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Shabby talking to JJ ...saying what if keeva gets evicted ..SD

Shabby feeling fine

Josie consulting Nathan on the rules of game - (it's chequers)

Shabby announces she's finally happy with the way she looks

They start talking about massages

Nathan asks Mario for a massage

Ife talking about giving Steve massages some chat

Shabby and Keeva in the bathroom

the last place keeva wants to be is sitting here

Shabby finds people irritating when they are safe from eviction

she says Keeva might be seeing her boyfriend in a couple of hours

back to the game and nathan Josie and dave debating rules of the game

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ben and Dave chatting

Ben saying Mario is being a real Bstrd  to him

Dave says he doesn't know what he's up to - does Ben want him to have a word

Corin going on about her spots - keeva advises her to squeeze them

JJ ranting about "devil juice"  What's the point in only having 3 sips of beer - he can't even be bothered to use his thumb to open the can

Ben asking JJ what Mario said about his punishment

*enter Ife*  Ben starts explaining what happened   ....they had been speculating that as part of the task Ben might get to choose new HMs.  Mario had said if he did to get a cute gay guy for him - Ben had said no as it would ruin his chances of a career in America.  If he was perceived as gay he'd get no work in America - mario was offended.  Ben continues on on the subject of Mario

Shabby says if she's nominated next week she's going to seriously kick off
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Josie, keeva and sitting at the table drinking - keeva complains that no one listens to her.  Josie says it's because she never says anything ... then adds she only says stuff when she's with Shabby.  Shabby's eyes widen with elight.  Keeva says it happens in RL as well - nobody listens to her .... Josie says she never sees her talking one to one with anyone
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
JJ is lying in bed discussing sunshine and how she acted and would be perceived

Ife in the bathroom with Mario telling him what Ben told her earlier  and asking if Ben was correct in his assumptions.

Mario says up to a point but this year's BB was not about celebrity and Bing!  up pops someone wo has presented on telly.  Ife appears to be attempting to appear to deliver another counselling session

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Shabby has just stomped off in a huff because Josie and keeva weren't paying full attention when she was explaining about some group roles/types I think ... she was saying Keeva was an "aloof" type because keeva says she likes to observe
...Josie and Keeva giggle as she goes

They continue to chat - Josie says she's not used to even being bought a drink attention from 2 men throws her.  Keeva sees JJ as asexual ..she's never seen him flirt.  Josie says he flirts with her

Steve comes along - Keeva says he saw her vagina tits and bum tonight (I have no idea if she's joking)  Steve says they were lovely
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Mario and Ife still in the bathroom discussing Ben

The first time Ben made the comment mario thought he was joking second time was like a knife in the back

Ife then says I have to ask ... after Dave made the comment about being immoral how could Mario remain friends with him?  Mario says he accepts people for what they are.  Ife says she just can't understand how he can (in my opinion she's stirring) she continues to push the point

Ife then goes onto complain about those who've drunk the wine - she doesn't like lager and there's no wine left

In the garden Keeva seems to be showing the effects of the drink
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Back to Mario in the bathroom ....mario saying he likes to find the good things in people ..the essential goodness

Ife - none of this is any of my busines but - she continues to go on about Dave and the immoral thing and saying others have told her stuff and she's asked Dave.  She thought Dave's response was fair enough ... but when she thought about it the next day and spoke about it with Josie she started to think what he'd said was a lie

Mario says Dave's core is good ....even if there's a lot of loony tunes going on!

Ife continues - you shouldn't be friends with someone who thinks you and your partner don't have the right to get married.

