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11:31: Steve doesn't seem to be losing any weight in there

11:28: Josie dresses puts on full make up and goes back to bed sucking her thumb
Josie is in bed with her thumb as JJ is rummaging around the closet area
Dave has the horn
11:30: JJs jumper has seriously gone

Ben has just been using anti-bacterial wash

Dave going on about conjugal rights

Mario is staring out across the lonely landscape that is the garden & tells Steve that if he had lots of money he would be buying a Titan robot.
there is a heated discussion in the bedroom with Caoimhe and Josie, to some extent, rounding on Dave and his beliefs..

Dave is telling Josie that he knows people were tittle tattl9ng with half truths about his views on marrying gays and confusing them with his love of all people and if they had come and asked him rather than listen to the tittle tattle he would be happy to have explained.

Caoimhe is getting heated and asks him to answer one question

Dave is diverting around answering questions directly.. says people are generalising about born agains and that is what he doesn't like..

this follows on from Ben and Dave getting the arse with Mario or Steve maybe, who I think snapped at Dave earlier cos he was going on about conjugal rights .. I was only half listening but something set them off and Mario and Steve were in the sofa area with them before they went off into the bedroom to bitch..  [Edit: I think it may have been Caoimhe set them off]

Ben said how is it fair if one person expresses an anti homosexual opinion they are called a bigot but people are free to call Dave a whacko and are not called anything..

Dave is explaining the Marriage of gays things.. and trying to explain he is not condemning the people . . we've been around this before

Josie says look I am willing to listen and try to understand but you still refuse to answer one question that Caoimhe has asked you. .[dunno what is was there were SD or the cam moved away] they are saying they think he won;t give a straight answer in case it shows him in a bad light

Dave again says it's peoples interpretation of the bible and waffle waffle

Caoimhe is not a happy bunny and pushes him a lot in a very loud voice..talking about a little man in the sky and what ifs and .. waffle..

He tells her she has some issue with religion and is pushing them on him with her aggressive questioning and waffle..

[twas roughly something like that anyway]

Mario wanders into the kitchen to tell Nathan and Ife what the discussion is about..

ife tells another of her stories all abotu her and what happened with her and DAve when she went to ask what he really said...

Nathan is just happy he stopped listening to tittle tattle and was relaxed a eck of a lot more once he went to get to know people off his own back...

back to the bedroom after a long Sd break

Dave asks Caoimhe to please forgive the church for representing religion to her in the way it did which is what makes her so angry now

Caoimhe will NEVER forgive them..

Dave says that makes me so mad they made you feel like that

then goes on to tell them of all the people he and his followers transform with just a hug

Josie asks and you don't; even charge a quid for that

Dave cannot put himself in any box he is many pieces. .gawd my mind drifted off..

seems he has persuaded them somewhat or at least helped them understand where he is coming from as tis less heated now..

{wish I knew where he is coming from, it's all a load of twaddle to me.. and very contradictory.  ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the kitchen Ben tells Steve he loves Caoimhe but as she expects people to be tolerant of people and their lifestyles she shoudl also be tolerant of others and their beliefs

Steve is angry at Caoimhe cos she apparently started this all off and went in ranting at Dave. . [ooooooh ]  he's not happy with that sort of behaviour as he feels she purposely made that situation happen

Steve is missing home a bit

Ben is going to do something soon but is just having his boiled eggs first

think they want to go outside to see if the Chase robot comes out to play..

in the bedroom it seems to have calmed a bit now and Dave is explaining to Caoimhe that he felt people judged him because of his beliefs and that is why he was up all those weeks and now he thinks that as people have gotten to know him he wasn't up this week

Caoimeh and Josie tell him they believe the bible was written for story telling or morals for the people rather than the word of god but both sides agree to respect each others views

Ben is there now says that Political Correctness has brought abotu an anti balance or equality ..

and equality is a two way process and all the minority groups that wanted  and won respect shoudl also respect others too . and their  fight for their equality to live as they want as well. .

Dave is upset that he felt the tittle tattlers were running around to all and making him out to the public as a homophone..

Jsoie says we don't think you are a homophobes but the covno that started all this way back in the day wasn't clearly understood to those there never mind the tattlers..

