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Could be wrong and correct me if I am...
I thought I heard Josie asking Keeva if she was ok?
Keeva just walked past and said nothing.

JJ now in the garden..head in hands.

Josie in shower..Rachel there.
She wonders what the party is going to be like (don`t know anything about a party)
Josie saying Keeva won`t be speaking to her now.

JJ and Keeva in garden.
Talking about what`s happening.
She asks what she (Josie) said.

He doesn`t give much away but says he doesn`t really understand what she`s thinking.
He`s feeling awkward now too.
He thinks of them as 3 mates just hanging out ()

Lots of SD`s.

He say that he said to Josie.. it`s the same when she flirts with Andrew.

Keeva agrees.

He finds it`s funny when Josie does that.
Keeva says Josi hasn`t spoken to her properly in 2 days.
More SD`s.
JJ said a few days ago, she (Josie) was willing to let me walk out of the house.
Keeva agrees with an mmmm...Shabby was the same.

He asks her where Josie is..(worried incase he hears her? )
She`s inside says Keeva.
He`s now questioning her about what Josie feels about him. (he knows..he`s fishing for compliments  - opinion)
Keeva says she fancies doubt.  
He thinks of Josie as a sister.
Keeva can`t believe what Josie said to her. She`s mortified.

(Although subtely disguised by Keeva... it`s turning into a bit of a bitchy session about Josie. She`s feeding him and he can`t stop running his mouth..although he`s not slating Josie..he`s giving too much away - opinion) 

He tells Keeva that Josie said she get panicky when he isn`t around. 

Keeva looks pleased about this (thinking JJ`s complaining?)
He then says he feels the same when she`s not around.
(Although still dead eyed...Keeva looks gutted )

It`s going on and I`m off to have bacon, sausage, mushrooms, eggs and the best rolls in the world.  
Last edited by Scotty
Aww thanks all for the appreciation

Apparently Josie had been particularly put out when Keeva had told J.J she 'really fancied a naughty little snog'!

I actually saw that last night, thought I'd LUTed it but didn't, was quite tired by that point I guess!

I'm not sure, but I think Mario gave Caoimhe another kiss when they were sitting at the sofa with John and Josie and Andrew. Caoimhe was telling Josie how good Mario was at kissing.....then Caoimhe said she could do with a naughty little snog. She was definitely trying to catch John's eye.

My personal opinion: Caoimhe is gagging and will get into trouble if she stays in the BB house much longer, perhaps that's why she wants to get out today, either that or she's afraid she's coming across badly after hearing Ife get booed.

I watched LF in bed last night and saw her follow JJ into the nest where he was with Josie and Rachel. Her eyes were all over him when he got up to leave!

Have now got E4 live feed on, will post anything of note if I can.
John and Josie very close together outside in the garden. He is laying on the stony bit in the garden, she is laying behind his head. She's playing with her hair. He keeps reaching out behind him and touching her head.
Am not sure what they're talking about, Josie says she took 50% of the blame, and John calls her a cheeky mare.

Jos sucks her thumb. John gets up and says he's going to eat.
Josie, Corin, Rachel in the garden.

Seems that John now knows the full extent of Josie's feelings towards him, they are talking about it now.

There's a bird making noise, sounds like a seagull(not sound dip, lol) Rachel squints up at the sky and says 'is that bird laffing at us?'

Rachel's saying Caoimhe is a flirty person. Josie says 'You've gotta love her, aint you'

John comes out from the kitchen, someone's making eggs on toast, the girls put their orders in.
Rachel umms and ahhs about whether she's making it or letting Dave make it for her. John says 'if you wait for Ben you might be waitin a while'
Josie laughs at this as if it's the funniest joke ever.

(may not be here much longer today, keep getting errors and it's really sloooow)
Ben is unpacking his suitcase in the bedroom.

Steve, Andrew and Mario are laying on their beds looking bored and a bit hot and bothered. Mario says he fancies having a packet of crisps.
John comes in.

Ben 'i was at a wedding on the Monday before they sent a car to come and get me'
He's talking about his clothes a lot.

