the back of the settee, Josie joins them.  Corin is eating chocolate and looks as if she is really enjoying it.  Dave puts his arm round Josie who is putting on a jacket.  Dave is in front of the camera, as JJ puts his arm around Josie.  Dave is intently looking at something in the living room.

And adverts again....
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Back again and the camera is on JJ still F'ing away this time to Josie.  Josie is lying on the settee and by the look on her face she is bored with it, Mario drapes himself over JJ and then moves away, then goes back again.  Dave stands behind JJ with some boxes in his hand, then Mario goes and cuddles JJ  Josie has a package in her hand she opens it and looks at it.  Rachel is talking whilst taking her makeup off.  Seems to have quietened down now, Corin goes into the bathroom.  Josie is lying along the back of the settee laughing, now general laughter.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
JJ off to the Diary Room, checking his reflection as he goes {you look beautiful darling said sarcastic}  Rachel, Dave and Josie are in the living room, Josie still lying along the settee, Dave sitting on the back of the settee and Rachel wandering about.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Living room:  Josie now sitting on the settee sucking her thumb.  Rachel standing up with a cushion, Dave gets  up and moves out of shot, in the background it looks as if Corin is preparing for bed as she is cleaning her teeth.  Yet more singing so we have aeroplanes.  Josie now alone and then Rachel comes into shot dancing.  She picks up a flower form the flowers in the vase and gives it to Josie.  They start dancing and mucking about and Josie falls on the floor,  Rachel has a flower in her mouth and starts picking the flowers from it and throwing them on Josie who is lay on the floor pretending to be dead.  Josie sits up and Rachel moves round to the settees again.  Adverts again....
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Back again... Rachel now has a bottle to her mouth pretending to drink and her and Josie have moved to the buffet table and are eating again as well as giggling.  Josie dances out of shot then back in again.  shot of a deserted living room.

Bedroom:  Dave, Andrew, Ben and Keeley are in shot.  Bathroom  Corin is doing her late night taking off make up etc with rather saggy it has to be said white bikini bottoms on with England written across the bum!  She is cleansing her face intently using a hand mirror.  Nice to have a little peace and quiet for a change.  she moves over to sit by the bath and is looking as something. 

Back to bedroom and conversation between Dave and someone off camera (think it may be Keeva).  Andrew is in the background of the shot fast asleep {Think he slept through the Keeley, Keeva and JJ incident as well!!}
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Keeva not in shot but is talking quietly to Dave who begins to giggle.  {So much for keeping the noise down}  Dave turns over and leans on one arm moving the covers off himself, then moves back again and partly sits up.  Keeva is laughing and the noise level is starting to get louder.  Rachel just in shot looks as if she is getting into bed.  Loud laughter now.  Dave is lying on his back with his eyes closed.

Rachel and Keeva are in bed together. Keeva laughing and so is Rachel.  Talking in low voices apart from the odd loud giggle.

Dave is settling for sleep and then starts speaking again.  Rachel is still talking and giggling {which TBH would drive me mad, I'm an insomniac and find it difficult to sleep at the best of times, giggling would make it worse}
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Andrew still asleep, Dave moves to the left and moves the covers again and starts talking to Rachel who is still talking away to someone out of shot (think it may be Mario).  Dave sits up and starts talking again.  Keeva just lies there and listens.  Dave still partly sitting up and talking, looking around the bedroom now (to see who is awake?) as Rachel carries on talking.
Dave lies back down and it goes quiet for a few seconds then Rachel starts saying goodnight in a sing song voice.  Rachel turns over to face Keeva.

Shot of Josie in bed with Mario talking quietly and laughing.  Crosses her arms and leans over so as you can see the writing on her right arm.  Still talking quietly and laughing, now sucking her thumb.  She is now whispering something to Mario and adverts again...
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Back again.....

Bedroom: Josie and Mario still talking quietly and occasionally Josie is giggling.  Mario moves his arm and puts it behind his head, Josie starts sucking her thumb. {how can a 25 year old woman be seen on TV doing that??}  Now just to add to the viewing pleasure, she is picking her nose! and back to the thumb sucking.  Think there has been a sound dip as you can't hear anything. but can see Mario gesturing with his right arm and still talking.  Josie STILL sucking her thumb. 