Caoimhe si telling DAve to stop with the love stuff..  it can come across as fake and if you don't like someone tell them..  [waits for her to go tell Corin what she thinks about her  ]

anyway BB calls them to the  sofa's
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Titan will have a Super Ssucker 4.0

the HM will have a dustpan and brush

there will be two squares

 the one who cleans up the most dirt  off their square wins...

I missed how long they had to clean for..

there is a robot mannequin thingy sitting on the sofa's too..

Josie and Caoimeh now in the kitchen

Caoimhe doesn't know what to think of him.. do you? she asks Josie

I can't hear her replies her mic seems bust

Caoimhe says he seems to think I have a problem with him but that's not the case [liar pants on fire]

Josie loves that people have faith.. even if she doesn't

Caoimhe says he just doesn't want to come across as bad tot he public but it is obvious he disagrees with homosexuality..

on the sofa's Dave is saying to Ben that  we don;t go out on the streets and condemn ANYONE..

Ben nods and says people should exercise equal tolerance to each other .. and people shoudl exercise discretion and not foist their views on others..

Dave checking with Ben about the convo and says it was about marriage wasn't it ? homosexuality wasn't mentioned. .[well it was in a  round abotu way when youw ere asked if you would marry a gay couple] this origianl convo was waaaaaaay back in week one..

Ben thinks marriage is the best way to bring up children but that doean't mean other lifestyles are wrong.. he just has his beliefs as do others..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie goes to the task room

Titan is there

there are two square mats

Titan speaks to Josie in her own voice and she giggles..

then he mimics stern Bb

the klaxon sounds and Josie gets to it with her dustpan and brush

Titan has a dyson type vacuum ..

there are flashing neon lights..

titan interacts with Josie but tis Sound dipped as I think he may be singing..

he has nearly cleaned his square which looks like it has cereal all over it. .

josie is doing well but can't keep up with the vacuum

there is awful sound affect noises in the back ground  hurting my ears

Titan finishes first..

Tells HM's their attempts are pathetic. .they cannot win

Big BroBot tells Josie she is now a Robot

Titan laughs manically and it is very scary ..

Josie laughs at him and he starts to chase her. .she screams..

Josie now has her Robot outfit

it is like a Blue peter home made robot with square boxes stuck together and air conditioning duct coils  for legs and arms

Josie struggles into the costume and titan laughs

it is really loud and really scary

Josie and Titan say Affirmative to each other

one is Bristolian and the other is in Marcus Bentlys voice made a tad robotic..

Josie goes out and tells the others the Robot was Maggot..

they say Maggot?

Affirmative she say..

{now I am confused ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
ello gel

Titan is hilarious and scary at the same time..

Jj is laughing at Josie in her outfit.. 

it looks like an amateur mad it . .two cardboard boxes.. cover with foil

Josie has to say Affirmative and negative and one other word that I forgot..  but that'sa ll the robot speak she has to do..

Jj is trying to eat his lunch but can;t cos Josie is giggling and making him laugh..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sofa Area

Ben is eating an apple that he has sliced up and placed on a small palte.. and telling Mario non of his friends on the outside world say some of the things Mario says to him.

Mario says but you came out with an apple and didn't offer any of it around

Ben says I did, I offered some to Dave

Mario but not to me

Ben -  well Dave expressed and interest in it earlier

Mario looks pee'd off

Ben just munches blissfully on his apple..

in the background Dave still talks religion *mutes headphone*

Ben then asks Mario  [his all things BB knowledge person] if he thinks BB will reimburse him for his Polo Shirt that has green gunk on it..

Mario says no you bring things in at your own risk
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ben and Dave talking about mario in the nest, Ben calls mario, Kenny Everett, he say sometimes it's like talking to jackie Collins
Dave agrees with Ben to a certain point, he thinks Mario changes his accent all the time
Ben say's sometimes he finds him boring, all because i didn't offer him any apple, he asks Dave if he thinks it was rude of him, Dave says No but you did offer me some and not him, Corin arrives and Ben starts telling her the same sorry
Dave shouts to the camera man to get some cough syrup cause they can hear him
Ben has moved to his next reception room [-the nest]  and plans to meet Dave there when he's ready

Dave turns up and Ben proceeds to bitch about Mario.

says he is weird..

Tells Dave about the apple and him not offering any to Mario

he thinks it is weird that Mario got annoyed at him

[for a gentleman he seems to use his 'manners' in a  very selective way. .offer to all or none at all ]

Ben believes he is not an unbalanced person what is wrong with all these people he asks..

