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Davids got his monks outfit on ready for nominations but Sunshine is now wearing it  the smokers are thinking of having a quick cig before nominations

Nathan is getting the lunch ready *not sure what they are having*

Ben thinks he and Sunshine are not in the cool group, but they do have a war hero, a David beckham lookalike and a monk
Aimee over on DS they have a Live Feed techie thread. .think somebody said how to save the feed on there

Great work btw..

I am trying to do Nom Cam. .ie when somebody is nominating the camera tends to hover on the people they are nominating..

I forgot to do Ben's but am pretty sure  Caoimhe voted Dave and Sunshine..

Shabby is now trying to see if she can guess who Caoimhe nomm'd .. she followed her to the BR  ..Caoimhe didn't give anything away. .unless they have a code..

[wonders why i can spell Caoimhe's name fine but have trouble with Racheal's? ]

Corin in now...

BB not keeping them in there very long this year
Mount Olympus *Olly*
We now have Oniongate

Ben got told off for taking some onions from one of the many pots of food put on the table.

apparently they weren't for all.. yet Ben missed out on other stuff that people had already finished before he got to serve himself.. so took from what was left.

He says he hates that he has to eat the set meals all the time when sometimes he may just fancy egg on toast . he really appreciates Nathan's efforts to feed everyone tho

this is always a difficult one. .make sure everybody gets 3 meals a day or let hem graze as and when and take whatever they want so nothing nice is left after the first day..

John, Dave Govan, Josie and Ben are sat on the Sofa's talking about this..

Ben suggests that maybe they all agree on one planned daily meal and then agree to choose and ration their other meals from what supplies they have left that aren't for the main meal..

anyway Dave has pulled Govan up for being disrespectful to him at the table for picking on Dave for also taking Onions when they knew they were for someone else.. 

I never heard or saw the event but Govan is speaking really fast which is what he does when he is backtracking and changing the truth of something to show him in a better light than he actually was meaning when he first spoke..

Govan insists he wasn't disrespecting Dave he just said how come some have Onions as Dave helped himself to some ot knowing it had already been said they weren't for all.  Dave was insulted..Govan is not accepting that he insulted Dave. .but apologises anyway but tells Dave he is making it something it is't on purpose..

Worra stupid argument

SLAPS  Govan  very hard . .shurrup

Ben explains to more people that have come in to watch

 says it all started cos he had helped himself to some onions not knowing they weren't for all (think some of the others didn't like what was in the other bowls so Nathan did onions for them)  Nathan told Ben they were meant for others.. Dave had been talking to someone else in the kitchen and didn't hear Nathan say the Onions were for a few people not all so when he sat down he had some too. .

Govan picked up on this and then said what he said bout how come 'Dave; got onions after Ben was told not to take them.. which then offended  Dave who had no idea he was doing anything wrong and felt Govan was accusing him unfairly..

Govan is annoyed that Dave pulled him up and the fact Govan had made Dave feel bad when like Ben it was an accident not done on purpose..  [gotta watch his image you know he isn't a bully or a bitch or owt ]

oh the joy of BB and the silly spats..  BB says go talk to someone if you ahve a problem with them. .in this house just make sure it ain;t Govan

anyway seems to be calming down as Govan has left the Sofa area.

the remaining boy's agree it had been brewing for a while anyway with Govan and Dave..

they are talking about perhaps people not jumping in if a argument is brewing as it an make it worse..

John says we have to be aware of the food situation etc.. and let people with problems sort it out and no others butt in..

John now sights the Mole day problem with Sunshine and tells Ben to maybe not get involved so much. .if thins get that bad and the two peopel can;t resolve something they should go to BB to talk it out with them. .comfort a bit but sitting by someone all the time can make a situation worse nd divide them all further

Too late John

John will comfort someone if they are upset and on their own but he ont get invovled in an argument if it doesn' t involve him..

Dave  saying he could see Sunshine's side..  and Govan blew up at him for making it worse at the time.. and and and and and..

Now Govan comes in and tells Dave why he was annoyed with him for seeming to understand Govan writing the Mole name then jumping to Sunshine's side later..

Dave says I am just saying I could understand why she was upset..

gawd the Drama 

posting then going back to do typo's   [think Iav got em all]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Well we are bak to Mollgate.. Oniongate is forgott

Dave and Goran hae i out..

goan tells Dave that Dve made Molegate worse.. . cos he said he could understand where sunshine was coming fromin her thinkingabout it..

