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Thanks again for all the hard work Olly, and everyone else who contributes to the LUT.  It's a pity there are not more people who could help out.  You all do such a really good job.

I've only just realised that Olly is a lady.  With the avatar and the full name I always thought you were a man!!  Sorry I realise this is not LUT related but just to make the comment.  Please forgive me. 
*looks left, looks right*

I have an empty green screen...

oooh.. nope cam back on Ben

he is talking about wine.... about inhaling the smell, and the fruit and chilling things numbs it....   sound dip and then he is continues saying 'we would all crap ourselves if there was a big massive table...."


 OH My!

Keeva doing the green screen thing...

she is head to toe in black PVC...  

but with a black eye mask... so more...
ok... back from giving hubby a lift....

Mario is talking about the highway code rules of the criss crossy box ... that you must not enter the criss crossy box if you cannot leave the criss crossy box...

its called a junction!!!

oh he is telling of the reasons why he failed his tests..   I get the impression he feels he was failed unfairly.   Apparently one of the examiners was a bit of a "chubby guy" & he got out of the car & ...."

cam cuts to the girls (bum... I really wanted to hear the rest of that)
S&M Keeva is holding a load of cardboard blue stars (like the lumious discs shops use to announce price cuts)...

 aaah   they are still talking about buying basic food (single girl food imo... tinned tomatoes, beans, bread, ) & spunking the rest on chocolate ciggies etc.

 Keeva, Keely, Corin & Rachel are the ones talking and they are all up for this plan... but they are aware the boys may not be....

Chips, beans & eggs has been agreed would  be a proper meal the boys may approve of....

Ooooh... back to Mario's driving tests...
ahhh... he is talking about the multi choice written driving exams....

he's on about the choices....  one stupid answer, one obviously wrong answer, two maybe answers...

Mario went in to do his theory with 6 or 7 other people... 2 failed...


 I can see Andrew sitting doing nothing... but hear Mario collecting the food saying he cannot talk to this person (dunno who that person is)
Corins outfit is all baby pink... knee boots, elbow gloves.. fluffy bra top,  she wears it well....

Keeva is all S&M meets Trinity out of Matrix...  she is a bit scary.... and has put on red lippy (so is looking a bit like the batfish)...

 Rachels outfit is more confused (imo)... purple boots, purple wig, blue bodysuit...

Keely's is nice (imo) baby blue 

Ife has a white wig on... with a  purple & black catsuit.

These four are all jabbering about nothing in the living area
[wonders if many people read this anymore, waves just in case someone is out there.... .off for a break ]

I can understand how you and Aimee must feel sometimes that you're wasting your bon mots on an empty ether, but I can assure you that you are read.  The LUT (even in this year's rather abbreviated form) is invaluable to give a proper picture of what's going on in the house as opposed to what Emdemol want people to see.

Keep up the good work
Ollie I can understand how you and Aimee must feel sometimes that you're wasting your bon mots on an empty ether, but I can assure you that you are read. The LUT (even in this year's rather abbreviated form) is invaluable to give a proper picture of what's going on in the house as opposed to what Emdemol want people to see. Keep up the good work

So well said.  I agree with every word.  Couldn't get by without you people (getting confused with male and female etc)!!!  We really love the work you two (in the main) are doing and sincerely hope that you will carry on.  I do not want to be disrespectful to ANYONE who contributes to the LUT so please accept my heartfelt thanks for all you do.  BB would not be the same without you.  You give us an UNBIASED VERSION of events, unlike BB.  We love you for the hard work you put in. 
aww thanks for the thanks guys. .

am sure everyone who does it appreciates that . .and tis nice to know we are being read and not typing into the ether

Good to see Ditts back even if twas a short visit for now. . 

I got carried away playing a daft Nancy Drew puter game all afternoon and forgot about the LUT

and now am off for the night so hopefully we may get Brisket or another overnighter back at some point too..