Well it all seems to have quietened down now and they are going to sleep, so I'll say goodnight.  Hope that this was ok, sorry not much conversation, but I have tried to get in as much description as I could.  Night xx
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Was just about to switch over and JJ enters the house from the diary room, wanders through the house, picking from the buffet, looks in the bathroom where it looks as if Corin is still doing her late night beauty stuff! and goes into the bedroom where he gets into bed fully clothed with Josie and Mario and then starts talking.  It looks as if the rest of the  housemates are asleep apart from these three and Corin.  JJ finally takes off his hat and Josie ruffles his hair..  And Adverts and I'm definitely gone now xx
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Corin and Josie talking in the garden, Josie can't believe it all kicked off again, Corin say's what between polly pocket and JJ, she should have got her facts straight before jumping in, how embarrasing
Josie say's her eye's feel like tennis balls and she feel's like a beef cake
Corin is nervous because it's Tuesday, Josie think's keever will try her best to stay during the safe and replace task, because she's like that
Talk of pork pies and scotch eggs, Corin doesn't like round food
Corin wants a day of just laughing, Josie agrees
Corin talking about The Krays twins, Josie's great grandad used to work with them, Corin would have liked to have gone out with one of the Krays
Andrew talking to rachel about doing exams at Oxford, it's the first time he's took any there and he's worried about his results
Rachel tell's Dave he farts alot, he say's his bed is very dirty it looks like it's got skid marks on it
Dave say's Rachel never stops talking, she say's some people think she is quiet, Dave can't believe this
Rachel say's the girls are going to have a pamper day today, they are going to talk about the boys and compare them
Rachel complaining about her spots
JJ still laying in bed with his eye's shut
Corin asks Keever to come out for a smoke with her and Josie
Corin tell's Rachel her hair looks nice today (she's sitting up in bed with bed hair)  Rachel think's she looks like someone off the simpsons
Steve and keeley in the BR, Steve tell's her she should listen more before jumping in, she thought they was bitching about people (JJ and Keever) Steve then say's that JJ came and apologised to him, keeley what like your my husband
looks like JJ and keeley are making up in the BR, keeley say's she shouldn't have jumped into the conversation, JJ say's it's ok no worries, we shouldn't have been talking in the BR
Rachel ask's JJ what he looks like without a sun tan, he say's a snowman
Ben say's no-one got much sleep last night
Keeley tell's ben he bit her on the elbow during the night
keeley thanks Rachel for looking after her last night
keeley and rachel trying to remember who was left in the world cup before they came in
keever, Josie and Corin talking about last nights party, they agree it was good, BB call Keever to the DR Corin tell's her not to make any rash decisions, Andrew asks her if she is leaving SD
Talk in the BR about the week 6 secret
Corin tell's Josie she think's keever will go, Josie say's she has thought about it, she keep's looking at the fire escapes, she's thinking of the pub across the road, she would have tried to open up a tab
Corin want's the hair straightners but she thinks BB will tell her theres more important things going on
Andrew asks keeley if she and JJ are ok now, keeley say's she has aplogised, she got the wrong end of the stick (i think she thought they was slagging Steve and Corin off)
Keever back from the DR, JJ goes to meet her SD, Corin take's her for a smoke and gives her a hug, Josie  say's Corin knows what Keever has been like but she's such a nice person she still looks after her

Steve isn't letting Josie wash his clothes again, she's got pink on his clothes
Keeley cooking breakfast for josie, Rachel and steve
Corin telling Keever to have some brekkie, coffee and cigs and she will feel better  she tell's her to let it all out if it will make you feel better, she tell's keever she is a strong person
Rachel and Josie talking about slimming world, Josie lost 8lb in a week on that diet

Ben asks Mario what his predictions are for today, he think's keever will be up again
keever eating breakfast alone in the BR
rachel umming alot while eating her mushrooms and practising her i'm not bothered i'm up for eviction face
keever putting her make up (looks she might be going)
Mario eating the left over birthday cake for breakfast, talk of how big the cake is, there'll be some left on finials night
keever tell's JJ she wishes BB would stop messing with head, they've told her to wait till nomiations are announced, she think's keeley maybe up with her and she think's she will probably go over her  JJ tell's her to wait and see if she does go on friday if she doesn't then leave on Saturday if you can't stand it anymore, it's only another 4 days
JJ tell's keever if she's got any doubt's she should stay, Ben ask's if you can leave straight away, JJ tell's Ben you can leave in 10mins if you want

keever saying that BB keep telling her to go back in the house and think about it more, JJ advises it's her decision no-one elses, he asks if she will leave anyway if she survives friday eviction and she say's yes
Ben asks Keever if she wants a chat with him about it she say's no thanks
Ben's not bothered if he is up this week but he would like to stay as he is having fun with the new people
Steve comes in from the garden and say's he's knackered he's just done 100 sit up's
keever and JJ still talking about her leaving she doesn't want to look like a hypocrite (sp) she thinks everyone is being nice but there is some people in there would be happy if she went, there'd be 1 more down, JJ think's there's only her can that decided if it's about her life on the outside, JJ has been in the DR and said he doesn't want her to leave
JJ doesn't like it that Corin is making jokes about it, but maybe that's her way, Keever doesn't want Ben around her giving advice
Steve, JJ and keever talking about keeley, Steve thinks she's being very nice and aplogising to everyone (said in a sarky voice) JJ say's she was right to tell them to leave the BR but he didn't like the way she said it
JJ asking keever if she want's to do BBLB and everything, she say's she isn't bothered about any of that
BB has told Keever to wait for nominations, they have told her they will be announced soon, they where wanting an answer from her straight away but she wanted to think and have a cig first
Andrew talking about how great his maths teacher was to him, spent time explaining things to him
Ben talking about people leaving dirty pots about, he was bad at this but he has been getting better at it
keever say's there's no point talking about it any longer, JJ say's if she waits till friday she will get her interview with davina
Mornign guys

thanks for the overnights PB..  great work..