Steve starts up the 'whot whot' chorus.
Ben still has glitter all over his face, it keeps glistening as he moves.
Ben gives Steve some sausage sandwich, saying 'do you want some, Baron as I'll go and make some more'

Ben 'goes to show that even though I love my clothes, you can survive on just a few'
He shows Steve a little bottle of shower gel that he 'nicked from the hotel'

Ben says 'are you ok today Andrew?' He says yes.

Corin comes in to touch up her makeup, Steve tells her Ben's showing them all his clothes, and says 'I dunno how he's got away with some of it(meaning Branded stuff)

BB calls Ben to the DR, Steve laughs loudly and goes 'don't blame me mate' he thinks they're going to cover up some of the branding or take stuff away.
Steve laying outside by himself looking thoughful
Mario, Dave jj and Andrew playing a throwing game
All girls except Keever in the BR putting make up on
Keever and Dave have been excersing
Mario says's to Keever at least you haven't got to nominate this week
Keever goes outside and tell's Steve she think's this house is fu-ked up
Dave goes to nominate and say's this will only take me 5 mins
Ben want's Corin to sit outside with him, he's thinking of the people on the outside too much
Josie tell's mario she used to spend along time drawing grave stones when she younger, Mario ask's if it's illegal to dig up graves as he would like to see what people where wearing years ago
Ben think's it feels like the last week at school
Steve think's the tide is turning in the house, he can feel something is going to happen
Dave, Ben, JJ and Steve talking about what benefit it is in Keever not being allowed to nominate, Ben thinks she will achieve what she want's by not doing it
Keeley goes and lies in the garden near Steve
Corin and mario talking about people that have recorded the series for them, Corin want's to see all the episodes
Corin is saying BB made her do her audtion again as the memory stick was blank, she was well gutted as it had cost her ÂĢ30  she had to get the bloke in currys to help her do the next one
heya Aimee..  

am too hot and sticky to help out today. .plus am waiting for me shopping too.. and I feel very lazy so thanks for thepping in

Caoimhe has not been allowed to nominate cos she asked the others to put her up I think..

Jj kinda  did as well but am not sure if he's been in yet.. he may not be allowed to nom either .. could be interesting
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Keever is so happy she doesn't have to nominate this week
andrew say's the party last night was so bad, Keever think's that BB think they are 5 yr olds
Ben warns everyone there is flying ants everywhere, steve say's he's just been watching 2 have sex
Keeley and Keever talking about Keeley's apartment it's beautiful, it's ÂĢ1000 a month rent she share's with 1 other person
ben tell's JJ he has been thinking about Sunshine today, he misses having her around, JJ think's Steve is spending along time alone, Ben think's he's missing his family

ben and JJ talk about how quick they are doing nominations today, they aren't even asking you to elborate this week
Dave think's it will be interesting to see whose up this week, JJ think's it will be straight forward, Dave think's he will make a reappearence again, he think's 1 person will get 6/7 votes (think he means Keever) JJ think's it will be a double this week, JJ think's it's obvious who 1 of the evictees will be this week, dave think's the person who he think's will get alot of votes may not go as the public may like them
keeley talking to Steve about not being able to afford to buy a place on her own, Rachel feel's she will be 50 before she can her own place, Keeley goes to nominate and Rachel tell's her to do it for the space people, Steve calls her a cheeky bitch
ben talking about a fat woman from stock on trent her met in Luxor, she was like the woman from Shirley valentine
Ben talking about the only girl he's really loved, taking her out for lunch and cocktails etc
Dave talking about everyone going up to see Corin for the day after the show to watch Coronation street, but she said she wouldn't do that and she only lives 15 mins away from Corin (think he means keeley) Dave think's she has come in the house to do only certain think's
Dave think's Ben is acting and sometimes goes over the top
JJ talking about Steve and Keeley, he think's she went straight for Steve as he is popular, he think's she is trying to get on Steve's good side so she can get to the finals, JJ hates people that use people
Dave can't see why Keeley would connect with Steve, he think's she would get on with Corin better, Dave know's though that Steve isn't being taken in by Keeley
JJ think's BB needs to rock the boat abit, it's week 6 and people still aren't showing thier true selfs
keever laying in the BR alone staring into space
mario comes out of nominating and goes to talk to keever
I know both you Aime and Olly have been struggling to keep this thread going but I REALLY have missed your imput today.  I hope you both feel better soon and able to assist us people without the LF with details of what is happening in the house.  God bless you both. 