Missed hoochie being away as well ..she does a good early evening shift as well as the odd help out when her boss isn't looking during the day 

oh and no probs Joyron. .I used to have a sig that said  Call me Olly and no I am not a bloke. .  it saved a lot of people wondering . .but tis useless here so I put the Olly bit in my title but I can't get the rest in, tis too long, and I always keep the Mount Olympus thing for anything BB related as twas my first ever username 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh I forgot to say Corin got Ben freed. . she had to hack away at an ice sculpture that had a pair of underpants inside them

free the underpants save the boy

he has to wear a geek outfit now tho... Black wig and dodgy shirt and trousers with geek glasses glasses..  

he was telling them what   it was like in their dungeon with just the one camp bed in there for them all to use..  and that  they cheered Corin on and 

am orf again
Mount Olympus *Olly*

JJ is asking Caoimhe questions about Josie.

'is it a task, does it involve all the girls, is it about me?' 'I don't understand why she keeps laughing, is it because she's got to keep a secret?'

Caoimhe says she's going to get Mario
JJ 'why, is he involved?'
C 'no he's not'

Josie in the bedroom 'does he still think it's a task'

Ben tells Josie to tell JJ she's acting weird because she's on her period. (WTF?)

Josie 'I feel like a right idiot' 'it doesn't help that when I came out of the task room I ran away from him'

Corin's advising her to say that the others have been saying Josie and JJ fancy each other and that she's embarrassed around him.

Corin 'is your stomach flipping?'

Josie 'no, I just get so shy and embarrassed, I'm making a drama out of.....and I know I'm doin it'
Morning all

Aimee hope the cold gets better soon and well done to your daughter

Nice to see Brisket pop back for a bit of LUT..

slugs jug of Pimms. .cheers Blizzie

what a cringefest last night.. was like watching a nursery school playground.. giggle giggle.. she fancy's you.. no she doesn't... he fancy's her... no he does giggle giggle..  Rachel taking on the Ife role of stirring and sticking her oar in.. more giggle giggle .. *shudders*

lets hope we have a grown up day today..  and one that is also devoid of girls putting make up on for 8 hours more or less non stop..  huge borefest

did laugh when JJ told the girls that Ben actually fell asleep while Coirn was getting him out after Ben had told her what a great job she had done and they were all cheering her on.. .seems he hogged the one bed for most of the time he was in there....

Dave Steve and Andrew have been let out for an hour to have a walk and a shower in the freezing cold..

Rachel Corin Ife and Mario are in the kitchen but the shutters are down so they can't see the lads in the garden... .the others are in bed..

think the plan is to still go for luxury stuff rather than proper food on the Shopping list.

Steve doesn't know this yet..

Rachel ruined a huge pot of food last night  so if they go that route of not a lot of food they'll have nothing to eat ... but they will have straighteners and hot water..

Don;t get this not being able to cook thing with these younger people. .suppose their parents can't cook either or never bothered to teach any of them..  tis  weird
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben has had another interrupted nights sleep..

says it wasn't them so much last night but it was comings and goings and people whispering and doors opening and closing

he's giving it a couple more days and if he doesn't get a sleep  [not counting naps in the day on the only available bed ]  he will definitely go.. 

Josie just laughs at him. .it's a  don't care type laugh.. [her inappropriate laugh is annoying me now..   ]

Ben tells John it is different this week. .more in and out of bedrooms with the new lot whereas in the Shabby years it was all in the bathroom so the bedroom noise was just the snoring..

Ben is not in a good mood. .the early risers bother him too. .it's selfish he says..

JJ think she can hear the dungeon room being told what the upcoming task is. .they are in the garden so he's wrong

Ben loves Rachel to bits but she can't cook for toffee..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Morning Olly  feel abit better today, i'm at the sneezing all the time stage  bliddy kids bringing germs home from school

Ben complaining about not having any sleep, JJ sleeps for 14 hrs on the outside as he has nothing as to do, Ben wants to ask for some sleeping pills, JJ thinks they send snorers in for a reason
Ben thinks he has never met a worse cook than Rachel, he thinks rachel is so excited shes about to wet her pants
Rachel talking about shaving her bikini line
Corin telling Keeley about the task when they were lifted in the air
Josie tells Ben to talk to everyone about his sleeping problem (RE the noise)
ello Jackson

Jj says he couldn't have slept locked in that room [neither could I..  no windows nothing]

Ben still banging on about not getting his 9 hours..

says he is afraid he'll start annoying people if he keeps saying about it. .

and Rachel is so excited about being there she is pee'ing her pants most of the time

Josie suggests he talks to the others at the table. .