Aimee hope you are feeling better..

I'm still not too tipper today but will try help later if there is a SAR task ..

 plus my mood is not so good today made even worse when I hear JJ trying to persuade Caoimhe to stay to see if she goes Friday and then walk if she doesn't. .how unfair on whomever else is up and could be evicted. .they aren't to know Caoimhe would probably go anyway. . She looks down her nose at everyone in there for 'applying to be in BB' when she was invited to audition yet she didn't have to say yes herself once she had done the audition process.. and I am fed up of the repeat performance of walk or not walk.. wish she'd bog off  

oops I ranted a bit
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Talk of the rap party, keever can see everyone again there
JJ doesn't think she should leave
JJ think's if the problem is with the outside then she has to make the decision
Josie tell's JJ she isn't going to bother trying with Keever again she's tried asking her how she is and she just mumbled at her
Ben ask's keever if she wants a coffee. she say's no thanks, Dave asks if she's definately going, keever mumbles something about BB
Ben ask's Keever if she might like to try and wait till saturday, keever say's NO
keever presses the DR bell AGAIN
Mario waiting at the DR door
Josie think's she will get a hard time when she leaves the house, she's been a bitch and she will get boo'd
Keeley gets called to the DR
Dave is salivating at the thought of another HM going.. 

She''l be the seventh he says..

JJ looks to be the only one bothered she is going. .[or is she?]  the rest don't really care that much..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Andrew say's goodbye to keever (if she's going) and thank's for everything
Josie say's she only misses Govan, Dave say's he ain't going there with that
keever hopes Shabby is still in London, ben thinks she will be
Keever is waiting for the DR to call her, Ben and Andrew ask her to shout goodbye if she goes, she say's she will bet someone to come in
Dave say's he likes (gloomy, meaning Keever) she's just misunderstood like him, if Rachel and Govan had stayed and Ben and Sunshine stayed he would have left, he was having a horrible time, Josie say's no-one has been horrible to her though, Dave think's if BB let her speak to her boyfriend for 5 mins she would be ok, JJ say's she did admit to fancying shabby for a few days and maybe this is playing on her mind, Dave brings up that she had a breasts out all over the place  and that doesn't look good

I'm listening not watching olly, do you want to take over for abit?  i've just been and bought some cough medicine, i hope it works i've had about 8 hrs sleep since thrusday

Dave and Ben are getting on my nerves, they always turn the conversation on too themselves

Damn she is doing a Channelle Again!!!

She's in the kitchen saying to Ben they have to call her back in  so she can say goodbye now..

She tells Ben he is the only one who can understand what she feels . .she feels the whole experience is tacky [well der! why go in then... of course it's tacky... only tacky people would apply for BB . . Chav TV that's ok to watch but is like a Reality TV  JK  show  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
OHHHHHHHHH keeley has had her nominations cancelled due to talking to Steve abit them, JJ is telling Dave about it, Dave is like a dog with bone with this information, he wants to know every little detail  nominations will be exciting this week now, wonder whose up
I'll do a little Aimee.. until she goes anyway . .my eyes are giving me jip so can't  see too well.. everything is blurry . .  will be  typo central..

Caoimhe is saying to Ben it's not fair on the others that may be up if I then leave and one fo them gets evicted..

Ben tells her to not even think about that. .he can't understand why peopel would be bothered if someone is evicted then someone walks the next day

they talk of Shabby..

Out in the garden Dave JJ and Mario chatting

Mario says he hates all the waiting around for the announcements

Jj says well they have to sort Caoimhe out first

Mario tells them Keeley's noms have been invalidated...

She intimated who she nom's in the bedroom last night... /was long  before the row with JJ  & Caoimhe

Jj heard her too. .she never named names but it was clear who she meant when she was talking to Steve..

back in the kitchen Ben and Caoimhe talk about Mario and his cuing up for days on end and how they are different in that they must have wanted tio be there a bit or they would ahve turned it down but not to the extent that Mario did

Ben wonders if the programme is a tad boring..

He says you can't feel for anyone in the house the same as you would those on the outside like family..

Caoimhe  agrees then says the thing with Josie was pathetic. .we came close then she let a boy get in between us

Ben says Yes yes. .you didn't do anything wrong..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben asks Caoimhe if ehr opinion has changed on Corin and if she can see what he sees in her

Caoimhe has..

Dave walks in and asks if she is going

yup says Caoimhe

Dave goes awww.. .and mumbels something abotu exercise..

Ben would have patronised her if he tried to talk her out of it he states..  [you bluddy talked her out of it last time ya muppet ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave telsl Ben and Caoimhe that Keeleys noms have been invalidated..

Jj told him that she didn't say who she did but did say who she didn't/./

Ben and Dave [well mainly Dave]  wonder who will be up..

Dave asks Ben if he has any clue who Keeley may have nom's

Ben says an  emphatic Well Yes it's obvious..

John would have been one

Dave looks worried and says well I thought I'd be up this week anyway..

Caoimhe has gone for a ciggie .
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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