{Dave mate wise up Govan means it made it worse forhim not Sunshine ]

Govan says  why can you not understnd but others can! !and how canyou tell me you know what I was thinking..

Shot of the girls n the bathroom

they hope Govan is coming and walking away but he isn't he is going off even more.

He shouts at Dave that the reasons Dave gave for understanding why she was upset at  Govan , basically that he believed Govan actually wanted Sunshine out. .[which we all know is why he really did it anyway}  Govan is incensed that Dave may have also put this theory to sunshine therby making the problems between Govan and sushine worse..

woooooooooohooooooo  Noms over tis 'gets the fights started and say what has has been bugging you for days' DAY..

Dave is upset because he felt he wa trying to comforting so0emone ho was upset..

John says there is a difference between comforting and getting involved

Dave says I didn't think that is what I was doing but if you think that I did that then I apologise but my intentions were to truly comfort as that is my nature.. 

Meanwhile in the bathroom the girls re discussing what the HL show will do for the nomination reactions..

They agree the current argument is about stuff that had been brewing and nowt to do with Onions..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
There`s a ding dong going on. I`ll try my best to explain it...
They were having a meal and there were some onions laid l aside for tonight`s curry. Ben thought they were part of today`s meal and took some. Govan piped up that they were for tonight. Meanwhile, Dave`s chatting to Corin in the kitchen and didn`t hear the onion saga. He then took some onions.  Govan jumped at him and accused him of taking the onions  knowing they were for tonight. Dave defended himself, saying he didn`t know and that Govan should apologise. (No chance of that) So the argument has carried on into the livingroom with Govan not allowing anyone to speak. He`s babbling on at a rate of noughts  defending what he said and not listening to Dave or Ben, who`s trying to be the peacemaker. Nathan comes into the picture but doesn`t get a chance to speak either. Govan then says he`s going out for a ciggie but parted with..if it wasn`t for you Dave..the situation with Sunshine wouldn`t have escalated. (nothing to do with the original argument)
When he left Ben said..well the onions  are the catalyst for what he really wants to say...the Sunshine thing. In comes JJ who says that the argument is between two people so everyone should stay out of it. Ben says he`s wasn`t involving himself he was trying to explain what happened..he felt it was right to defend Dave. JJ`s not having it. (for someone who doesn`t want to get involved he`s going on and on) Back comes Govan..and he`s OFF! Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine...blaming Dave and the argument goes on. 
Some of the girls are in the bathroom saying this is not about onions  Govan has other issues with Dave and he`s venting them. 
Back to the livingroom and Govan is still babbling...
Now JJ is saying to Dave he shouldn`t have got involved in the Sunshine debacle. (contradicting himself again about not getting involved...he`s in the thick of it.) 

Govan`s now starting to raise his voice.  Dave doesn`t know what he`s being blamed for. Govan`s not having it. The mole argument continues without a mention of onions.
Last edited by Scotty
Reference: Gel
good luck with the 'mole' discussion/debate that's now going on! I can't keep up with motor mouth govan
it's pretty bonkers isn't it?

govan in a patronising manner is say to Dave. .you made it worse by telling her what I had explained to everyone..

Dave I only repeated what you already said to her  which was you thought she was the Mole and voted her out.

Govan says forget that bit that is between me and Sunshine..  I'm  talking about you making it worse by interfering

Dave again says how can I make it worse.  you  told her you thought she was the Mole and voted for her.. end of..

Basically Dave s being told off for comforting somebody who was upset and in Govan's eyes making it worse.

(for him tho and his image.. not for Sunshine  -opinion-)

Dave says how can I have made it worse I was just comforting somebody that was upset.. he is looking very perplexed..

Govan says you made me feel a right sh...

he says you said I had got myself into trouble and was tying to get myself out of it when I was not [you sooooooooooo were you iccle liar] 

around this Ben and JJ try to interject some sense but give up..

Basically Govan is upset at Dave for what he feels is him badmouthing him [by repeating only what Govan himself had said, ]  and making others think badly of him [me me me me me ]


again posting and then going back to edit typo's done I think
Mount Olympus *Olly*
waves to Gel and Scotty

Phew it is utter madness..

Post Nom Rows always a good bit of TV..

oh gawd they have moved to the garden

.. part II

Dave says I asked who you were voting out and you drew a  sun on the board.

inside Govan spluttered at that when it was said,  to deny it... but now says when it is mentioned again that yeah ok maybe he did do that

Shabby comes out and ask if they could perhaps sort this out later.. . .