I mean turning on your friend for not offering a piece of apple to them

and he's so happy at the  Robot task which Ben is not enamoured off

Ben tells Dave that outside I would be friends with you because you bring fun and life to the party 

then you get Kenny Everett there and his moods....

Taking things out on Ben because he hasn't returned his advances

Ben lists all his faults in an almost proud way.. opinion..

Ben then asks Dave to tell him honestly if Ben was wrong not to offer Mario a piece of apple

Dave tells him no [how Christian of ya Dave]

[wonders which box of Bens 'Friends with Benefits' Dave fits into. .... strikes me he only has friends who give him something he needs and they never cross worlds [his words as he explained before abottu his different groups of mates] so he moves to whichever lot has what he needs at the time. .not a lot of him giving back tho   ]

Ben doesn't mean to be horrible  BUT. .Mario is boring isn't he

says how can he be proud to call himself a Trophy. .

says I don;t think he is a very nice person in real life. .anybody who goes around bragging about all these rich people that buy him presents has to be a bit shallow..

Dave wanders of topic and talks about the save yourself tasks..

Dave asks Ben who will go

Ben says I think maybe Nathan but even tho I am closer to JJ I would rather Nathan stayed as he's not as volatile..

Corin joins them

cue Corrie talk..

oh no not yet..  Ben whispers to her they were having a laugh about Mario getting he  hump

Corin isn't listening cos she is shouting to the cameramen

Ben now has her attention and does a Mario voice and tells her that  he said to Ben that as the week goes on Mario told him he likes him less and less and will hate him by the end of it. .all because of the apple

Dave tells him his Mario impression is rubbish he sounds more like Woody Allen than Mario..

ah ha now we go to the   Corrie talk..  as Ben fills DAve in with Corin 's Corrie updates.. and the camera move back to the Living area where not a lot is going on..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie worries that she has failed her task already as she isn't saying the write words
JJ gets josie a pillow for her neck, her costume is hurting her
BB robot tells Josie to clear the fire exit from clothes, she's having trouble bending down in her costume
Mario calls Ben a rusty knight in armour, not a shiny one
All the HMS come in from the garden (i think they think the robots coming)
Mario says Ben has voluntered to do it (think he means the nect task) Mario thinks he will look funny in a robot costume
JJ seems to be on garden watch
Josie says she would love to pop down the shops, she's starting to miss things now, she talks to her friends at least 2 or 3 times a day, she talks to them for about 3 hrs a day, that's why she hasn't got time to go to the gym
Josie's friends thought she would be kicked out in the first week
Mario as asked BB if he can have a dance off with the robot, Ben says you are a good dancer Mario
Corin has asks Ben to walk around the garden with her to see if the robot comes out, Ben asks Dave to come as well, Mario says oh what you do for love Ben, your doing something for someone else for a change (mario is very annoying)
Josie talking about the woman who got her face ripped off again
Dave asking Nathan when the food will be done, Nathan says he will punch him if he asks him again, he says Ben is a thief, Dave is a pig

Corin telling Ben to squeeze her arm as hard as he can
They seem to be trying to tempt the robot out
Corin thinks it's funny that her and ben are going out in the garden, she says no-one thought he would
Dave calling the robot yellow belly, out it comes, it's chasing the HMs round the gadren, they are all screaming and shouting, it's gone back in, Corin says she is knackered
Steve shouting for them to send the robot out again
Steve says whoever is driving the robot is very good
They've decided it's best to hide behind the mangle as the robot can't get to them there
JJ says Ben went off the grass and thats not allowed, Ben asks if Mario has said that, JJ says yes, Ben groans
Mario says he got locked in so he couldn't play
Mario tells Corin she dodged it so many times, she says it's like road runner
JJ thinks Ben will be the next robot
Dave tells keever he's joined the smokers group so people will like him (he's joking)
Talk of how often the robot will come out
Ben whispering to Keever about Mario and his rule talking
JJ thinks Corin and Ben will be robot's next as they broke the rules
Mario telling Corin the rules of what she can and can't say when she's a robot
Josie telling Mario she had to hoover up dead moths and maggots
Mario asks if she was freaked out to be in a room alone with the robot, she says yes
Mario tells JJ his robot wife is suffering in her costume, Josie says he has been looking after her
JJ telling Josie How Ben was pouncing about rather than running from the robot
Mario says he realised yesterday that he's not so close to Ben anymore, he realises he was thinking ben was so like his love interest on the outside that he put all his feelings into it and than realised they wasn't the same, ben was his own person
Josie says what if BB give you and Ben a romantic meal, Mario says he wouldn't go on it
Josie says she is always laughing on the outside but she's not laughing in here, Keever says it's the same for me
Ify pipes up that she's been lying on the floor for an hour and no-one has noticed, Mario says, oh it's all about you, we haven't  spoken about you for an hour
Corin is called to the robot room