She's repeating herself again... mario says it's fine it doesn't bother him.  and with him and Ben it will be fine tomorrow he hurt him today but it will be okay

BB announces there are snacks for the HMs
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
JJ talking abut eating stuff out of the bin.  At first he thought there's no way he could eat stuff out of the bin - then he thought there was no way he couldn't eat the stuff out of the bin.  ife says that was her lowest moment

Josie sys this is the first day JJ hasn't had a row with anyone.  Hasn't it been a good day - such a nice atmosphere as he hasn't rowed with anyone
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Josie and JJ chatting BB teaches you not to judge a book by it's cover

Josie thinks that BB would have expected her and Shabby to kick off

JJ says that he would have thought he and Nathan would have kicked off but he  has a lot of respect for him.  Josie says that's 'cause he's feeding them.  JJ says fair play to him - he couldn't do all that cooking
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ife's hurt her hand punching the fire escape - she's waiting to go and apologise to BB

In the bedroom steve is calling to Nathan "what on earth is wrong with them wtf are they wanting to break fire escapes for"

mario is telling JJ he is trying to suppress his anger ... so close to loosing it again

the discussion is continuing about what went on about breaking the fire escapes Nathan and steve seem quite p'd off.  Think it may have been Shabby, Ife and Keeva but not sure.  Some concern that they may lose their shopping budget
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Shabby shouting to Keeva - if you want to go you'll go. but they should be glad they had one night when they were kept together... somebody looking after them

keeva is sick of having to struggle for food coffee cigs - she cant do it anymore - it's ruining her personality

Shabby says - that's how bad she felt when she had to give up her hat

keeva says she can't see how she can do this - she's a caffeine addict her head is banging without coffee

Shabby says it will be better tomorrow when they get the shopping

Shabby asks what do you think happened with Mario not getting something from sunshine tonight

BB calls them to collect their cases

Shabby is moaning about the stuff she hasn't got

keeva is pissed off - she can't deal with this anymore...she can't do it anymore  sick to death of it!!!  doesn't want to seem like an ungrateful b*tch but that's how it is!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
The snoring has begun, Shabby seems quite restless and josie is giggling

Nathan has gotten out of bed and gone to the toilet

Josie and JJ whispering to each other ...he says every time I have a joke with you I get into trouble in the morning.  He looks over at her and smiles (he looks very young and open without his usual scowl)  and says "love you Jose"
she says "what" and he repeats it and when she says "what" again he refuses to repeat himself.  They whisper and laugh a bit then Josie says "John I cant wait to talk to you in the morning" He says why She replies "'cause you're such a lovely guy"  more giggling

Shabby calls out "Are these guys high - shut the f*** up! Morons!"  (think she is referring to cameramen)
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Great work Hoochie 

is it my imagination but was part of Mario's huff with Ben cos he thinks Ben is really gay and pretending not to be in case it harms his career,, in specific if he got work in the States?  Am sure I heard him tell Ife he felt Ben was annoyed as Mario had or was trying to out him.. but it could be he meant out as in he's a fraud/fake not as in he's gay..

Mario seems to be suffering from huge sour grapes cos Ben is not for turning..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben's been called to the DR

Shabby in the shower saying she thinks the power cut was a little too convenient

Ben emerges from the DR saying BB tried to dump a load of breakfast on him - but he jumped out of the way

Corin asked what it was - couldn't he have brought it out for them

he is telling the story in the garden ...he sat down and they said he'd done well yesterday and they'd like to give him a full english.  he said he didn't feel like one could he give it to his friend Dave <--opinion ....they said nothing and dumped the breakfast on him but he jumped out of the way

BB said to him they thought Ben would do anything to protect his hair

Ben said no - I'll do anything to protect my dignity
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Morning Olly nice to see you

you may be right Olly went round in circles when each of them were talking about it, and I don't catch everything.  I heard Ben say Mario was annoyed with him because he wants him to be gay and he isn't Ben was annoyed because regardless of what Mario wanted he had no right to try and portray him as such.  They talk so quickly and the camera switches between the HMs so often I do find it hard to keep up
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Heya Hoochie

Just heard Mario clarify what he perceived Ben was saying in the convo about picking a nice new gay  HM when Ben said gawd that would affect any potential career in the states..

Mario felt he was saying that he didn't want to be associated with anything or anyone Homosexual. .so took it as a personal affront..  am not sure myself how Ben meant it. . .sarcasm at the Americans narrow mindedness  or just a stupid throw away jokey comment..  *shrugs*

Good job Mario didn;t hear Ben bitching about him and his talks about his Old Married Men who buy him gifts [for favours?]. .and the fact Mario is outing them on TV by talking about them [tho he isn't cos the sound goes down and tis not shown ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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