Anyone else who has helped out with relaying the LF please, please, please don't feel left out.  I appreciate the work of anyone who relays the LF to us that don't have it.  I've just noticed that Aimee and Olly have been struggling. 
Thanks Joyron that means alot

From what i can see JJ, josie and Keever are covered in black marker pen and it looks like keever has a sign round her neck saying winner (don't know if it's a task)
All the housemates are eating curry and rice round the dining table, they are talking about shabby and they way she lives on the outside
JJ telling Dave he got told off in the DR for turning his mic off, he say's it wasn't him it was her (don't know who) Dave say's it will be hard to get the marker pen off
Dave talking to Keeley about Govan, he say's he was horrible to me, JJ and Josie say they didn't think he was that, Josie tell's him to leave her little man alone
Mario apologises to Dave for his temper tantrum during the task
Dave telling Mario he was on to him straight from the start when he was the mole, he was like Ironside in his wheelchair
Josie and Corin are at the smoking area......Josie's face has been drawn on in black marker pen....someone(I'm guessing John) has drawn a willy on her cheek, balls by her jaw and tip at the corner of her mouth

John, Dave, Rachel and Andrew are in the bitchin hut......John has writing all down his upper left arm. Dave tells JJ 'you'll have a job getting that off' John replies 'it's not permanent marker, is it?' Dave says he thinks it is.

The writing says 'I must not switch off my microphone'
Josie joins the others in the hut.

Keeley and Steve are on a bed in the bedroom....they are doing their usual banter

Corin pokes her head into the nest, she has a raw egg in her palms, she says to the others 'did you know if you press an egg this way(bottom to top) it won't break' Andrew says yes. Dave is trying it but isn't convinced and isn't putting much effort in, lol.

Dave does better this time, the egg isn't breaking and they marvel at this. JJ says 'it's cracking a bit there'

I'm off to watch the HLs
Right here goes:  It's been a long time since I have done this so be kind to me.

Sound dip Camera on Rachel and Ben in bed room

Big Brother makes an announcement.  Josie "he's loving that, that's why I done it" 

She's talking too quickly for me to catch at the moment

{she REALLY needs to get her roots done}

Ben, Mario, Josie and Rachel are discussing someone in the bedroom, can't catch much of it as their mikes seem low

JJ and Corin talking in the garden.  JJ saying make your decision make sure you are 150% sure.  Looks as if Keeva has won S&R as she is wearing a winners badge.

JJ in beanie hat, Keeva in a nice black and white jumper.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
A lot of cutting from garden to bedroom, JJ still saying you have to be sure, then a very quick cut to  Keeley is in there as well, discussing I think possibly JJ?

Keeva is wearing a very unattractive pair of black rimed '80's style glasses {I had some like that back then }  Ben holding Rachel.  Josie sucking her thumb.  Rachel in night clothes, Josie wearing her lovely maxi dress.  Talking relationships.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Lots of quick shots of garden and bedroom so it's hard to understand what is going on/has happened.

Josie saying I wouldn't do that, I would rather get out of the situation.  Lots of giggling from Josie and Keeley.

Corin talking to Keeva in the garden.  Looks as if she is trying to advise her but the quickness of the clips is making it difficult to keep up.  (I also can't have the TV too loud)

Advert break.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Bedroom Josie holding her head with both hands and on right hand there is writing in black marker pen all down it.  Mario says to Rachel you could try but the bottom half has been off for ages (!)  And then we have the last flight to Heathrow going over.