(imo Mario is jealous of Ben and Corins friendship)
JJ and josie laying in bed together, Josie says she would still love him if he didn't look like beckham

JJ and Mario wanted Ben to be a robot

JJ says it was funny watching Ben feeding Corin soup

josie asking JJ what food he actually likes, he says take aways and cheese sandwhichs, Josie says he reminds her of Joey off friends

Mario gives Josie some of his chocolate


Ben is doing the Human vs Robot task

he is hacking off Dave's hair any old way

the interaction between them and the robot is hilarious..

the Robot is spouting various sound bites from the serious of both Ben and Dave's sayings

Ben has hacked the back of Dave's hair and is now attacking the fringe..

what they haven't realised is the Robot can barely manoeuvre the clippers he has and they didn't need to take as much off as the have done..

Ben is tidying up his mess... but is just cutting chunks everywhere..

Dave is a good sport for doing this. .he's hanging onto his ears for dear life in case Ben gets them

Dave says just bald me off it'll grow back..

Ben obliges. .

Earlier Caoimhe won her task of making a smoothy..

Dave looks ok but I cna't see up close.. tis a tad choppy..

Ben tries to fix it. .he preferred it long... but says it could have been worse..

Man is victorious..

Titan says negative in his Marcus voice..

they leave the task room

that was brilliant

the HM's watched them on the plasma. . they think Dave looks a lot better.. 

must admit it's not too bad for a shaggy cut... 

Ife is tidying up the lose ends now..

Everybody except Ben thinks he looks better with shorter hair..  he liked the longer look..

Dave actually does look lots better
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Josie is saying she is giving up sucking her thumbs, BB has given her something to stop her, keever tells her to maybe wait to she gets out, Josie says normally she's at work and busy so she doesn;t get time to suck her thumb

ben is talking to Keever about JJ, he finds him a little boy, he even calls josie mummy, keever says he is struggling big time, ben says what like me, Ben wants to know why he trys and winds him up so much, keever doesn't know why anyone winds him up so much, she thinks JJ knows he is liked goes he got such a good reception outside
Keever says JJ is fed up about people licking ass, he says peoples eyes lit up when Steve said he was leaving when they had no food
Ben says his mother was worried about him coming in the house, Keever says her mother was the same
Corin asks Dave if all the dishes are done, he says yes they magical wash themselves after nathan cooks, Nathan agrees that people think the dishes wash themselves
Ben tells keever that dave see's negativity about her
Corin and Josie have too wear their suits if they want to smoke
Keever asks Ben why they shouldn't challange Dave about his beliefs
Josie says 1 more fag and shall give up the thumb
Nathan is making sugar sweets, Corin is buzzing
Ben says he was boo'd on the way in cause of the way he dressed and his hair

Ben thinks Keever where the same cause their both dark haired and pale looking
Discussion about who washes the pots most
Economy budget isn't ordered by them BB does
Mario says if they win the luxury budget the non smokers are getting what they want first, Dave wants hair clippers and hair dye
Dave and Steve are winding Josie up cause she's fed up of the costume
JJ is play fighting with Josie, she tells him to go and play with the traffic
Dave says they gave Josie the crappiest costume, JJ says they gave Corin a nicest one
Dave says josie is mad as a box of frogs
Dave says when he woke up this morning he didn't expect his hair to look like this, he hopes his wife isn't watching LF
Ify and Corin talking about which fizzy sweets they like
Steve thinks one of the robots is f-ing hot, he wishes they would send more in like that
Ben thinks people are calming down their jokes and personalitys, keever agrees, they think Steve is peobably the worst at this as squaddies are the worst for jokes but he is trying to hold it back
Dave tells Steve and JJ that Ben plays up sometimes for the cameras
Keever tells ben that Steve has said people lick his ass because of the way he his, (either ben or keever, sorry i missed it) said he does play on it sometimes, he never gets involved
Keever says she did worry abit because he got his injuries in her country
JJ is trying to rescue Daves hair, Ben and Ify have made a right mess of it, Ben did a good job in the time they had, but Ify has made it worse
Dave is sporting a very short hair cut  JJ is tring to make it look better
They are all talking about Ben and his saying i;m sure you would agree with me (i said this)
Talk from Steve and Dave asking for the suprise prize from JJ if he leaves, Steve says he hasn't a special f-ing proze yet
ben and Keever still chatting in the nest, Ben thinks they should do this everyday
Mario thinks sunshine is p off shaing the week with Shabby
Steve asking Ben if he had a comfy night in Corins bed, Ben says yes, steve says i bet you did

