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keever and JJ are told they up for eviction, lots of gasps as JJ's name is said, they now have to do the save and replace task
keever says she's billy know mates, she says she knew she would be up as she's an easy target
Mario asks JJ if he wants to test himself against the public, Steve calls him competitive
keever gets the instructions for the task, the  task is called stay on TV, they've got to try and stay on top of a giant TV set, the HM that stays on the longest gets to stay in the house
keever thinks everyone voted for her, Josie thought they would all be up for rule breaking
Ife thinks depending who wins either her or Ben will be up

Ben agrees..

Mario says why would it be you

Ben says well we are buddies but he has that problem with you know. .he doesn't understand it

Mario nods and says oh yes. .true

Ife thinks her getting put up by Caoimhe will be to do with talking noms yesterday to Dave or summat.. 

isntead of the Lycra suits they have red overalls 

 so no tight bits on show this week then..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj says he 100% knows two at least, who put him up

Ben is standing there looking at the instructions..

Josie is sucking her thumb

She says she has spoken to people she has put up..

oh dear is JJ getting a bit antsy.. 
Ben thought they'd all be up. .well 5 he says..

Josie says she thought the same as Ben

Jj knew he and Caoimhe would be up

Ben didn;t think JJ would be up, he knew Caoimhe would as she would have got some of Shabby's votes...

Ife is quite shocked.. hmmm  ..mumbling about whether she was pretending to make up. . talking about Caoimhe I think

Joise who has befreidned both of them is not looking too happy..

Jj says if he wins the task he will be pretty much sending Caoimhe home cos of who he has to pick from he doesn;t want to do that I don;t think

Caoimhe would like to win so somebody else can have the 'being up' feeling that hasn't had it yet...

JJ would like the same thing but he knows the person he put will up  isn't going

Joise says you don't know..

Ben felt liberated after his experience of being up..

Josie says stop discussing it just in case of punishment

I think they may be talking about putting Steve up, or Nathan . .dunno tho. .

Corin tells JJ not to take things to heart . .

Dave agrees says you always tell me to not take it personally so there can't be one rule for me and one for you now that you are up

Nathan says no it isn't personal now there aren't any real problems in here  between HM's.. it is just petty stuff left

like snoring they all say  and lighten the mood..

Ben is making teas...that's Corins job!!
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
outside there is a bucking bronco covered up by a TV shape with antenni to hold on to and surround by padding

{I can never ever climb up on them   )

Dave tells JJ we love you. .you just got to try your best...

{I have a feeling today is going to be a veeeeeeeeerrrrry long day regardless of the result ]

Caoimhe and JJ are talking. .she goes promise?  OK?  dunno what they were talking about.. I think he may throw it.. am not sure tho..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Caoimhe to go first..

oh tis very square

she stradles the antenni

Nathan tells her to pull the annteni at all times

go Caoimhe they say

and off we go round and round

it hurts she says

faster and faster and off she goes

abotu 30 secs I reckon

they get 3 goes.. up  she goes again. it's hurts..

BB tells her to get off

they think it's one after the  other then ..

go JJ the others say

Jj has his head down and miserable face on
Mount Olympus *Olly*
blimey I had to use notepad for the first time in ages when LUTTing cos of the bluddy sticky forum

M&PP you may get your wish if Caoimhe wins

ife is clinging to Caoimhe like a limpet

JJ up on the TV...

he's smiling now.. and away we go

Dave says stay on there Johnny

Nathan offers advise to lean back if it goes forward.. . .

the TV spins really fast a whoosh off he goes..

dunno who was fastest..

one of the antenna came off..  oopps no it bent at a funny angle.. tis too hard to bend back up..

Corin was counting she says Caoimhe did 24 JJ did abotu 16..

they aren't sure it
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj says it is actually harder than it looks

Caoimhe has to go get a replacement microphone...

Josie is trying to persuade JJ to try harder I think

she leans in and does a little kissy thing on his shoulder 

he says he did actually try but the think he was gripping onto flew off..

More kissy on the shoulder from Josie...

they aren't sure if they'll have to go inside while BB fix it or just leave it with the one antenna to hang on to..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh well Caoimhe is told to get up and grip the aerial..

Jj says how it isn't even on properly.. 

there is one to grab on to tho

Corin suggests Caoimhe cross her legs..

she has odd socks on..

off we go again.. she is nervous and it picnhes her between the legs

it starts a lot faster than last time

and weeeeeeeeeee off she goes..

[waits for Corins count. .and doesn't get it cos of SD ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ up again..

the TV is on a slant and he slides into the aerial . .ooooh hurty bits...

starts slower for him this time and as soon as it speeds up he goes off.

Caoimhe asks if he did it on prupose..

he is slower than Caoimhe

JJ says nah he didn't

Caoimhe is going to fall off straight away next time

Jj says nah don't

Caoimhe says John I don't want you to do this..

{neither do I, I  want her that was walking yesterday to be up ]

Caoimhe begging him to do it properly..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oh bluddy hell Mr M *PP

you may have blanked the result out but tis obvious  from what you psoted that she got it before Bb  has announced it...  I purposely didn;t look at the spoiler on the forum and don't want it in here either........... ..  thanks a bleeding  lot!!!!!!!

THIS IS THE LUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as is LIVE FEED  including the 15 minute delay THREAD

and breathes..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ok fair enough but after the last time you had a go at me for talking about spoilers  in thread titles it seemed pretty suss

apology accepted.. and I apologise for sounding off too . .  twas just I just prefer to read spoilers that  I choose to read and in the 'LIVE' thread I  wait to see what happens as I am LUTTing it...  so was fuming..

 I want to see it happen not hear about it before it has happened.. 

ION am gutted that bint Caoimhe  gets away with it his week and goes from nearly walking out the door to staying another week and putting two of the more interesting HM's on the spot.. ..

Jj is telling her he wants her to have a chance to get to know people after she was stuck to Shabby for too long]

he doesn't feel bad about what he did and he feels if he put up who he was going to put up she wouldn't have stood a chance and that wasn't fair on her. . tho he adds I ma be wrong about that person. . [probably Ben then  }

he's had his experience in the house and she needs hers  [screams]

in the background I can hear Ben saying he is surprised JJ got nominated!!!
 [ cheeky little weasel ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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