I think they are on the home straight now and no doubt they will be bonding and hugging soon..

they are going thru the 'at the beginning  I thought you were' part now and the 'then I wondered why you were off etc.. '

Dave says I thought you were playing the game and weren't being a nasty person and I can also see why she was upset and over and over and over again..

Govan says but yeah can you understand how insulted i felt when you accused me of that [wanting sunshine out] when it wasn't what I was doing ..

[how can he lie so much... he wanted the mole out and didn't want to get the boot himself.. .he thought Sunshine was the Mole. .simples.]

misunderstanding all around.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Govan tells Dave the difference between them is he seem to be focusing on the outside and Govan is focusing on the here and now ie BB..

hahahah he is so image conscious it is unbelievable.. he's scared silly he'll be seen as a baddy inside and out : - opinion -

they seem to agree to disagree about some things.. Well when Dave can get a word in over Govan interrupting every minute ..

inside they are talking about the row. .John says he feels people should not interfere and Dave should have waited to comfort Sunshine  until Sunshine and Govans argument had finished..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben double checks with John and say so you mean don't go up to comfort anybody having a row even if it looks too one sided..

John says yes. . it makes it look like you are taking sides.. even if you aren't

if I am having a row I'll say come back later mate and I'll explain. .everybody should be  allowed to fight their own battles..

Ben says but if it looks one is really overpowering the other till not offer some comfort?..

John says the most I'd suggest to do is maybe say to both to stop or take break or something if it was getting too out of hand

Meanwhile in the Garden

Govan is annoyed that Dave seemed to imply that Govan was telling people to vote for sunshine to get her out .and he soooooo wasn't and and and and.. round and round they go

this will go  forever and I will stop now as my wireless keyboard is going haywire and it is taking me forever to get a post done

I can hear shouting in the back ground from outside the studio.

anyway laters guys
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
thanks hoochie

Ben and John are talking about Be not being able to get to grips or to know Nathan

outside they are going over and over the same old rubbish..

Govan trying to say over and over he wasn't trying to influence anybody by drawing the sunshine on the board. ...

Dave saying yeah all I am saying is from the outside it may look like you did..

Govan says the only thing he is guilty of is maybe over analysing the situation at the time..

Dave says you say about me slandering you and saying your motives are xyz you are doing the same to me by saying I made it worse ..

merry go round...

my head hurts
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Thanks olly, persuaded my hubby to let me use his lappy, he hates me using it, I've already destroyed 2    but means I can watch the footie too, whilst still listening to golumGate ......... but yes, as you say, still going on in the garden, between the raving rev and the golum...... on & on & on... sorry folks just can't keep up with it 
Govan then goes on to say you and I know that saying sorry doesn't change anything..

Dave well maybe to you it doesn't but to me if I say sorry it means sorry. .all I want to do pre eviction night is to  move on and enjoy the time if that is all I have..

meant to say in earlier posts that Govan kept saying to Dave you can ask my friends in here if they knew my Motives, re him saying he was trying to get  shot of Sunshine were not what he was trying to do,..

he then tells Dave he is focusing on trying to be too nice ..

and now am off... for real this time.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
just a quickie about the onions...

govan is insisting that he wasn't talking about Dave when he said why are others getting onions ..

Dave says well as I was the only one that had taken them after it was said, when I was out pf earshot, not to have them they weren't for all.. your statement implicated me even if you didn't name me

Govan runs backwards so fast he'll meet last years BB Hm;s coming in..

he tells DAve not to apologise tho he understands Dave means apologies when he says them..

they are now going over Mole day . .yet again..

this is the silliest row ever. .. Well since the last silliest row ever

am defo defo offski now
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Cheers Guys

final bit even tho I am gorn.

Govan asked Dave to not accuse him if he doesn't know for definite it is'n fact

then he promises not to say Dave is a game player to his friends anymore and he only ever talked about Dave to his mates cos it was to do with him being down

they are going inside finally.. .

oh noooo  Govan has gone in to chat to Sunshine.

good luck LUTting that guys

he starts off admitting he thinks he went about things the wrong way possibly on Mole day..

Caoimhe got her results a 2.1  they have a party later

and I soooooo need a wee so I better get gorn

ps thanks for the word I lost out of my brain Fluffs
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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