Dave says it's very emotional to hear someone you love when you haven't seen them for a month, i just lost it
Dave asks if he was snoring louder than Steve last night, everyone says yes
mario says he's asked BB 4 times for a romantic date but he's happy Daave is getting one and maybe he'll get another message, Dave isn't bothered about another message he just wants the curry
Ify can understand why Dave got teary, his wife sounded so happy, they've been married 18 years today
Corin starts doing her make up
HMS haven't got a lighter
Hot water is back on, Corin is going to wash her hair and have a bath and take her time getting ready, JJ says the water isn't back
Steve goes for a shower in his wheelchair
Josie's costume is cutting her chin, she needs plasters before she can wear it, she says JJ has broke her costume
Smokes and coffee time
Corin says it makes her feel better about her own family now she has heard Daves wife, she sounded so happy
Thanks everyone

Big Brobot knocked on the bedroom window to get them up.
They all came into the livingroom
He went over to Steve and in Steve`s voice said " I don`t know what I`m still doing here"
Lots of laughter
Went to Corin and did lots of quotes from Austin Powers. They were recordings from the film.Oooh Baby etc
He then went to Dave. It was his wife Donna. She wished him happy anniversary...said she loved and missed him. She said, we always have a curry on our anniversary and because I can`t be with you, tonight I`ve got you a steaming hot vindaloo curry and you`ll be dining with Big Brobot.
Lots of aaawws and clapping. Dave`s emotional.
He went back to Corin and said in her voice " it`s not being an argumentative day today. No confrontations" etc etc. . (it`s a recording of a conversation she had)
She mispronounces controversial (I think) It`s funny.
He approaches Mario (Mario`s all excited) then tells them all to go back to the bedroom. (what a rotter )
Corin gives Dave a big cuddle.
They all head back to the bedroom with the robot kind of shooing them in through the door.
Last edited by Scotty
Nathan shouts to BB they need a lighter
Josie says it took her a long time to get to sleep last night without sucking her thumb
Corin wants to sun bathe but she's wearing her robot costume
Corin is dreading tomorrow, Josie thinks it will make a big difference whoever goes, even though she hates JJ's moaning she'd miss him
ben tells Corin he is happy that her and Keever have started talking, he thinks she is very interesting
BB have given Josie something to put on her thumb to stop her sucking it, it's making her feel sick
Mario says he and Keever have that they have both lived in Spain in common with each other, Keever wants to go back to Madrid
Mario is going to concentrate on his fashion designers when he leaves whatever reception he gets from the crowd
Keever not sure what she wants to do when she finishes her degree
Corin repeats what Dave's wife said to him, Dave says it's cool to get a message, Corin thinks she sounded like she was buzzing
Dave thinks everyone would get emotional if they got a message, Dave hopes everyone will get a curry, Corin says it will be just you in the task room
Keever thinks Mario will have alot of gay followers, mario says that would be good
Keever and mario talk about Gay Proud, he thinks it's this weekend and Shabby will get invited
Dave asks Corin how it was sleeping with Ben last night, she says it was ok she finds him funny
Dave is going to watch Corrie when he gets out
Ify asking JJ if he likes girl bands, he says yes Britney Spears, more band talk
Ben is feeling down cause of lack of clothes, the one's he got are always dirty
Ben only showers every other day, he's not sporty so doesn't get sweaty
ben talks about his friend that didn't wash her hair for 3 months to see if it would clean itself and it work, he thinsk dred locks smell though
Ben had a shower yesterday lunch time, Corin brought him all the water
Dave wants to join Nathans excerise regime if nathan stays on Friday

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