Living room.  Dave shirtless still (UGH) talking to Keeva and Steve on the settees.  She is worrying about her relationship on the outside by the sounds of it, Dave waffling on and Keeva saying yeah, yeah.  Saying that to me is pathetic.

{nice bunch of flowers in the LR}

The sound is appalling tonight, I have my hearing aids on, the TV on quite loud and can barely hear them.  So sorry not much conversation, but I can give snippets and describe things.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Living room again.  Steve now talking and a longish sound dip with the caption on screen.  Trying to lipread Keeva but she speaks fast, it's almost impossible.

Bedroom again and Josie.  Ben talking about someone saying a woman is really beautiful and the way he loves his mum (JJ?)  saying playfulness and more like brother and sister.  Ben says he's just not interested, they must be discussing JJ and Josie again.  Ben saying he's definitely not gay.....

Jet planes again in the kitchen.  Giving me a headache.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Andrew now in beedroom with rather unattractive shorts on, the others look to be moving into the other room.  Can hear voices but not see where they are.  Corin and Mario leaving garden.

Andrew now in the kitchen (reminds me I'm hungry)  Corin in living room.  Dave in bedroom with a cross tattooed(?) on his back finally putting a top on.  Can see JJ in mirrors but not sure where he is ~ kitchen or bedroom.

Mario, Ben, Josie, Rachel, Corin, Keeva are all at a hamper in the living room eating some food Oh they have a buffet and bottles of wine  Ben getting stuck into the food, Corin sitting on the settee with Steve.  JJ in bedroom on his own eating a packet of prawn cocktail crisps {I now want some SO badly!}  Andrew in there with him.

Living room.  Lots of Oh my God! at the food, all getting stuck in especially Ben.  Ben, Josie, Mario, Rachel are all hovering around the buffet, Corin has got her food and is sitting with Steve.  Josie is now wearing someone's stillettos and is standing with Keeley.  The long and the short of it.  Now standing by the mirror with Josie's hand up Keeley's t shirt at the back.

JJ and Josie standing back to back in the living room to see who is the tallest.  JJ now eating a packet of salt and vinegar crisps , now him and Josie have got to one side of the room and are talking but it is sound dipped.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Rachel has a white stocking over her head and JJ is pulling her round and round.

Housemates are singing so a sound dip and Andrew has gone to bed.  Mario is wearing red tights for some reason and JJ is dancing in the kitchen, now moving into the living room.  There is also a shocking pink pair of tights that JJ is putting on his head.  He now looks like a bright pink condom!  Dave and Keeva in garden, Keeva looking very miserable on the smokers bench and Dave in a deckchair.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Right back again...had to have a sandwich as no crisps (BOO) and got my cigarettes so ok now..

Garden, Corin and Josie at smokers rolling themselves both cigarettes and talking to Dave

Keeva has gone to bed and in a shot a couple of minutes ago was staring into space.

Two conversations going on out there Dave and someone and Josie and Corin.  shot of Keeva in bedroom staring still.

JJ Rachel and Steve sitting on the settees.
And adverts again
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Back again.  Shot of Rachel listening to JJ sound dipped after him saying I agree

Keeva in bedroom still staring into space, looks as if she could be crying?

Back to Rachel and JJ Rachel very softly spoken and hard to hear.  

JJ saying she doesn't know if she has or she hasn't and then sound dipped again, back to Keeva.  Think she may be going to sleep now.

Smokers and Dave talking to Josie and Corin who are still smoking.  Sound dips yet again... getting boring now  Close up of Dave talking but sound dipped.  They are talking about Keeva and the nominations?  Rachel has joined them now
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Josie listening intently to Dave and sucking her thumb at the same time.  They are talking about something to do with nominations, Josie saying she has been a bit of a cow about it, Dave saying you just want to be left alone and get on with it 

Bedroom now and someone can't make out who is talking to Keeva.  She is lying on her back huddled up in the duvet and the angle changes and it's JJ she is with.  No chance of this conversation as Keeva is definitely not wearing a mike, her voice sounds echoy in the room.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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