Ben doesn't look so keen to do that ..  he likes his one on ones better

In the kitchen  Corin and Rachel chat

Corin says the only thing she would do differently is put more ciggies in her suitcase..

dunno if Rachel got a task in the night ..will just go check the homepage..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin on about having no cigs, if she could change things, she would have brought more in, she only smokes about 10 a day normally but you smoke more in there
Corin and Keever discuss how many cigs to buy, Corin thinks it depends how much money they win and if the others will mind, Rachel says she doesn't mind
BB announces that Mario's and JJ's geek costumes are in the store room
Yes Rachel has done 3 of her flying tasks so far ..

From the  C4 Homepage

Superheroes: 'Oh My Gosh' The evil Uber Cougar was up to her tricks again this morning as she woke Rachel up early for the next stage of her task.

Rocket Rachel, as she is now known, was startled from her slumber by the sound 'Oh My Gosh' played into the House. This is the trigger for Rachel to make it to the task room in under one minute and pretend to be flying.

Double R jumped out of bed and desperately dashed, with Keeley in hot pursuit, through the House and across the Garden, not forgetting her stunning superhero boots, making it just in time, to her visible relief.

However, her morning's excitement did not stop there... No sooner had she made it back into the House to make herself a cup of superhero tea, did Uber Cougar surprise the super scouser with another 'Oh My Gosh' and she was off again.

She was succesful for the third time, after she completed the first attempt last night, and so maintained her 100% record against the powers of evil.

The task will continue throughout the day and Rachel must succeed in every attempt until the big UC deems her triumphant.

Come on Rachel! Keep it up, we want the boys back!
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I'm only here for abit Olly, i might go back to bed for abit

Dave complaining all the products have been taken, Andrew was looking forward to putting some fake tan on, he say's the cougar is a typical woman. she don't know  what she wants, Steve is starving
Dave complains it's cold in the cave, Andrew say's nothing makes sense in here
JJ and Keever talking about someone saying she should'nt have said anything (sorry i missed it, (i'm making egg and soldiers)
Mario still complaining about his costume
Corin talking about her operation (boob job)
Ben is surprised BB left Steve in the cave, sleeping on a camp bed, Mario thinks Steve want's to be treated the same as everyone else, Ben think's there will be complaints, BB was brave to leave Steve in there
Josie walking about with a duvet round her, Keever tells her to be herself today, Josie say's she never fancys people
Mario telling Ben about how his got a bad temper
Mario say's his friends what say run and hide when Mario's in a bad temper, things get broke and people get punched
Ben telling Mario about something JJ said about him to Corin, Ben thinks Corin is a really nice person, Mario didn't get her at first but does now, he likes long chats and she likes short chats, Ben thinks JJ has got her all wrong, she is strong and independant through what she has been through in her real life
Ben talking about how Corin spent the time to make sure Sunshine was ok when she was upset
Mario calls herself an oddball, Ben say's they all are, that's why we are on this show
Ben talking about Rachel and her cooking last night, Mario asks why he didn't intervene then, Ben said he tried, She put cooked mince in with raw potatoes, half a tub of bisto, tomatoe puree, water and she expected it to taste nice
Ben talks about the food he had as a child, potato rosties, palenta etc, he should have felt lucky he had such nice food, but he wanted what all the other kids had (fishfingers)
Mario say's he was a spoilt brat
JJ says if Corin had got Josies costume she would had refused to wear it, Josie says everyone got sexy costumes and she didn't
JJ telling Keeley about Sunshines puppet, it had a massive nose, it was offensive
Josie thinks she's being shafted in the costume department

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